Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
By that logic, Taric and Orianna have the same ability to suddenly change the tide of a game. lul!

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
DuffTime wrote:
By that logic, Taric and Orianna have the same ability to suddenly change the tide of a game. lul!
Taric CAN nuke an entire team for 590+130% AP damage :D
Can Orianna do that?
Oh wait, yeah, she can D: (850+210% AP)
Tri lane for life.
DuffTime wrote:
By that logic, Taric and Orianna have the same ability to suddenly change the tide of a game. lul!
Technically they do.
Taric's massive buff to your AD carry and minor buff to your AP carry can really turn fights around.
Ori's AoE fling... 'nuff said.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
They do not in any way shape or form.
Taric's effect is strong and subtle all game.
Orianna's effect is, "Oh, ****, we just won. Nice ult Ori"
Taric's effect is strong and subtle all game.
Orianna's effect is, "Oh, ****, we just won. Nice ult Ori"

Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Ashe arrows if used well reaaaly help ur team win those important team fights.
Some say he watched the lord of the rings sixty twelve times and he was pissed off at gandalf for stealing his idea for a halloween costume. all we know he's called McLovin.
Tryn obviously, Amumu with his ult can f*ck up everything, Viktor with his trap+laz0r+ult and Irelia ofcourse, because she can practically 1v3 with her ult.
Edit: How could I forget Urgot! If the enemy AD carry is out of position he/she can be swapped in the middle of your teammates while you go shield+massive armor/MR (or flash if **** gets serious). Makes it a 5v4 without their precious AD carry!
Edit: How could I forget Urgot! If the enemy AD carry is out of position he/she can be swapped in the middle of your teammates while you go shield+massive armor/MR (or flash if **** gets serious). Makes it a 5v4 without their precious AD carry!
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every1 who is good can turn the tide of a battle.
not sure if srs