throatslasher wrote:
I mean, come on. this shouldn't be 'pro player' ama. It should be 'guy on a ranked 5's team he plays with every night and maybe has played in a go4lol' ama
Don't know if you caught my answer since I posted right as you posted this, its on page 1. You read it and tell me if you consider that "pro." There is definitely a difference between me and players like Dyrus who live in gaming houses and play 12 hours a day, but I wouldn't call myself "casual gold elo player."
H4xDefender wrote:
Its in quotations because it isn't something that is my main income, but it is something I have made money from. We often play in many smaller weekly tournaments and we've won a few of them. We take ranked 5s as a joke unless we run into some serious diamond+ team because we scrim mid-top level pro teams on a pretty regular basis. We usually finish in Ro16 and Top 8 in go4lols but we are a relatively new team.
As for being "pro" we are sponsored by a legit company, but I can't tell you the details since I'm not the captain and don't know myself. In more serious online tournaments we've played against teams like Dignitas, CLG Black, (before disband) and 4not. (Although the only one we beat was 4not). As for the teams we scrim, we've scrimmed diamond+ teams and some "big" names like Legion, Rev Gaming, Underrated, and Orbit.
So many details. What's the name of your team? i'll check your page.
There is definitely a difference between me and players like Dyrus who live in gaming houses and play 12 hours a day, but I wouldn't call myself "casual gold elo player."
I would. he's a pro player. You're a casual gold elo player.
Anyways, i'm gonna stop stinking up your ama. Good luck. Just gimme name of your team and i'll do a little research.
H4xDefender wrote:
You tell me :P.
Scumbag H4xDefender. Tells you ask him questions. Answers : You tell me.
+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?
But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
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