When your friend is duoing with you, it's his last promo game and you have to try hard to carry. I ended up dealing 60,000 damage. As Pantheon...
Absolutely disgusting game, apparently in low elo, Soraka is not considered a high priority target, only me and Vayne trying to kill her during fights, Zyra and Jax suiciding all around the map... they had some very strong sustain, but we managed to win this somehow... my friend is now Bronze I and on his way to Silver (again)! :D
Absolutely disgusting game, apparently in low elo, Soraka is not considered a high priority target, only me and Vayne trying to kill her during fights, Zyra and Jax suiciding all around the map... they had some very strong sustain, but we managed to win this somehow... my friend is now Bronze I and on his way to Silver (again)! :D
first time Poppy jungle .-.
what is life.
40 minutes
game only ended because rengar and hecarim were able to backdoor inhib and nexus while being hit by 3 people.
i somehow did the most damage on the team
Signature is from Ninja_Trigger's champion mastery thread!
New and slightly improved version is still up to date >HERE!<
Been a while but this build fills like the Udyr fantasy. Not necessarily unkillable, but fast, tanky, and with enough damage and presence to be an incredible thorn in the side of the enemy team, if not downright run away with the game if you get a lead.
If you are crushing you can build damage first, but if you just want to be able to tank heaps of damage, while still having a shot at killing your target then you can tank it up after Enchantment: Runic Echoes.
On a side note, I just had an up close and personal with the fact that even if Oracle Lens reveals a stealthed enemy you can’t actually target them. WhyTF did Riot decided to make it that way? That is hugely annoying. Had a Twitch dead to rights as I saw him stealth via another ward so I just waited in a nearby bush for him to walk in or nearby. Popped Oracle Alteration. And……he walks away hurriedly after I revealed myself. smh
You can throw a lot of things in the last item slot. I am thinking that Titanic Hydra would be a good one if you are split pushing a lot. Sterak's Gage, Thornmail, and maybe a Warmog's Armor, or Frozen Mallet could also be good depending on what you are trying to do.
Zz'Rot Portal is for being uber annoying.
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