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Rose of Blood Wants to learn a character. (AP...

Creator: RoseofBlood May 7, 2012 9:42pm
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samgoeslol's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 10, 2012 3:08am | Report
i play karma sometimes and recommend going gp10 quints and yellows, getting early philo hog kages (in that order) -> deathcap,void/abyssal,zhonyas,sorcs,wota,dfg or something along those lines

going gp10 is something i really like to do and it works well if you can just passively farm it out. Try to maintain #1 cs in the game and dont get greedy for kills -> get 35min fullbuild and stomp everything.

There is not much one player can teach another about karma since she is very playstyledependant.
Play her over and over and get the hang of how to use the mantra stacks in teamfights and how to play it out

I find it awesome to flash+dfg+r-e-q an adcarry since it will kill them most of the time (ignite if up) or at least keep them out of the fight! and after that you still have a mantrastack up. Awesome isnt it? xD

greez sam
<-summonername on EUW: strawhatbro
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