Psh. There'd be no bribe, I'd cut straight to seduction.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
DuffTime wrote:
I love Orianna :P On release she was my, "Guys, can someone play Orianna? I'd like to win" champ.
I never said you did, but seeing as you don't, mayhaps ask me why I think she's good right now instead of, y'know, disagreeing without even knowing why >:P
I forgive you though. You called me babe. <3
Although my roll can't be slowed. It's got one speed, and dat's Duff speed.
Well, I disagreed because we've been speaking with reds and they agreed that she needs a buff, and WILL be buffing her. That simple. And on release she still had power. On release, almost every champ has power so that they will sell. Then Riot will jump in and say "Lolhai guys! Now that we got your money, we're going to nerf this champ into the ground! Kthnxbai!"
She got nerfed a million times. -_-
I'm watching a game right now. So far he's 1/3 and the Kennen he's laning against is 2/1/2. I'm not pleased. ;_; My poor Ori.
Well, Kennen's kit require specific counter, cause he just wreck most of mids without hard CC.
I do not think Orianna is viable blind pick mid. But she can still do well against many.
And also I would add it to team heroes category, not imba 1v1 carries.
I do not think Orianna is viable blind pick mid. But she can still do well against many.
And also I would add it to team heroes category, not imba 1v1 carries.
If you have good Shaco, he can turn the tides of game in early game alone. But if he fails, hes pretty much useless.
Anyway, my vote goes to AoE ultimates like Amumu, Galio, Ziggs, Malphite, Sona, Fiddlesticks,...
Anyway, my vote goes to AoE ultimates like Amumu, Galio, Ziggs, Malphite, Sona, Fiddlesticks,...
Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-MaiLinna wrote:
One of the best game changing champs in da game ;p
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
DuffTime wrote:
So I should call up Salce and tell him to stop playing Orianna.
How should I explain to him that everyone in high Elo is terribad though?
I'm asking because he generally wins lane...
Salce plays orianna, but does reginald?
Once reginald plays it, we can be sure that it's OP.
I got a penta in ranked yesterday, i was 2-2-3.
Tri lane for life.
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I love Orianna :P On release she was my, "Guys, can someone play Orianna? I'd like to win" champ.
I never said you did, but seeing as you don't, mayhaps ask me why I think she's good right now instead of, y'know, disagreeing without even knowing why >:P
I forgive you though. You called me babe. <3
Although my roll can't be slowed. It's got one speed, and dat's Duff speed.
You have violated the law of speed-limits!
> Go to jail
> Bribe
> Resist arrest
> Seduce
On Topic: Singed early game can be great for presence mid-game, and with a good mid-game hes following-up teammates gets a great late-game. Though a well placed Ashe Ult is devastating.