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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Zz'Rot Portal

Zz'Rot Portal
Total Price: 2700 | Recipe Price: 1080 | Sell Price: 1890

LoL Item: Zz'Rot Portal
  • 55 Armor
  • 125% Base Health Regeneration
  • 55 Magic Resistance

UNIQUE Passive: Point Runner: Builds up to 20% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets, destroyed turrets or Void Gates, the movement speed build up decays upon leaving the area.

UNIQUE Active: Spawns a Void Gate at target location for 120 seconds. Every 4 seconds the gate makes a Voidspawn that travels down the nearest lane. Voidspawn explode when attacking structures. Voidspawn ignore champions and void targets (120 second cooldown.)

The first and every fourth Voidspawn made by Void Gate gains 15% of your total Health as damage.
  • 55 Armor
  • 125% Base Health Regeneration
  • 55 Magic Resistance

UNIQUE Passive: Point Runner: Builds up to 20% Movement Speed over 2 seconds while near turrets, destroyed turrets or Void Gates, the movement speed build up decays upon leaving the area.

UNIQUE Active: Spawns a Void Gate at target location for 120 seconds. Every 4 seconds the gate makes a Voidspawn that travels down the nearest lane. Voidspawn explode when attacking structures. Voidspawn ignore champions and void targets (120 second cooldown.)

The first and every fourth Voidspawn made by Void Gate gains 15% of your total Health as damage.

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PileOfDough | January 23, 2017 3:57pm
This item on Heimerdinger is too fun top lane.
Brian Hail (8) | February 20, 2015 6:02am
Wonder if it wouldn't be too bad on a split pusher.
IcyAuron (23) | January 16, 2015 11:01am
This is a great offensive option for tank supports such as Thresh and Braum, who struggle with defending against super minions alone.
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