Hi ThisBoy.
Some champions tend to be harder to jungle with at early levels. Shen is actually pretty sustainable in the jungle and will be one of those that you will be able to do easily, hopefully.
Check out my jungling guide for some tips, I have a chapter on lower level jungling, and I have a screenshotted route of Shen in my jungling routes section.
I hope this doesn't class as advertising, but it's easier to link you to there than me say it, when it's in MUCH more detail there than I'd ever put here.
It might be worth noting that it MAY be faster and more sustainable if you only used your Q (at rank 1) when it's not on the target. It is usually faster to only keep it's rank 1 variant up, but never use it when the debuff is already on the target - but I'm not sure if you're runeless.
A good guy to check out is "Stonewall008" on youtube. He's a well known jungler who regularly discusses things with TheOddOne, Team Solo Mid's jungler. He has the best, most efficient, and fastest routes on his youtube channel, they're worth checking out.
Some champions tend to be harder to jungle with at early levels. Shen is actually pretty sustainable in the jungle and will be one of those that you will be able to do easily, hopefully.
Check out my jungling guide for some tips, I have a chapter on lower level jungling, and I have a screenshotted route of Shen in my jungling routes section.
I hope this doesn't class as advertising, but it's easier to link you to there than me say it, when it's in MUCH more detail there than I'd ever put here.
It might be worth noting that it MAY be faster and more sustainable if you only used your Q (at rank 1) when it's not on the target. It is usually faster to only keep it's rank 1 variant up, but never use it when the debuff is already on the target - but I'm not sure if you're runeless.
A good guy to check out is "Stonewall008" on youtube. He's a well known jungler who regularly discusses things with TheOddOne, Team Solo Mid's jungler. He has the best, most efficient, and fastest routes on his youtube channel, they're worth checking out.
Thanks, the only runes I have now are a set for poppy, Quints for armor pen, glyphs for CDR, and marks for armor pen. My masteries I put 8 in utility for experience, and then 12 in defense.
Thanks for that link, when I'm out of work I'll have to try some of that out. I do want to stick with shen though, he is a ninja. xD
Thanks for that link, when I'm out of work I'll have to try some of that out. I do want to stick with shen though, he is a ninja. xD
jungling is pretty dependent on runes unless you have a character with strong sustainability such as Warwick, Nunu & Willump, Xin Zhao, or any other jungler with passive lifesteal or an ability that heals them and deals damage. If you want to learn how to jungle, warwick is your best bet though. I've been jungling with him since level 10.
As far as what runes to buy? Attack speed, armor pen, flat armor, and flat health are all really good for junglers. Masteries is either 21/0/9, 21/9/0, or 9/21/0 (if jungle tank). I'm sure 14-16-0 works too.
Lastly, if you die while jungling, you're not doing it right. Doing that completely invalidates any gains other champs would have had due to your jungling and it also essentially lets the enemy know where you are for a certain amount of time due to the death notification. If you can't kill a creep camp, just b. And don't gank until you have red.
As far as what runes to buy? Attack speed, armor pen, flat armor, and flat health are all really good for junglers. Masteries is either 21/0/9, 21/9/0, or 9/21/0 (if jungle tank). I'm sure 14-16-0 works too.
Lastly, if you die while jungling, you're not doing it right. Doing that completely invalidates any gains other champs would have had due to your jungling and it also essentially lets the enemy know where you are for a certain amount of time due to the death notification. If you can't kill a creep camp, just b. And don't gank until you have red.
If you are serious about jungling, get those armor seals early. It'll still be hard since you dont have 30 mastery points, but just with T3 armor seals, oh you'll be smooth sailing.
Since you are level 20, I'd recommend going improved smite, then the rest down the defense tree. Get that improved health, get that minion reduction, get that dmg blocking.
Shen is a pretty hard guy to jungle, I'd recommend someone like Nunu just until you have enough to go 1/16/9
Since you are level 20, I'd recommend going improved smite, then the rest down the defense tree. Get that improved health, get that minion reduction, get that dmg blocking.
Shen is a pretty hard guy to jungle, I'd recommend someone like Nunu just until you have enough to go 1/16/9
In terms of easy jungles, Warwick, Udyr, and Amumu are all simple to jungle with. Pick up a full set of armor seals, because they're very cheap and are extremely good on EVERY CHAMPION IN THE GAME, and will make your early jungle a lot safer. I personally started jungling Amumu at level 24 and I didn't even have armor seals, so you can definitely do it.
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I've been going golem->wolve->wraith->red->b->blue->wolve but i usually die at the wraiths, if not then at red.
Any advice?