There is nothing wrong playing bot match! I also played a lot of bot match the first time I am playing league up to lvl 30.. But then I realize that it is not competitive at all.. so I tried normals. For me, it was a new experience where I am matched with real players. I am platinum now and I have learned a lot of things in normal and ranked games. including cs-ing properly, map awareness, how to play when you are behind, etc. I dunno for others but I enjoy playing properly and competitively. It is always up to you if you wanted to be better or just want to have some fun! Oh, and it seems like we have commmon interest in champions! I also like playing mid and bot lane with lux, ahri, miss fortune and ezreal due to the fact that they are ranged and skillshot based(also fun to play) :) and to answer your question
sure you can practice that in bot game but playing in normal games is a lot better because there is a lot of variables you need to look at when playing in unlocked camera (like map, position of the enemy, etc.) There really isn't a way to play with an unlocked camera. No tips and tricks, you just have to get used to it! also try to play unlocked camera whatever champion you play(not only caitlyn and lux) because it not only helps you, but it helps your team. You need to play with an unlocked camera for the map awareness and planning ahead. and for your last question
If you think you are not doing well with your farming/cs-ing, try playing custom/bot game to practice your farming. Pick your champion and buy your usual starting items and try to get many cs as possible in 10 mins without going back to base. In normal games there are scenarios where your enemy laner is dominant in lane and go aggressive so you can't take the xp and the gold from the enemy minions. If this happens try to poke them safely or just let them push near your tower so you can cs safely there or even call for a gank because they are overextending. :)
How can I practice playing with an unlocked camera? Should that be practiced in a bot game?
Also, my farming has been horrible lately... is it possible that the enemy team I'm laning against gets too aggressive for me to even get in there and farm? Because that's why I feel like is happening. I should probably like back when that happens?
I've been practicing on the "semi-locked" camera mode on the game today. Its not exactly unlocked but its somewhere. I'm hoping I'll gradually move up to completely unlocked. I'm pretty much working on everything I'm doing in the game so that way next season I'll play ranked. Hopefully, I'll get to platinum like yourself one day :D
I agree with you also that I like playing both normal games and bot games because its just fun to see how many kills you can get in bot games. But I do like the more competitive play in normal games.
I agree with you also that I like playing both normal games and bot games because its just fun to see how many kills you can get in bot games. But I do like the more competitive play in normal games.
Allright, so I've been fiddling around a bit and came to the conclusion that sharing replays is a lot harder than I thought it would be. I have found a way, though this requires you to install a certain program. It is completely free, requires no account and contains no spam or what not (I know, bevause I just downloaded it myself). I can understand if this is a turn-off for you, so don't feel pressured into doing this.
If you do wish to download the program, it's called LOLReplays ( You are required to download the client and set-up the program. Afterwards, play a few games and choose the one you'd like me to review. After you have chosen your game, use the upload feature. This uploads the replay to their database, allowing other people to see it when they search for your summoner name.
If you'd want to, you can easily uninstall the program afterwards, but again, I completely understand if you don't want to go about doing this.
Alternatively, you could record a game using a recording software and upload it to youtube for example where I could see it.
If you do wish to download the program, it's called LOLReplays ( You are required to download the client and set-up the program. Afterwards, play a few games and choose the one you'd like me to review. After you have chosen your game, use the upload feature. This uploads the replay to their database, allowing other people to see it when they search for your summoner name.
If you'd want to, you can easily uninstall the program afterwards, but again, I completely understand if you don't want to go about doing this.
Alternatively, you could record a game using a recording software and upload it to youtube for example where I could see it.
Penita13 wrote:
If you do wish to download the program, it's called LOLReplays ( You are required to download the client and set-up the program. Afterwards, play a few games and choose the one you'd like me to review. After you have chosen your game, use the upload feature. This uploads the replay to their database, allowing other people to see it when they search for your summoner name.
I just played a game while that program was running in the background and it didn't record it, it just has the stats but not the game play
Fortune doesn't seem to be on our side. I can't open your replay, it says the page was not found. I have already sent the help-desk of the program an e-mail due to replays not saving on my end. I expect to get an answer from them soon. I will keep you posted. In the meantime, if you've got any more general questions considering certain aspects of the game, I'd be happy to answer them.
Edit: Can you by the way tell me what the match you chose was like? For example, which champion did you play, what lane, who was your enemy and what was your final score? I'm digging into other options when it comes to replays.
