I'd like to literally see 100,000 spirits :D
Thank you jhoijhoi, Keondre, LaCorpse, The_Nameless_Bard, Arcana3, Apfeljack, Hogopogo, eddie199, Xiaowiriamu, and JEFFY40HANDS for the spectacular sigs!

New red post;
Yorick will more likely be turned into unique role: Necromancer, which nobody else can do. Buffing the meaning of ghouls and life after death and adding counterplay. Atm
Yorick he is AA bruiser.
Kit 2 will most likely be selected, amount of ghouls for he's ultimate it currently set to 20.
P.S Dinger****er (
Heimerdinger) is changed so he will be having choice of 2-3 different turrets. Will propably make a thread of it after more changes happen.
Olaf also gets re-buffed.

Kit 2 will most likely be selected, amount of ghouls for he's ultimate it currently set to 20.
P.S Dinger****er (

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They're making
Ultimate is completly changed. (Numbers still on work, especially Kit 2 ultimate).
Q is planned to be ranged and E skillshot.
I'd like to see how Kit 2 ultimate works.
Heimerdinger changes pushed after Xerath's :(