Janitsu wrote:
idk but I don't think diamond v with 0 league points can give service that I should pay for
Hmm, good question, let me explain.
First, I'm triple Diamond in 1 month of ranked this season, got back from in injury Sept 1, that's harder than Master Tier, there are more Master Tier players than triple diamond players.. and getting D5 in 5v5 ranked premade requires you to beat master tier teams. Like that part is kinda common sense to a vet player such as yourself, which means you're just posting here to troll.
Second I just decided to stop at D5 because ranking up in solo queue, is, a lot more boring than playing with your friends who beg you to play all the time and I figured and know that D5 was high enough to prove my point that I am qualified to mentor as I was in season 1 when I played with Dyrus and some other players on my team. If someone asked me to get to D3-D1 or something before mentoring them and said they'd give 3 skins instead of 2. I'd gladly do that, should only take me 2-5 days.
Third I guess I'll get Master tier next season to prevent the trolls.
Fourth There are diamond players that mentor for $20 an hour. I'm doing it for a skin or 2, so relax.
Fifth Lolking ranks me in top 35,000. Out of over 1 million players, that makes me qualified to mentor. Especially considering, I did that in 1 month. Most my diamond friends, died for 5+ months getting to diamond. And a lot lose it.
Have a good day.
RamenL wrote:
Hmm, good question, let me explain.
First, I'm triple Diamond in 1 month of ranked this season, got back from in injury Sept 1, that's harder than Master Tier, there are more Master Tier players than triple diamond players.. and getting D5 in 5v5 ranked premade requires you to beat master tier teams. Like that part is kinda common sense to a vet player such as yourself, which means you're just posting here to troll.
Second I just decided to stop at D5 because ranking up in solo queue, is, a lot more boring than playing with your friends who beg you to play all the time and I figured and know that D5 was high enough to prove my point that I am qualified to mentor as I was in season 1 when I played with Dyrus and some other players on my team. If someone asked me to get to D3-D1 or something before mentoring them and said they'd give 3 skins instead of 2. I'd gladly do that, should only take me 2-5 days.
Third I guess I'll get Master tier next season to prevent the trolls.
Fourth There are diamond players that mentor for $20 an hour. I'm doing it for a skin or 2, so relax.
Fifth Lolking ranks me in top 35,000. Out of over 1 million players, that makes me qualified to mentor. Especially considering, I did that in 1 month. Most my diamond friends, died for 5+ months getting to diamond. And a lot lose it.
Have a good day.
-Ranked team in D5 doesn't really face many master tier teams
-Triple diamond isn't as usual because of the fact that most of the players don't really need smurfs to prove that they can get to the same level they did with their main
-Most of the diamond people that offer mentoring services are out of d5
-Last season I got diamond in less than a week and with less than 30 games from gold, does that make me qualified to mentor master players?
Janitsu wrote:
-Ranked team in D5 doesn't really face many master tier teams
-Triple diamond isn't as usual because of the fact that most of the players don't really need smurfs to prove that they can get to the same level they did with their main
-Most of the diamond people that offer mentoring services are out of d5
-Last season I got diamond in less than a week and with less than 30 games from gold, does that make me qualified to mentor master players?
Im not mentoring master tier? You know what, Just close this thread. I get more students from other methods anyway.
And just to prove my point here is a screenshot of me and my team beating pants are dragon, a challenger player. in ranked premade 5s. I talk with evidence. You talk with jealousy.
Beating one of the best NA players
I gotta be honest, guys, I don't know why any of you care about this. As long as he makes it clear he's just charging because he feels like it, I don't see why it matters. My issue with the charging for signatures thing, for example, has only ever been the way it was presented, not the actual act of doing it.
He's not forcing you to buy him skins, so really it's none of your business what he decides to do.
If someone is willing to pay money to have him mentor them, that's their prerogative and, really, none of your concern.
He's not forcing you to buy him skins, so really it's none of your business what he decides to do.
If someone is willing to pay money to have him mentor them, that's their prerogative and, really, none of your concern.
The_Nameless_Bard wrote:
I gotta be honest, guys, I don't know why any of you care about this. As long as he makes it clear he's just charging because he feels like it, I don't see why it matters. My issue with the charging for signatures thing, for example, has only ever been the way it was presented, not the actual act of doing it.
He's not forcing you to buy him skins, so really it's none of your business what he decides to do.
If someone is willing to pay money to have him mentor them, that's their prerogative and, really, none of your concern.
He's not forcing you to buy him skins, so really it's none of your business what he decides to do.
If someone is willing to pay money to have him mentor them, that's their prerogative and, really, none of your concern.
Thanks for the post, highly appreciated. Actually I thought about it.. Might as well leave the thread open, I won't let the trolls get to me, I'll just act like they are muted, just like when I mute them in League when they distract me. I have a lot of fun coaching and would love for another student.
I updated the first post to better reflect my qualifications. Hopefully that will keep the trolls/toxins out. Too bad you can't mute them on here like in League.
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Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)