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How to be more successful with TF in ranked?

Creator: MyLilRafalca March 17, 2013 1:48pm
MyLilRafalca's Forum Avatar
Feb 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2013 1:48pm | Report
So I saw another thread with alot of people singing the praises of Twisted Fate as a good way to win ranked games at lower divisions. I didn't wanna completely highjack the thread, but wanted to ask a few questions to those of you that recommend Twisted Fate as a good way of climbing divisions. Keep in mind I am only a silver level player, and a very new one at that - PLUS ive taken a few weeks off from LoL, and only starting to play again.

I understand the potential of TF to pull off really undetectable ganks. However, I could see a few problems playing him in low-division games. I'll just list what I feel like his weaknesses are, and then hopefully those of you that know him/the game better than me can tell me why they aren't true or how to compensate for them. I really like his design, and would like to play him more, but haven't been able to have any success with him.

1. Fairly unable to "win" lane - all i mean by this is it seems to me that there is very little potential for a TF to land a 1v1 kill in lane. Generally, 1v1 (or 2v2 bot) kills seem much more common to me in bronze/silver than in gold+ games. And so taking a champ that doesn't have very high kill potential in those games seems like a weakness. He just seems like he can get bullied fairly easily in lane.

2. Not as "tons of damage"-y as other AP mids. Generally, if you can pick up a few kills early game with an AP mid (think Ryze, others), you can become this unstoppable force. TF, even with a few kills early, never seems to reach an "out of control" stage. I've noticed in many of my silver games that they are won by one player on either team just rampaging at the end.

3. Lack of mobility - outside of his ulti of course. But basically, there is no forgiveness
as TF if you get caught, which let's face it, seems to happen more in bronze/silver games. Couple that with the fact that teams don't work together as well, so not many teammates really peel for you in low-level games, so it feels like you can just get gibbed so easily.

4. What do I do in teamfights? I understand that TF has a lot of utility from his pick a card, and good poke with his wild cards, but he seems stuck in the middle in alot of ways. He can't be in the middle of the fight dishing out damage cuz he is so squishy and doesn't have any sustained damage really, but he also can't just stand in the back because of the short range of pick a card. So he can't be like, say, Ryze again, or like Lux. He wants to be safe, but he can't dish out long-range damage besides his wild cards.

So I was hoping that more experienced TF players could tell me what I have right about that, what I have wrong, and basically just give me advice on anything you think would help me become a better TF player than would help me climb up from silver. Everyone seems to agree that Twisted Fate is such a valuable solo queue tool, but I haven't been able to take advantage of him. Any help would be awesome, thanks!
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 17, 2013 3:50pm | Report
What I've been doing to win games as TF is, push lane and gank forever.

I've been using MS quints, hybrid pen marks, armor seals and completely choice glyphs. I use flat CDR.

Rush Sheen and push lane. If you really want to push lane, Redcard+Q pushes really hard. Otherwise, Bluecard for last hitting and mana. If you have wards on the sides of the river, just bluecard whenever you don't see the enemy jungler.

Roaming a lot, go for Kage's Lucky pick. Late game, you can build that into WotA if nothing else, or Twin Shadows for the MS and reveal. Lich bane should be gotten as soon as possible for tower pushing.

My humble Silver 1 experience with Twisted fate.

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2013 10:22am | Report
"1. Fairly unable to "win" lane"
This is a very valid point. TF is not a lane bully of any kind. You will not kill your lane opponent, but you can potentially push them out of the lane multiple times if you throw smart cards or they can't dodge for ****. Once you hit level 5, your WCs chunk, and if you hit a few in a row they will be forced to base.

"2. Not as "tons of damage"-y as other AP mids."
Also valid. TF's kit is strange in the fact that his E and R are technically not real spells, so he doesn't have as many spells as other mages. What he does have is high utility and range. Sure, 6-0 Ryze will put out absurd damage in teamfights and be pretty resilient, but a 6-0 TF will put out less damage and will be squishy. That's just the nature of the beast. TF is an exemplary poke champ that can take towers quickly (with lich bane) and split push. An effective way to play TF is to seige. Aquire a blue buff and set on their tower mid game. Throw cards at them until they give up the tower or die.

"3. Lack of mobility - outside of his ulti of course ... so not many teammates really peel for you in low-level games, so it feels like you can just get gibbed so easily."
Again, true. TF is squish. However, with some proper positioning and itemization, this can be averted. It is your responsibility to be aware of ganks. It's on you to ward your lane and keep track of the enemy jungler, and especially the minimap. Buy a ward every back and ward the baron-side brush.

TF can't really peel for himself in teamfights. Pulling a gold card under stress is hard, and impossible when cc'd. This means it's your responsibility to stay behind your front line. If they're *****ing out, just tell them what you want them to do. My recommended build is lich/zhonyas so you can avoid some burst with the hourglass.

"4. What do I do in teamfights?"
TF should operate the same as any other mid-range caster. There are lots of different things that go on in teamfights.

If you're chasing, you can use your ulti to cut people off or just flash+gold card someone extremely important as they flee.

If you're fleeing, throw cards behind you as you run and lock a useful card.

If you're seiging or it's a standoff, spam cards.

If it's just a straight teamfight, it might be prudent to keep an eye on your gapclosers/bruisers/assassins. If someone on their team is excessively fed and squishy (adc, mage) a good tactic is to wait for your teammates to be in range of that target and then flash+gold card them. This will basically evaporate them from the fight, and can turn a 5v5 into a quick 5v4. If you flash into enemies, you may get torn apart, but meh. You've done your damage/job.

The best TF players i've played against were practically unbeatable. They always range you out, dodge everything perfectly, secure all of the cs, etc. They're just an annoying *****. The only thing that can shut down a tf is if he derps and doesn't ward and your jungler just pitches a tent mid. If TF ports and fails his first 2-3 ganks, it's pretty much gg. TF's job is to get his side lanes far ahead. Your job isn't to win mid by killing them 1v1, it's to win bot lane and then secure dragon. TF's main objective is to increase his team's global gold by burning towers down with lich bane, split pushing, and teleganking early and getting his team ahead. You're more of a utility mage than a burst mage, and he must be played accordingly. Go read oxide's tf guide, he probably says it better than i ever can.
MyLilRafalca's Forum Avatar
Feb 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2013 11:24am | Report
Awesome, thanks so much for the responses. Yea I finally just had a game where I kind of got the feel for "wow - this is so strong". Played against a ryze in lane, and he could obv outtrade me, but just survived until I hit 6, tped immediately bot for a double kill, and the entire game went like that. I actually ran teleport, to exploit that global presence even more. Worked out pretty well all in all.

I'll just keep trying. Thanks again.
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 18, 2013 1:19pm | Report
I feel that tp is a bit redundant on TF. Ignite actually DOES give you kill potential in lane. Ignite will really help you turn a successful jungler gank into a secured kill instead of a blown flash. Also, most bot lanes don't run ignite (barrier or cleanse on the adc) so it can be useful to secure kills that way, and it will also help you just secure kills overall with your ultimate, which is the name of the game.

Check oxide's guide for what he says about summoner spells, I'd probably trust what he says.

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