Edit: Can you by the way tell me what the match you chose was like? For example, which champion did you play, what lane, who was your enemy and what was your final score? I'm digging into other options when it comes to replays.
Penita13 wrote:
Edit: Can you by the way tell me what the match you chose was like? For example, which champion did you play, what lane, who was your enemy and what was your final score? I'm digging into other options when it comes to replays.
Sure thing! I played Miss Fortune my supp was Karma. We were against a Jhin and a Zilean. The score was 51-41 with us getting the victory. My KDA was 18-7-12 my CS was 162. My grade was a B overall. Karma got and S- and rightfully so because she got me and my team out of some sticky situations. I almost had a full build, was working on my last item. I used a build guide here on mobafire that built lethality.
btw, thanks for having the patience to help me all this time, its really appreciated.
Okey, so I've found a solution. It requires a bit of brute force, but I tested it with a replay of myself and it worked. I'll send you a pm with the details.
So, I've just finished reviewing your game. In general, you play quite well, though it is noticeable that you play with locked camera. I urge you to learn to play with unlocked camera, as it will ease your map-awareness, farming, positioning and much more.
Allright, so I'm not here to completely bash your head with mistakes you made or reasons why you should've done something else. Obviously, I will note where you could've done something better due to the fact that I'm trying to learn you something, but I will also mention what you did well. This is mostly present in the early-game analysis, where I mainly focus on micro-level plays. In the mid- and late-game, I'll mainly focus on macro-plays. Seeing as these are the hardest to master, especially at lower ranks, I'll give you as much tips and advice as I possibly can. I recommend you copy my notes and rewatch the game yourself and see whether you understand the comments I'm making. If you don't, feel free to ask why I mentioned something. To ease this proces, I've used timestamps before remarks I make which link to the time which I'm referring to in my remark.
But let's get on with it. A routine I personally have, is one in which I compare and contrast the different teams. The enemy team consisted of Cho'Gath, Kindred, Malzahar, Jhin and Zilean, while yours consisted of Yorick, Nocturne, Taliyah, Miss Fortune (you) and Karma. The first thing I see when I look at these teams, is that the enemy team is great at team-fighting (lot of cc, engage and peel), while your team shines at finding picks and small skirmishes (lot of damage, little cc, no tanks). This means that you are going to want to force the game in such a way that you'll have to fight the least amount of teamfights as possible. Therefore, you are going to want to split the enemy up. You can do this in multiple ways (which I will discuss below), but this is still mainly brainstorming before the game starts.
Early Game:
- 1:47 -> You see Jhin in lane immediately. This means he didn't leash for his jungler, so the jungler (most likely) started at the top side of his jungle. This is important information for your teammates, so make sure to let them know.
Next to this, make sure not to leash for too long and miss experience as a result. In normal cases this isn't that big of a problem, but vs damage lanes with a level 2 powerspike it is.
- 2:32 -> Make sure to step away from the minions when you get bommed. The enemies are trying to shove you under turret to deny you farm. By letting the bombs hit the minions as well, this will ease the proces for them and prevent you from freezing the wave.
You also take a lot of minion damage. Minions hurt, especially this early in the game. After a trade, make sure to loose their aggro, either by walking back far enough or by walking into an unwarded bush.
- 3:42 -> Try to improve on reading the enemy's movements. This way you can predict when the enemy will try to poke you and as such prevent taking as much damage. For example, don't stand close to minions with low health vs Jhin, as he will most likely 'q' them and deal a lot of damage to you as well.
Next to this, you shouldn't use your 'e' this much early on. It has a high mana cost and low damage. For the purpose you are using it for (waveclear), your 'q' is much more effective. It has a low mana-cost, low cooldown and high damage. You can even use it to secure minions, as you will get the mana back in the blink of an eye.
- 5:38 -> Good job on not healing your support. She would have died anyways, so saving your heal is a big thing.
- 5:56 -> It's good that you notice Zilean is missing and that it is possible that he's hiding in a bush. Waiting untill he reappears was a smart thing to do.
- 8:50 -> Trades like this, where you seem to get out even damage wise, are won by the champions who use the least amount of resources. You used your ult, they used their heal. Your ult is on a much shorter cooldown, so you essentially won the trade. Don't be afraid to use your ult to try and pop a summoner spell out of the enemies.
