Let's see...
Kayle can go bot top or jungle (can go mid but I really hate doing that for some reason with her)
Urgot is called the lane bully for a reason.
Ezreal Best bot or mid but can go top if you're skilled enough. Can jungle if you're really comfortable playing him.
some supports can carry or play tanks... Blitzcrank, Nidalee, Taric, Lulu off the top of my head.
Tried to name some that others hadn't said. Oh yeah: Shyvana can go in your jungle OR the other team's jungle. Very versatile.
Kayle can go bot top or jungle (can go mid but I really hate doing that for some reason with her)
Urgot is called the lane bully for a reason.
Ezreal Best bot or mid but can go top if you're skilled enough. Can jungle if you're really comfortable playing him.
some supports can carry or play tanks... Blitzcrank, Nidalee, Taric, Lulu off the top of my head.
Tried to name some that others hadn't said. Oh yeah: Shyvana can go in your jungle OR the other team's jungle. Very versatile.
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Can you go into a little more detail on how lulu works, i was under the impression that she was a support support support. What items do you build on her in mid/top/jungle, and what skill order? Thanks
Voyboy is a pro player (former Dignitas solotop) who used her solo top once, iirc he went general "metagolem" on her - Trinity Force > Warmog's > Atma's
For Mid -
Standard AP set. Sorc Shoes > RoA > Deathcap > situational
Jungler (I've not actually seen games she has jungled in but I hear she has done in pro games) -
Wriggle's > situational (probably want an Atmogs or Maw or something)
Support -
General support set (Philo + HoG + situational Kage's) with Aegis/Zeke's, wards, Oracle's, etc.