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Help With Team Strategy

Creator: stevenZemaitis December 15, 2014 6:06pm
stevenZemaitis's Forum Avatar
Nov 11th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 6:06pm | Report
So I just formed a ranked team with some above average players. We're about mid tier gold level, but our main problem seems to be that we just lose early game. Most the time there are no kills, no tower losses, no early dragons from the other team, we just get out-laned. Furthermore, I think we need some help in terms of early strategies in terms of map rotations because we have a bad tendency to just sit in lane for 12-15 minutes without actually creating any pressure on the opponent.

Do you guys have any suggestions for pressuring the enemy early? (I play nunu jungle, so would an early dragon help?)

Would making a game plan before we even enter champ select help? (usually we just go with the flow, but this can cause large periods of stalling gameplay for us)

What do you guys recommend for pressuring the enemy in the mid game? (we seem a bit too reliant on 4 manning bot and then going for bot tower/dragon)
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 15, 2014 9:52pm | Report
With my team line up I ran with in season 4 we went 6-0 till we started going against 4+ diamonds per team mind you this is a team with three plats, and two golds/one more plat who subbed in for a few games. At which point we kinda just settled since we had all gotten our ward skins anyways.

Our solo lanes, and carry were very similar in play style, as we were all very aggressive laners so we almost always forced FB's in at least one lane. From there the game kinda just spirals out of control for the enemy. I was our top lane and I would roam whenever my minion wave was past the half way point in lane to try to make dragons or ganks to happen. I especially like to keep an eye on bot lane constantly for Teleport roams, The TP roams in majority of games I did I manage to get at least one kill each time. Whether it be for myself or our ADC.

Our champ select was oriented for late game composition, end of discussion. We knew our priority picks, and who we never wanted to see open, EVER.

Maokai / Ryze, If first pick and if they're both unbanned before final ban, ban one out and hope the other stays open, if they were both banned then I just fall back on another comfort pick.
Generally we never banned jungles out due to how much of a threat tristana was still at during this time.
Zed was top ban/pick priority as our mid especially likes to get early kills. If we weren't first pick he was gone.
Supports we did ban out occasionally would be morgana naturally, and the much rarer thresh, most of the time we stuck with top/mid/tristana bans though.
^ see up there. Tristana target ban always, lucian was next but we weren't too worried.

As this is preseason/going into season 5, most of those bans are irrelevant now with new champs and all. All I can really say is collect knowledge from solo Q, what can and can't your laners play against well? If they aren't confident against something it's safer to ban it then to leave it open and have to worry about them possibly losing lane, unless it's a completely irrelevant champion like teemo.

Ultimately I think it just comes down to whether or not your Solo lanes are mechanically good, and decisive enough to decide when to roam or push. Try to think about your comp before picks/bans roll out, if you can trade champs that is really good in terms of advantages due to securing those MVP champs 100% before enemy team can.

Our successful game results

Our not so successful games

Final edit: If you're on NA I can spectate a match or two and attempt to tell/show you what you do right or wrong. Otherwise just try to focus on analyzing games from everyone's point of view after a game. Figure out what you do right, what you could've done better, what you could've avoided doing.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
stevenZemaitis's Forum Avatar
Nov 11th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 5:19am | Report
Thank you so much for the help Savlonic! After reading through all the info you gave me, it really made me realize that we need to plan significantly more before we start our games. As for now, it seems that a majority of the champs we play are focused around mid game, and we do pretty well in terms of focusing on objectives when we have our item spikes and in the general midgame as well, but our laning phase in general seems pretty weak( I think this is because of what you mentioned, in terms of our players not being very highly skilled).

Emphasis on our top laner for the weak laning phase. He tends to drag a lot of jungle aggro to his lane though because he pushes a ton, and this leaves me(the jungler) basically free bot lane and mid lane. A vast majority of the time we end up getting a very strong adc and a very strong mid, but we kind of leave our top lane out to dry too much. Do you have any recommendations on how I can help out our top lane more? Should he just start working on proper aggression? Im not sure entirely what to do in order to help him. He also tends to struggle with roaming properly and TP'ing well. Is there a better way I can help him to improve this?
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 16, 2014 9:06am | Report
Efficiently using teleport relies on his map awareness and how decisive he is, if he struggles greatly with it try to keep on top of telling him when an opportunity presents itself for it and try to think about possible out comes if he does teleport down, it's mostly on him though as he should know his own champs power well enough to know if it's a good idea or not. As for his pushing, if he can he should try to get to lane first, tank all the enemy minions before the waves collide, and try to get them to focus the same minion at start, and try to wait until last hitting at the last possible moments to get the most damage optimization from the wave. Mostly just practice, confidence, and working on your awareness in general. Warding is also huge in team 5v5's.

Edit: Explanation of freezing/pushing lane, downsides and benefits.

2 minute freeze tactic.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 18, 2014 5:13pm | Report
I don't have a team so I am sure my opinion means jack all but in my own opinion if your team is not a early game team then that is perfectly fine, You just play safe until you get to the stage where your team can press forward whether it is the mid game or the late game.

