You have to keep in mind a dragon is almost as strong as a regular champion. You need some help on it from lv 6-10, so no it isn't worth it to take dragon at low levels. When you get more farmed and fed, you can solo it easily. Try to do this with AD champs seeing how they have the most consistent damage. Remember dragon spawns every 6minutes, so keep that in mind when you kill it. At higher levels with better runes you can take dragon out with champions like Udyr, and Warwick rather easily ( Smiterecommended though).
Xin Guide
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Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.
Clicking the Rep button will end the world, do not click it! (Reverse psychology FTW)
Thank to AlexanPT, JakofAllSpaydes,JEFFY40HANDS, KingCasanova and reppinFTC for the amazing signatures.
Since you are lower level and cant jungle without worrying about your solo lane the only thing you can really to about dragon and baron control is to ward it. At lower levels people with think they can solo it and won't expect you to come down and gank them, giving you a kill as well as a possible dragon.
Calibern wrote:
You have to keep in mind a dragon is almost as strong as a regular champion. You need some help on it from lv 6-10, so no it isn't worth it to take dragon at low levels. When you get more farmed and fed, you can solo it easily. Try to do this with AD champs seeing how they have the most consistent damage. Remember dragon spawns every 6minutes, so keep that in mind when you kill it. At higher levels with better runes you can take dragon out with champions like Udyr, and Warwick rather easily ( Smiterecommended though).
Sorta yes.
The right champion can get dragon very early.
Olaf with Wriggle's = free dragon.
Tiger stand udyr with Wriggles = free dragon.
Fiddles around lvl 5-6 = free dragon.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
The easiest form of control is to ward it. At low level games not many will go and grab dragon so if you happen to find an opportunity that your entire team(or 2-3) are at the mid to bot area, you can call for dragon. Very useful especially after a gank at the mid or bot lane.
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