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Why ar these the least popular champs

Creator: cooper56 October 21, 2012 8:18am
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CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 22, 2012 3:42pm | Report
Pretty much what everyone else said.
Urgot NERF hurt him a lot.
AP Karma has great utility in teamfights but she lacks a true ultimate.
Sejuani is outshined many of the other tanky champs.
Heimerdinger is an excellent farmer but pushes lane too much, has low mobility, and isn't as useful in teamfights. His turrets are easily destroyed, his grenade affects a small area, and firing his rockets means walking into the middle of the fight and getting focused.
Trundle is an excellent jungler but with all the new dash skills his Pillar of Filth just isn't as good anymore for ganking. His ulti should just scale off his AD instead of AP which he doesn't build.
Poppy is great at killing but she needs to ulti a fairly weak enemy. She also has a huge mana hungry kit. If you are underleveled or underfarmed you won't be able to dish out enough damage during her ultimate. Poppy will get instantly targetted after her ulti wears off and she will die.
Xerath is really fun but hard to use. You really need a good team comp, coordination, timing, and positioning to play him effectively. You need to snipe from far away but you can't be too far or else the teamfight might move out of your range even with locus of power.
Viktor has a really short range. Go in and use Power Transfer but you will get bursted down while the little plate is still flying back towards you before you get your shield. His special items are nice but they could be better.
Syndra takes a lot of time preparing for a good ulti. She is also mana hungry and her stun needs good positioning to make it work. You need some time to get into position before firing your sphere right away and during that time the enemy is getting farther and farther away. He could also be moving around and that means you have to position yourself again! She also has pretty long cooldowns for her W and E. Even if she has max CDR it will take a few seconds before she can ulti and by then the fight might have moved pretty far away. A lot of Syndra players use her ulti to finish off an enemy. They could use that ulti to initiate and set the playing field. Her ulti will put more spheres on the battle field allowing her to make her Scatter the Weak more effective and disruptive.
Tryndamere is easily countered by Ignite and Exhaust. You can also just buy a Thornmail and watch him kill himself like a Master Yi.
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 22, 2012 4:10pm | Report
Current least popular ten.

Karma: Strong, undervalued, bad winrates because she has an awkward kit.
Sejuani: Reasonably strong, not played because of safer, better mid laners and faster/safer junglers.
Urgot: Relatively awkward in the current meta.
Heimerdinger: Awaiting a rework.
Poppy: Very weird laning phase, strong, but hard to pull it off. Slow jungle.
Xerath: Very strong in the right hands, but pretty hard to lane and has a weird late game.
Trundle: Strong, but has fallen to the wayside because of more aggresive/faster junglers. Bad winrates because of complicated kit.
Viktor: Strong, but low range, and harder to play.
Twitch: Strong, but very squishy as AD with mediocre laning phase, and very slow as jungler.
Zilean: Very Strong, very hard to play.
Tri lane for life.
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