- 10:00 -> You should've pushed the wave when Jhin backed instead of backing yourself. This way you would have denied him xp and gold, allowing you to gain a lead. If you back afterwards, upon return the wave will be on your side of the map again.
- 10:56 -> You shouldn't buy tier 2 boots this early in the game. They give you movementspeed, but in lane this is only useful for getting back to your lane, not whilst fighting. Buy boots of speed, leave it at that and finish them as your 2nd or 3rd item.
- 11:15 -> The play here would have been to deny the enemy kindred a mark by killing the gromp. You wouldn't have gotten the minions anyway, as they would've died before you could reach them. Allthough it didn't really matter in this case due to the fact that kindred didn't counterjungle very often, but when you reach a higher rank, this becomes more important.
- 12:00 -> Don't fight low-health targets when they are in kindred's ult, as this is futile. Back away instead and after the ult has finished, see if you can re-engage. Had you done this, you would have probably lived, seeing as you had your 'w', flash, heal and karma shield.
Mid Game:
- 19:28 -> You shoved the minion wave, but not far enough. You left it in the middle of the lane before leaving. Try to shove the wave as far in as you can (of course as long as it is safe to do so). This denies the enemy farm and makes sure the wave bounces off of the turret, letting it slow push to your side of the map and making sure you miss an as small amount of minions as possible. If this seems confusing or daunting, look up a few vids on Youtube on minionwave management. Then you'll understand what I mean.
- 19:42 -> You stand way too far up. Try to stay behind your tanks. An unlocked camera helps with this, allthough it may not seem like it at first. If you are practicing with unlocked camera and notice that you loose track of where your champion is, know that you can simply press 'space' to center the camera on you.
- 20:45 -> You didn't respect the damage the enemies had. This happens more often down the line. It is not something which can be taught but forms itself by practice. If you know what the enemy's capable of, you know how to respond accordingly.
- 21:50 -> Going to farm minions now is risky. You have no back-up and 3 enemies are missing. Nothing bad happened, but try to prevent putting yourself at risk in similar situations.
- 23:48 -> Instead of immediately grouping up with your team, you should've pushed the mid-lane. This would've created pressure on the enemies to choose either between getting dragon or losing a lot of hp on their tower.
- 24:10 -> You went in as 2v3 / 2v4 with nocturne (an assassin) being your back-up. Not a smart idea.
- 25:50 -> This is a prime example of why map-awarenes is so incredibly important. Last time you saw Malzahar walking away, he had 4/5 health. It is not logical to run back to his tower before going to the mid-lane, and your wards in the river didn't spot him. Therefore, he is most likely in one of the bushed (which he was). Noticing small things like this can be of extreme importance and can prevent an enemy from snowballing.
- 28:27 -> an unnecessary death, but I don't think I need to tell you that. You had both summoners, no back-up and you still went in.
This is the part where I wanted to talk about how you want to play the late-game. Like I mentioned before, you want to prevent as much 5v5 teamfights from happening as possible, due to the team compositions. You can do this by applying pressure on one lane, whilst pushing another one. Applying this pressure is most easily done by a teammate who is good at split-pushing, but you didn't have anyone on your team who was really good at that (Yorick kind of, but not really). The other way requires a bit more patience and revolves around letting the minion wave slow-push into the enemy's tower. This will create a giant wave which will clash into their tower and possibly take it down. After the pressure has been applied, you are going to try to lure as many enemies as you can to another part of the map. By doing this, the enemy has to choose what to do. If they send someone to catch the pressurized lane, you will be able to fighht 5v4 and most likely win. If they don't send anyone, the wave will clash and most probably take their turret. This is the kind of macro play which becomes really important at higher ranks, but is extremely difficult to crerate (especially if you are the only one on your team who knows what they are doing). This, again, requires a certain knowledge of wave-management, which is why I, again, urge you to look into this aspect of the game.
Late Game:
- 32:50 -> You overstayed and lost your life as a result. Your teammates had died/backed off, leaving you incredibly vulnerable.
I also wanted to talk about your buy of the Black Cleaver. The enemy wasn't building any armor, so you didn't need the passive. Building raw damage would've been more effective.
- 35:00 -> You should've called back your team and defended mid. You got a kill top (on a 2/11 Cho) but nearly lost a nexus-turret for it. This wouldn't have been worth it at all.
- 41:50 -> Nice ultimate. You hit both the enemies and the minion-wave, making the most out of your ability.