Ignore if you wish but I wanted to share my 10 cents
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 18, 2014 5:29pm | Report
I don't have a team so I am sure my opinion means jack all but in my own opinion if your team is not a early game team then that is perfectly fine, You just play safe until you get to the stage where your team can press forward whether it is the mid game or the late game.

Ignore if you wish but I wanted to share my 10 cents

The only differences from solo queue and team queue is communication really, which is only the case once you hit silver+ in 5v5's. Before that it's pretty much just people facerolling solo queue heroes hoping to win. Once you're silver+ though in team queue, it kicks into gear immediately and you see teams consisting of diamonds/plats, regardless of your solo queue MMR.

Not to mention people like to abuse how garbage the ranked system in this game is by making smurfs/never placing in solo queue, being unranked then playing with their friend's main accounts to get even easier match ups.

But disregard that rant, yeah early game champs, mid game champs, late game champs, doesn't matter. As long as you use your power spikes when they occur, and you're not all over the place with your time of power spike choices, you can win with just about anything. Samsung white usually abused early game/mid game and won before teams got late game, which is what most other teams were trying to get to, ultimately SSW won worlds with their play style of denying late game champs their late game. They played a few late game champs as well granted, but only ones that had good early/mid game use too.

Kassadin roams extremely well at 6. Jayce spikes hard once he gets his armor pen combo, if he makes it to IE+BT it's pretty much over. Twitch only needs blade and youmuu to assassinate. Rengar is god like early and mid, and has lots of choice for late if he makes it. Janna/ Thresh are great at all times.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
GodKiIlThemAll's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2015 5:44am | Report
The first problem you said above is that your team can't pressure your enemies in the first 12-15 minutes. I think one of the reasons here is that your jungler is Nunu & Willump, this champion has no pressure in early game. All he can do is farm as much as possible to upgrage jungle items and purchase Sightstone to help his team with the vision. In fact, when you decide to pick Nunu & Willump, it's pretty much forcing your team to play defensively early and you have to pick champions that can benefit from Nunu & Willump's Blood Boil such as Caitlyn, Jinx, Tristana, Yasuo, Jax... And when the game goes on, Nunu & Willump becomes a second support of the team.
If you want to pressure your enemies early, you should pick champions that can gank in early levels like Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Elise, Pantheon... They either have good CC or high mobility as well as high damage which allow them to build tank. That's about the jungle.
In lane, mid should be some champions that can win the lane or gank well with high burst and mobility, I recommend Syndra, LeBlanc, Ahri, Fizz...
Top lane is pretty same, champions can do the laning phase quite easily, Irelia, Gnar, Renekton, Rumble... It will be very good if top laners take Teleport, they can push comfortably and still show up in teamfights. The problem here is your team must communicate well so that your top laner can use Teleport in the right place at the right time.
Bottom lane should be dominated by Lucian, Corki or Graves. High early damage, high mobility. Thresh, Leona, Blitzcrank can really pressure your enemies with the fear that a wild Leona wil jump out of a bush with tons of CC or a Death Sentence/ Rocket Grab. You're Gold rank so Blitzcrank is still very fearsome. One right Rocket Grab can change everything.
But the main thing here is that the jungler have to move a lot and attempt a lot of ganks, that's what Nunu & Willump can't do.
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2015 8:11am | Report
Nunu & Willump isn't a horrible pick though by any means, you still get that massive counter jungling pressure, and can more easily secure dragon than anything else, except maybe Cho'Gath, but I see him more top nowadays.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
moha26's Forum Avatar
Apr 22nd, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 24, 2015 5:07am | Report
In my opinion, taking a dragon after 5 or 6 minutes is a good idea. If you were a jungle you have to be close to mid and top lines because you need to be in high level to help in the mid of the game.
BDB Vishous
BDB Vishous's Forum Avatar
Apr 26th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 26, 2015 10:02am | Report
1. Figure out your teams over-all strategy. If you do not have a concrete plan, then figure out which top 2 champions each player prefers and form a strategy around that.

2. Games can be won in the ban / pick phase. Figure out if there are champions that can easily counter more than 1 of your teammates or prevent your strategy and ban them. If there isn't anyone who jumps out then have one of your teammates have lolnexus, lolking, or similar site open and do a quick search on the enemy team and ban some of there mains. For instance, if the enemy team ADC has 99% of games as Jinx and a high win rate, she will be a very viable ban.

3. Vision Control. As a Nunu main you can counter jungle quite easily. Make sure you pick up extra wards and get them deep while you do so.

4. Objective control. While it seems like your team wants to wait until late game to do anything, you can still get a very early dragon as Nunu. While at level 1 a 6% increase to AD/AP doesn't seem like much, it scales all game and denys them the dragon timer.

5. No one expects early Nunu ganks, so do it anyways. Even if you just toss a few snowballs the enemy laner will spend more time worrying about you and it will help take pressure off your own laners.

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