<3 Everything been going good, none of my pupils gave me trouble, all in all, good job everyone, you guys make my life SLIGHTLY happier.. But also stressful at timez -_-
YO YO YO, Beast azz RamenL got a nice video. So I been doing stuff for a while and I finally played my first rank in a while, and I got da most beast kill ever yo, 15:20-15:50.
Ranked as Cass, 1527 elo.
Ranked as Cass, 1527 elo.
I need help with a few things:
Early last hitting + map awareness (I can't seem to do both properly)
counter jungling
I have a very good ability with ganks, but when I lane I don't roam much, and when I'm jungling all the brushes are usually warded, always...
Early last hitting + map awareness (I can't seem to do both properly)
counter jungling
I have a very good ability with ganks, but when I lane I don't roam much, and when I'm jungling all the brushes are usually warded, always...
So here is some skins I still need: I need volcanic Wukong, shockblade Zed, all Skarner skins, omega squad Teemo, dragonblade Talon, Void Fizz, warmonger Sion, all Ahri skins, assassin master Yi, all Morde skins, order of the lotus Irelia, jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, Mecha Kha. SO for mentoring, any 1-2 of these skins depending on price, or 2x 490 rp mystery box.
Vynertje wrote:
You should be ashamed of yourself, asking for skins for stuff that people here do for free lmao
Donno or care what you're motive is, but mine is skins. I see that you're a support player. You don't seem like a good support player considering you're telling someone to be ashamed of themself. Let me give you a tip since I'm an amazing coach with 5 years of experience who coached for most of my skins, and I have over 50 skins. If you don't have something constructive to say, and you main support. Then don't talk at all. As a support player you need to support your team morale too and have a good heart. Need to tell them it's okay when they die so they don't tilt. This free lesson is today's donation to the this poor fool.
Can you like, not do this kinda **** again?
I don't see how someone telling someone to be ashamed of themself factors into how good they are at a game, lol.
Please stop trying to make arguments with everyone over every little thing.
I don't see how someone telling someone to be ashamed of themself factors into how good they are at a game, lol.
Please stop trying to make arguments with everyone over every little thing.
Alrighty then, I'll rephrase it:
You're advertising 'paid' services on a site that's all about helping out the community. It's like putting a standard Mobafire guide behind a paywall: "before you use this guide, you have to pay me a skin and I'll give you the code to unlock."
Keeping that in mind, I think it's perfectly fine to ask something in return if this wasn't a community powered, volunteer-based site. Right here, I think it's just shameless.
You're advertising 'paid' services on a site that's all about helping out the community. It's like putting a standard Mobafire guide behind a paywall: "before you use this guide, you have to pay me a skin and I'll give you the code to unlock."
Keeping that in mind, I think it's perfectly fine to ask something in return if this wasn't a community powered, volunteer-based site. Right here, I think it's just shameless.
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