- 41:50 -> Coincidentally, you and your team are doing the exact thing I mentioned above. Top and mid are shoving into the enemies and you are pushing bot with your team. This eventually resulted in you getting a few kills and taking the inhibitor.
- 43:00 -> Allthough it was tempting to try and finish, it would've been better to let someone tank the mid-turret and kill the turret as well as the inhibitor.
So that's it. I know, it was quite a read. If you've got any questions, remarks or other things, feel free to let me know :)
Allright, so I'm not here to completely bash your head with mistakes you made or reasons why you should've done something else. Obviously, I will note where you could've done something better due to the fact that I'm trying to learn you something, but I will also mention what you did well. This is mostly present in the early-game analysis, where I mainly focus on micro-level plays. In the mid- and late-game, I'll mainly focus on macro-plays. Seeing as these are the hardest to master, especially at lower ranks, I'll give you as much tips and advice as I possibly can. I recommend you copy my notes and rewatch the game yourself and see whether you understand the comments I'm making. If you don't, feel free to ask why I mentioned something. To ease this proces, I've used timestamps before remarks I make which link to the time which I'm referring to in my remark.
But let's get on with it. A routine I personally have, is one in which I compare and contrast the different teams. The enemy team consisted of Cho'Gath, Kindred, Malzahar, Jhin and Zilean, while yours consisted of Yorick, Nocturne, Taliyah, Miss Fortune (you) and Karma. The first thing I see when I look at these teams, is that the enemy team is great at team-fighting (lot of cc, engage and peel), while your team shines at finding picks and small skirmishes (lot of damage, little cc, no tanks). This means that you are going to want to force the game in such a way that you'll have to fight the least amount of teamfights as possible. Therefore, you are going to want to split the enemy up. You can do this in multiple ways (which I will discuss below), but this is still mainly brainstorming before the game starts.
Early Game:
- 1:47 -> You see Jhin in lane immediately. This means he didn't leash for his jungler, so the jungler (most likely) started at the top side of his jungle. This is important information for your teammates, so make sure to let them know.
Next to this, make sure not to leash for too long and miss experience as a result. In normal cases this isn't that big of a problem, but vs damage lanes with a level 2 powerspike it is.
- 2:32 -> Make sure to step away from the minions when you get bommed. The enemies are trying to shove you under turret to deny you farm. By letting the bombs hit the minions as well, this will ease the proces for them and prevent you from freezing the wave.
You also take a lot of minion damage. Minions hurt, especially this early in the game. After a trade, make sure to loose their aggro, either by walking back far enough or by walking into an unwarded bush.
- 3:42 -> Try to improve on reading the enemy's movements. This way you can predict when the enemy will try to poke you and as such prevent taking as much damage. For example, don't stand close to minions with low health vs Jhin, as he will most likely 'q' them and deal a lot of damage to you as well.
Next to this, you shouldn't use your 'e' this much early on. It has a high mana cost and low damage. For the purpose you are using it for (waveclear), your 'q' is much more effective. It has a low mana-cost, low cooldown and high damage. You can even use it to secure minions, as you will get the mana back in the blink of an eye.
- 5:38 -> Good job on not healing your support. She would have died anyways, so saving your heal is a big thing.
- 5:56 -> It's good that you notice Zilean is missing and that it is possible that he's hiding in a bush. Waiting untill he reappears was a smart thing to do.
- 8:50 -> Trades like this, where you seem to get out even damage wise, are won by the champions who use the least amount of resources. You used your ult, they used their heal. Your ult is on a much shorter cooldown, so you essentially won the trade. Don't be afraid to use your ult to try and pop a summoner spell out of the enemies.
- 10:00 -> You should've pushed the wave when Jhin backed instead of backing yourself. This way you would have denied him xp and gold, allowing you to gain a lead. If you back afterwards, upon return the wave will be on your side of the map again.
- 10:56 -> You shouldn't buy tier 2 boots this early in the game. They give you movementspeed, but in lane this is only useful for getting back to your lane, not whilst fighting. Buy boots of speed, leave it at that and finish them as your 2nd or 3rd item.
- 11:15 -> The play here would have been to deny the enemy kindred a mark by killing the gromp. You wouldn't have gotten the minions anyway, as they would've died before you could reach them. Allthough it didn't really matter in this case due to the fact that kindred didn't counterjungle very often, but when you reach a higher rank, this becomes more important.
