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Creator: Nighthawk June 15, 2012 5:50am
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ShiftyCake's Forum Avatar
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Mar 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 23, 2012 6:22pm | Report
BarbJ wrote:

Can't you just keep one tab open with your post you're editing, and have one open on the forum page you're trying to see people's profiles on? I guess this is what you're doing now, but I don't really how it's difficult enough for this to change much.

Besides, don't you have like 50 browsers with their own dozen tabs open anyway? How much can one more hurt?

design inputs like this are for making the interface easier. While yes, one more tab open won't hurt, it's more effort to switch back and forth. SO I don't see why this can't be implemented, albeit it will take awhile before added in.
thanks Hogopogo for the banner :D
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 25, 2012 7:45pm | Report

laziness bro.

Also 1 tab actually does make a difference on chrome, really annoying lol >.>

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