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Can't Find A Good Champ

Creator: BambooNBrains May 10, 2012 11:49pm
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 8:32am | Report

For the love of god don't use these. They are worse than Mpen in absolutely any situation.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 8:48am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

For the love of god don't use these. They are worse than Mpen in absolutely any situation.

Unless you have good scalings and focus on late-game. Some champs absolutely don't benefit from mpen early since they stink at early-game and you'll get a void staff anyway.
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 9:03am | Report
I reaaaaally don't think it's worth the trade for 16 AP at the end of the game.
Xenasis's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 9:23am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

I reaaaaally don't think it's worth the trade for 16 AP at the end of the game.

Xenasis's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 10:14am | Report
I probably should have given an input rather than just quoting Luther - here's my thoughts!

Regarding those you mentioned -

Jax is relatively difficult to lane with but once you get into late game there's not much you need to know except push every button you can when you can.
Fizz is EXTREMELY hard to play. Devastating in the right hands, of course, but you need exceptional lane control to play him properly. Avoid avoid avoid.
Shyvana requires good jungle knowledge of every enemy jungler, and in lane can be difficult since she has no real ranged harass or sustain. Potent in the right hands but not easy to play.
Fiddlesticks is a passable jungler that can get you in a jungling mindset (Blue stolen = bad is made completely explicit, for example).
Riven isn't too hard for a top laner, as long as you balls deep aggression in most match ups it should be fine
Xerath is tricky to play. He is squishy, as he is a mage. Ascended form is great and all but he has bad defences to compensate, not to mention the fact this does not affect his MR/health!
Vayne is an incredibly hard hitting and relatively hard to play AD carry. She epitomizes AD in my opinion. Hits hard, dies VERY fast, needs good positioning. Wouldn't recommend.
Graves is a top pick for anybody who's unsure, like yourself. As someone who's a big fan of him, I can say that he's sort of 'good' throughout the whole game but never once exceptional. Early/mid he has his Q/W, late he has R and E. Just using Q throughout the laning phase is relatively simple to learn.
Malzahar I'd advise for him. Easy to get last hits with Malefic Visions, great introduction to how a burst mage properly works, and isn't too hard to play (QWER works wonders)
Kennen is pretty simple. Flash into the enemy team, press R, then throw your keyboard down a flight of stairs and you should have won the team fight by then. You have an easy escape mechanism in Lightning Rush too so it's hard to get ganked properly.

I'd recommend -
For AP -
Annie, Twisted Fate (dat lane control), Ryze, Malzahar, Karthus
For support -
Soraka, Nunu & Willump, Sona, Janna (I think Janna is the best example of what a support does right now and why they work, also in my opinion the most fun to play)
For AD -
Graves, Tristana, Sivir, Miss Fortune
For jungler -
Fiddlesticks, Olaf, Dr. Mundo, Trundle, Udyr, Singed (once you have the right runes, his play style is perfect for learning what and when to do what and when as a jungler)
For top lane -
Olaf, Warwick, Shen, Yorick, Rumble
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 10:55am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

I reaaaaally don't think it's worth the trade for 16 AP at the end of the game.

the mpen is useless late-game; even mid-game. For example, I don't get mpen marks on Heimerdinger; he's a late-game champ not an early-game one.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 10:56am | Report
Xenasis wrote:

I probably should have given an input rather than just quoting Luther - here's my thoughts!

Regarding those you mentioned -

Jax is relatively difficult to lane with but once you get into late game there's not much you need to know except push every button you can when you can.
Fizz is EXTREMELY hard to play. Devastating in the right hands, of course, but you need exceptional lane control to play him properly. Avoid avoid avoid.
Shyvana requires good jungle knowledge of every enemy jungler, and in lane can be difficult since she has no real ranged harass or sustain. Potent in the right hands but not easy to play.
Fiddlesticks is a passable jungler that can get you in a jungling mindset (Blue stolen = bad is made completely explicit, for example).
Riven isn't too hard for a top laner, as long as you balls deep aggression in most match ups it should be fine
Xerath is tricky to play. He is squishy, as he is a mage. Ascended form is great and all but he has bad defences to compensate, not to mention the fact this does not affect his MR/health!
Vayne is an incredibly hard hitting and relatively hard to play AD carry. She epitomizes AD in my opinion. Hits hard, dies VERY fast, needs good positioning. Wouldn't recommend.
Graves is a top pick for anybody who's unsure, like yourself. As someone who's a big fan of him, I can say that he's sort of 'good' throughout the whole game but never once exceptional. Early/mid he has his Q/W, late he has R and E. Just using Q throughout the laning phase is relatively simple to learn.
Malzahar I'd advise for him. Easy to get last hits with Malefic Visions, great introduction to how a burst mage properly works, and isn't too hard to play (QWER works wonders)
Kennen is pretty simple. Flash into the enemy team, press R, then throw your keyboard down a flight of stairs and you should have won the team fight by then. You have an easy escape mechanism in Lightning Rush too so it's hard to get ganked properly.

I'd recommend -
For AP -
Annie, Twisted Fate (dat lane control), Ryze, Malzahar, Karthus
For support -
Soraka, Nunu & Willump, Sona, Janna (I think Janna is the best example of what a support does right now and why they work, also in my opinion the most fun to play)
For AD -
Graves, Tristana, Sivir, Miss Fortune
For jungler -
Fiddlesticks, Olaf, Dr. Mundo, Trundle, Udyr, Singed (once you have the right runes, his play style is perfect for learning what and when to do what and when as a jungler)
For top lane -
Olaf, Warwick, Shen, Yorick, Rumble

I wouldn't recommend Malzahar actually, hard to play due to his Q and combo. Also you need to perform well in teamfights which is hard. You need to know how to deal with counters and above all else: NO INNATE ESCAPE!
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 11:03am | Report

the mpen is useless late-game; even mid-game. For example, I don't get mpen marks on Heimerdinger; he's a late-game champ not an early-game one.

Because 16 AP is game changing lategame and worth crippling your early/midgame.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 11:04am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

Because 16 AP is game changing lategame and worth crippling your early/midgame.

nope but it's worth more than the 9 mpen.
Xenasis's Forum Avatar
Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 12, 2012 11:17am | Report

I wouldn't recommend Malzahar actually, hard to play due to his Q and combo. Also you need to perform well in teamfights which is hard. You need to know how to deal with counters and above all else: NO INNATE ESCAPE!

My reasoning for it -
Q isn't the most important part of his skill set, you usually take a point at 1 then never again
E = free cs
Team fights aren't TOO hard. Usually, you unload a combo onto someone (even if it isn't the best target, your W ensures it hurts everyone), then put stuff down and run away (like W and E) then come back when cooldowns are done.
E means every lane is possible, even if it's not the best one for you, you're assured a high amount of cs
No escape is a problem, but then, neither do any of the other mages I listed (some have CCs, but some are too fiddly to work in a real situation when you're ganked, like Annie/TF).

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