Mao also has far better counter jungling.
Something Mao doesn't have, however, is resilience to counter jungling like Singed. He's pretty screwed without his saplings up or blue up or whatever.
Basically -
Mao has a flash CC and Singed doesn't.
They're both good in their own rights, though. Mao can shut one person on the enemy team down no questions asked. Singed can try and shut multiple down with Fling and W.
Something Mao doesn't have, however, is resilience to counter jungling like Singed. He's pretty screwed without his saplings up or blue up or whatever.
Basically -
Mao has a flash CC and Singed doesn't.
They're both good in their own rights, though. Mao can shut one person on the enemy team down no questions asked. Singed can try and shut multiple down with Fling and W.

I think people are also overlooking the obvious in that of team utility.
Singed has his signature
Fling and the ability to cause "disarray" though
Poison Trail along with the AoE snare of
Mega Adhesive.
Maokai has his
Vengeful Maelstrom, Arcane Smash knock-ups and hard snare with
Twisted Advance. Its just a situational pick depending on the enemy composition, for example I'd always pick
Maokai hands down against a AoE niche team like double AP -
To be frank though I only consider
Singed really effective against novice players who wouldn't know better and would chase him down and attempt to kill him in team-fights etc.

To be frank though I only consider

If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
Zell wrote:
To be frank though I only consider

Dyrus used him quite a bit at Dreamhack (iirc, it may have been a different tournament though)
If played well he can be devastating to any team.

Xenasis wrote:
Dyrus used him quite a bit at Dreamhack (iirc, it may have been a different tournament though)
If played well he can be devastating to any team.
I've only seen TRM play him in which the enemy team just more or less completely ignored him (he had the items) in team-fights. I think devastating is a tad touch strong when describing against any team.

If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
Maokai's strengths:
Singed's strengths:
This is a list for them in lane.
For the jungle though....
Maokai's ganks are stronger early on because he doesn't have to run at you to start it off. He can also chuck a sapling to do some initial damage and scare the laner if he can't get in range of the root. He can also use it as a last-ditch effort to get them while they're running back.
Singed has to have 100% the element of surprise... and they have to be half blind to not see Singed coming at them.
Maokai's strengths:
- Surprise initiations
- 20% damage reduction to the team
- Team-wide channel disruption
- long range poke
Singed's strengths:
- Almost guaranteed kill on 1 person if they don't have a blink late game
- His tank items are extremely cost effective for him
- Can towerdive easily
- Doesn't need to attack as often because of deadly farts
- Better at chasing stragglers because of deadly farts and **** of death
This is a list for them in lane.
For the jungle though....
Maokai's ganks are stronger early on because he doesn't have to run at you to start it off. He can also chuck a sapling to do some initial damage and scare the laner if he can't get in range of the root. He can also use it as a last-ditch effort to get them while they're running back.
Singed has to have 100% the element of surprise... and they have to be half blind to not see Singed coming at them.
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
This thread TL,DR, because there was nothing left to read after this.
.....Maokai has a mini flash that roots and a miniature stun...Versus a fling+slow pool....Late game Singed runs around...Late Game Maokai places a damage reducing ring on the ground....IDK if "Singed is better than Maokai" is even a relevant argument. Their skill sets are so different, it'd be easier to compare Maokai to Ammumu and Singed to.....Mundo? LoL I like both champs. Mao IMO has a better early game weather it be solo top or jungle. Singed has a SOMEWHAT better late game because he is extremely hard to kill however Maokai benefits the team more with his AoE damage/soft CC wheras Singed really can't protect his carry persay....
.....Maokai has a mini flash that roots and a miniature stun...Versus a fling+slow pool....Late game Singed runs around...Late Game Maokai places a damage reducing ring on the ground....IDK if "Singed is better than Maokai" is even a relevant argument. Their skill sets are so different, it'd be easier to compare Maokai to Ammumu and Singed to.....Mundo? LoL I like both champs. Mao IMO has a better early game weather it be solo top or jungle. Singed has a SOMEWHAT better late game because he is extremely hard to kill however Maokai benefits the team more with his AoE damage/soft CC wheras Singed really can't protect his carry persay....
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He's also the better tank.
Singed is strong, don't get me wrong, but Maokai is a bit better than Singed in most aspects.