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I really need some help.

Creator: Truelich July 15, 2014 2:14am
Truelich's Forum Avatar
Jul 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 15, 2014 2:14am | Report
Okay, I play as Fizz, Wukong, Talon, Kha'Zix, and Heimerdinger. I do best with Wukong and Talon, but I like all of those champs. I don't know if it's the fact that they're squishy, or if I suck. I like burst, and assassination type kills, but I can never get them anymore. I've been playing for about a month, and there was a time where I would always do really well, like, 21 and 5 for example. But I've only ever done anything like that on Wukong and Talon. I know what to do, I prioritize last hits, I look at the best guides I can find to build my items and know what I'm doing, I know how to play the champs, but for the past 2 weeks or so, I do absolutely terrible every single game I play. I don't know why. I might just suck at this game, I don't know. Could someone please help me out? I don't know why I'm doing so poorly. I always go negative in kills/deaths. When it comes to a fight, I usually lose unless they were at half health or something when we started fighting. I just can't play anymore.
Wicked Eye
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 15, 2014 12:48pm | Report
What probably happened is that while you were leveling up, you faced better people, but you didn't get better. Right now you're probably so frustrated and so desperate to kill that you throw up the game, you will never be 21/5 on a game anymore, 5/1 is considered a really good frag because the game gets more competitive and players don't die that much anymore.

So, you need to calm down, don't think so much about your frag, just try improving your play style, what to do during lane phase, being both aggressive and safe at the same time (and not forgetting about last hitting), how to roam the map mid game and what is your role on team fights. Patience is the best advice I can give you, watch streams/videos of people playing your champion and try to see what they do different from you.
TotemTiki's Forum Avatar
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Jul 16th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 21, 2014 10:25am | Report
Calm down, play the game and don't try to make plays.
TYVM Ubby for this AMAZING Sig!
<Guide Critic>
Electro522's Forum Avatar
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Jun 3rd, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 21, 2014 10:38am | Report
One of my friends told that on League, a death will hurt you alot more then a kill will help you. I know this sounds odd, but look at the LCS games. Most of those games rarely get over 20 kills for the entire team, and if someone gets to around 10 kills, then their team is steamrolling the other team into oblivion. League is a team game. Yes, you tjose people who say "Carry yourself!", but in all honesty, you have to rely on your team. My advuce is the same as Wicked's. Be patient. Dont try to go for a kill everytime you see one, because your not the only one who knows your champ. Your opponents do as well. They know how to counter you, how to lock you down, and how to blow you up.
Thank you jhoijhoi for the sig!
AreYouReady2Die's Forum Avatar
Aug 18th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 2, 2014 8:45am | Report
Alot of new level 30 players are surprised at the difference once you hit 30', it is alot more difficult and the others are right focus on the team score being positive, if your negative a few kills but have 20 assists your doing great. However if your going 2/10/15 somethings wrong most the time its lack of map awareness and falling for bait. Try to imagine what the enemy team is doing based on behavior. Is the enemy standing next to river bush at 30% hp? Guess whose in the bush the jungler ready to nail you... Realizing whats really going on is the hardest part, knowing when your vulnerable and about to die from gank BEFORE it happens is key
EvilSquirelKing's Forum Avatar
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Nov 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 1:57am | Report
You are looking at the game from a slightly distorted perspective. Kills are important, yes, but k/D is not what you should be super concerned over. Remember the primary goal of the game: to destroy the enemies nexus. Unlike games like CoD, the ultimate goal is to take objectives. Now kills can help you do this for sure. Kills grant gold, and they also can put the enemy away on respawn for varying amounts of times. Late game, getting kills are very important, particularly killing the entire enemy team and getting an ace, because then they can not stop you from taking their base. If you remember what the main goal is, the game becomes clearer from there.
I would super duper appreciate it if you checked out and talked with me about my garen build :)

"come bender. You'll like being dead."
"That's what they said about being alive."
Vorcia's Forum Avatar
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Jul 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 20, 2014 7:43pm | Report
Am I the only one who actually looks at the post time? How do you even find these threads?

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