Hide yo wife's, hide yo kids.
Hide yo wife's, hide yo kids.

Thanks to me and Elleeeeeka (love that name) for my sigs.
If i made a helpful comment on your guide/build, then hit that +rep button. or don't, its not like i care.
Ok, so...
They're forcing him to build what he's been building already and it makes him a lot better at surviving burst.
Axe changes are making him weaker early on, while scaling into a stronger late game.
It's not like they're changing anything core about his kit and the changes aren't major.
They're forcing him to build what he's been building already and it makes him a lot better at surviving burst.
Axe changes are making him weaker early on, while scaling into a stronger late game.
It's not like they're changing anything core about his kit and the changes aren't major.
Actually this is going to pretty much completely change how I build him.
He's not even the same champ almost o_o
There's a lot of nerfs as well as buffs in there, and he won't **** on certain champs the way he used to in lane.
Rumble for example, champs with DoTs and whatnot, they got ****ing dunked when Olaf ulti'd and hard engaged. Not anymore though.
He's not even the same champ almost o_o
There's a lot of nerfs as well as buffs in there, and he won't **** on certain champs the way he used to in lane.
Rumble for example, champs with DoTs and whatnot, they got ****ing dunked when Olaf ulti'd and hard engaged. Not anymore though.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
lol Lugi, he now gets the equivalent of a GA passively, they increased his base damage on Axe and made it scale better into lategame.(rest of stuff on Axe just stayed the same basically)
They didn't change his early game a lot, but they made him so much tankier un itemized, to the point where Warmogs is probably all you need lol, no sense of squishiness at all when you get a free thornmail or FoN at level 6...
They made Jungle Olaf so much better lol
They didn't change his early game a lot, but they made him so much tankier un itemized, to the point where Warmogs is probably all you need lol, no sense of squishiness at all when you get a free thornmail or FoN at level 6...
They made Jungle Olaf so much better lol
Dat ult buff...
Just speechless. Un-CC-able, and now all you need is a
Warmog's Armor and you can 1v5.
Just speechless. Un-CC-able, and now all you need is a

Nighthawk wrote:
They made Jungle Olaf so much better lol
Probably. I dunno, hard to say. Probably yes, because more free armor and MR.

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I'm not seeing how that was a buff to his ult at all.
Pretty sure the multiplicative scaling on Armour/MR makes 20/30/40 flat damage reduction better than 30/45/60 Armour and Magic Resist in most cases.
Pretty sure the multiplicative scaling on Armour/MR makes 20/30/40 flat damage reduction better than 30/45/60 Armour and Magic Resist in most cases.
Luther3000 wrote:
I'm not seeing how that was a buff to his ult at all.
****ing ninjas
Clear even faster now, and increase his ability to dragon solo :o
Oh, and counter jungle.
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We are in the process of updating the PBE with the newest build.
Here are today's patch notes:
SRS RIOT!!!!!!
I love Olaf and all but holy **** he's op already...