- 12:00 -> Don't fight low-health targets when they are in kindred's ult, as this is futile. Back away instead and after the ult has finished, see if you can re-engage. Had you done this, you would have probably lived, seeing as you had your 'w', flash, heal and karma shield.
Mid Game:
- 19:28 -> You shoved the minion wave, but not far enough. You left it in the middle of the lane before leaving. Try to shove the wave as far in as you can (of course as long as it is safe to do so). This denies the enemy farm and makes sure the wave bounces off of the turret, letting it slow push to your side of the map and making sure you miss an as small amount of minions as possible. If this seems confusing or daunting, look up a few vids on Youtube on minionwave management. Then you'll understand what I mean.
- 19:42 -> You stand way too far up. Try to stay behind your tanks. An unlocked camera helps with this, allthough it may not seem like it at first. If you are practicing with unlocked camera and notice that you loose track of where your champion is, know that you can simply press 'space' to center the camera on you.
- 20:45 -> You didn't respect the damage the enemies had. This happens more often down the line. It is not something which can be taught but forms itself by practice. If you know what the enemy's capable of, you know how to respond accordingly.
- 21:50 -> Going to farm minions now is risky. You have no back-up and 3 enemies are missing. Nothing bad happened, but try to prevent putting yourself at risk in similar situations.
- 23:48 -> Instead of immediately grouping up with your team, you should've pushed the mid-lane. This would've created pressure on the enemies to choose either between getting dragon or losing a lot of hp on their tower.
- 24:10 -> You went in as 2v3 / 2v4 with nocturne (an assassin) being your back-up. Not a smart idea.
- 25:50 -> This is a prime example of why map-awarenes is so incredibly important. Last time you saw Malzahar walking away, he had 4/5 health. It is not logical to run back to his tower before going to the mid-lane, and your wards in the river didn't spot him. Therefore, he is most likely in one of the bushed (which he was). Noticing small things like this can be of extreme importance and can prevent an enemy from snowballing.
- 28:27 -> an unnecessary death, but I don't think I need to tell you that. You had both summoners, no back-up and you still went in.
This is the part where I wanted to talk about how you want to play the late-game. Like I mentioned before, you want to prevent as much 5v5 teamfights from happening as possible, due to the team compositions. You can do this by applying pressure on one lane, whilst pushing another one. Applying this pressure is most easily done by a teammate who is good at split-pushing, but you didn't have anyone on your team who was really good at that (Yorick kind of, but not really). The other way requires a bit more patience and revolves around letting the minion wave slow-push into the enemy's tower. This will create a giant wave which will clash into their tower and possibly take it down. After the pressure has been applied, you are going to try to lure as many enemies as you can to another part of the map. By doing this, the enemy has to choose what to do. If they send someone to catch the pressurized lane, you will be able to fighht 5v4 and most likely win. If they don't send anyone, the wave will clash and most probably take their turret. This is the kind of macro play which becomes really important at higher ranks, but is extremely difficult to crerate (especially if you are the only one on your team who knows what they are doing). This, again, requires a certain knowledge of wave-management, which is why I, again, urge you to look into this aspect of the game.
Late Game:
- 32:50 -> You overstayed and lost your life as a result. Your teammates had died/backed off, leaving you incredibly vulnerable.
I also wanted to talk about your buy of the Black Cleaver. The enemy wasn't building any armor, so you didn't need the passive. Building raw damage would've been more effective.
- 35:00 -> You should've called back your team and defended mid. You got a kill top (on a 2/11 Cho) but nearly lost a nexus-turret for it. This wouldn't have been worth it at all.
- 41:50 -> Nice ultimate. You hit both the enemies and the minion-wave, making the most out of your ability.
- 41:50 -> Coincidentally, you and your team are doing the exact thing I mentioned above. Top and mid are shoving into the enemies and you are pushing bot with your team. This eventually resulted in you getting a few kills and taking the inhibitor.
- 43:00 -> Allthough it was tempting to try and finish, it would've been better to let someone tank the mid-turret and kill the turret as well as the inhibitor.
So that's it. I know, it was quite a read. If you've got any questions, remarks or other things, feel free to let me know :)
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The site I meant was "", I think something went wrong with my coding :D
Hmm i typed in my summoner name but nothing is showing up :/ i thinks its because im not highly ranked?
my summoner name is blazeoflight