Shen is and probably always will be my favorite tank! If you can learn to time his abilities well, you'll be golden. Use Feint to block harass and Shadow Dash to save/feed your teammates. His ult is fantastic for denying gold and exp! As far as laning with him, you'll want to last hit and harass with his Q, as well as using it for healing. It has a pretty low cooldown, so spamming is easy. Remember, allies get the healing too, so put it on the minion your partner is attacking when they need health!
Also, *ahem* Shen guide in my sig *ahem*
Also, *ahem* Shen guide in my sig *ahem*
He's one of the easier melee champs to use. He has a ranged harass, a damage shield and a dash which make it very easy to move around.
Shen is VERY hard to play. I am a fairly experienced tank / offtank player, and i suck with shen. partly because he is hard to play, but also partly because i own him. When people have shen on their team... He is one of those characters that people rage about unless he is the best of the best players. I suggest Rammus, or mordekaiser. Morde is the entire package. carry, AP caster, game changer, and last but not least, a tank. simply amazing.
Shen is a great champ, but he requires some getting use to. Giga you might have picked up on Shen very easy, but not everyone can.
As far as tanks go, Shen is one of the best. I play Shen when Im in a tanky mood, but its not always pretty. Ive come up with a few tank builds of my own, and they all have their own rate of success. They arent rated, but they are fun.
I have to say, if you want a tanky champ, or bulky DPS at that, Garen is a good one. Very simple to use, great asset to the team, and his ult is a game changer. Morde is fun too, like Nine said. If you are use to being support, you can play the best meat shield ever... Alistar lol. High life and if you build him tanky, he is hard to focus down.
As far as tanks go, Shen is one of the best. I play Shen when Im in a tanky mood, but its not always pretty. Ive come up with a few tank builds of my own, and they all have their own rate of success. They arent rated, but they are fun.
I have to say, if you want a tanky champ, or bulky DPS at that, Garen is a good one. Very simple to use, great asset to the team, and his ult is a game changer. Morde is fun too, like Nine said. If you are use to being support, you can play the best meat shield ever... Alistar lol. High life and if you build him tanky, he is hard to focus down.
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Bought Shen and I find him quite fun, just think all the items he needs are pretty expensive. Also I think the cooldown on his ultimate is to long for what it is, but thats just my opinion.
Only tried him on one normal game where I had some random Teemo stealing all my kills so it took years to get moneyz.
Noticed Garen will be on sale on Tuesday so gonna buy him then and give him a go.
Any tips on Garen or Shen appreciated :P
Only tried him on one normal game where I had some random Teemo stealing all my kills so it took years to get moneyz.
Noticed Garen will be on sale on Tuesday so gonna buy him then and give him a go.
Any tips on Garen or Shen appreciated :P
Vladimir - Morgana - Heimerdinger - Zilean - Maokai
Garen as I play him. Great dmg output and awesome survivability.
Shen options that Ive come up with. Each have their own rate of success.
As for Teemo 'taking your kills'... Shen is a tank. He isnt suppose to get kills. He is suppose to dive into the fights and make sure that he soaks up as much dmg as he can.
His Ult is meant to save people, and also helps with mobility. If you play a tank, you cant be worried about kills.
Shen options that Ive come up with. Each have their own rate of success.
As for Teemo 'taking your kills'... Shen is a tank. He isnt suppose to get kills. He is suppose to dive into the fights and make sure that he soaks up as much dmg as he can.
His Ult is meant to save people, and also helps with mobility. If you play a tank, you cant be worried about kills.
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When I last posted it was to ask about which champ I should play because I got bored of Vlad, ended up going with Sona (Pretty fun overall, much more fun playing in side lane than mid, healing is winlol).
After playing Sona quite alot I wouldnt say im bored with her, just want to try something new.
So my question is this...
Is Shen a fun champ to play? I like being in side lanes with another player and the person I lane with would either be Xin or M Yi. Ive been looking at Shen as hes a tank which I think is best for me and a support which I also enjoy.
Do you think I could easily pick Shen up after playing champs like Sona and Vlad?
I will also say that I never really got to grips with how to early game with melee champs, so any tips would also be appreciated.