Realistically: it's not going to happen. you are Bronze 4 with one month about to get it done. it's too much to do in not enough time to be honest. Silver might be doable but you will have to put your nose to the grindstone and really work on improving yourself to make that happen. Otherwise better luck next season
Climbing out of bronze and into gold is gonna take a lot of work and be hard! Although trying to do it in one month may seem impossible, I don't think it is. Once you get on a win streak you'll start earning more and more lp per win.
- Focus on yourself. This is one of the biggest tips I can give you don't put your focus on your teammates and what they are doing badly or wrong. Keep your main focus yourself, and try to improve your own gameplay.
- Pick champions that are meta. Sure you can do well with champions that are off-meta, but it's much easier to carry and get better with champions that are very strong at the present time.
- Don't be toxic.
lastly cmon it's victorious maokai who wants that
- Focus on yourself. This is one of the biggest tips I can give you don't put your focus on your teammates and what they are doing badly or wrong. Keep your main focus yourself, and try to improve your own gameplay.
- Pick champions that are meta. Sure you can do well with champions that are off-meta, but it's much easier to carry and get better with champions that are very strong at the present time.
- Don't be toxic.
lastly cmon it's victorious maokai who wants that
Claireqq wrote:
"I don't think it is [impossible]"
Unless he's duoing with an ELO Train Booster (or is a smurf himself), B IV to G V IS impossible (in < 1 month). There is no way he's going to be able to climb that far. A much more realistic goal would be Silver, which is 100% doable.
Claireqq wrote:
"Pick champions that are meta"
I'd rather pick champions that I am comfortable with. Let's for one second imagine that Gangplank was meta. Learning the champion alone would require a month! IMO, stick to comfort picks and champions you are good at consistently. I've climbed my way up spamming Pantheon Mid, which is something no one ever sees (often, at least).
Claireqq wrote:
"lastly cmon it's victorious maokai who wants that"
Good point :P Unless you're Luiginaf, forget about Victorious Maokai .
What's the problem, Luginaf?
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Lugignaf wrote:
Wow, you can't even spell my name right.
For some reason I always think of you as the Luigi guy, because Lugignaf is similar and your profile picture is Megaman wearing blue and green.
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