When I played sivir recently (once) I bought an early catalyst the protector. It gives quite a bit of health in addition to solving her mana problems, so that might help you for early survivability - build it into a Banshee's Veil later on.
Also, something I've noticed while playing with my low-ELO friend is that ranged AD carries, for new players, are comparatively much harder to play. The reason (I think) is that AD carries take incredible amounts of micro skills to stay at max range and still attack consistently. Moreover, Sivir is a very mana-intensive champion, so if you don't know how to conserve mana this early on, it might be best that you just buy a Manamune, which isn't quite ideal, but it gives enough mana + AD to help. Lastly, Sivir has a kind of niche where she is best at pushing lanes and taking down towers, while her teamfight potential was nerfed not too long ago.
Also, something I've noticed while playing with my low-ELO friend is that ranged AD carries, for new players, are comparatively much harder to play. The reason (I think) is that AD carries take incredible amounts of micro skills to stay at max range and still attack consistently. Moreover, Sivir is a very mana-intensive champion, so if you don't know how to conserve mana this early on, it might be best that you just buy a Manamune, which isn't quite ideal, but it gives enough mana + AD to help. Lastly, Sivir has a kind of niche where she is best at pushing lanes and taking down towers, while her teamfight potential was nerfed not too long ago.
Sivir isn't easy at all for newer players, Karthus is really easy xD
Sivir you need to aim your skillshot with, make sure you time your shield right, and you are really squishy, so you need to know when to attack, and you need to stay back, etc.
Look up some of the guides for her, you might find some helpful tips. I personally don't really play her, but, compared to Karthus, she is hard. Practice makes perfect.
Sivir you need to aim your skillshot with, make sure you time your shield right, and you are really squishy, so you need to know when to attack, and you need to stay back, etc.
Look up some of the guides for her, you might find some helpful tips. I personally don't really play her, but, compared to Karthus, she is hard. Practice makes perfect.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
@ Trojan I can push really well with her, it's just when I am confronted by another person I pretty much always die. This is extremely annoying.
@ wrath I have looked at guides but you pretty much need to be at lest lvl 20 to use runes and better masteries etc to get any extra UMPHH out of her, hence I switched to Karthus.
@ wrath I have looked at guides but you pretty much need to be at lest lvl 20 to use runes and better masteries etc to get any extra UMPHH out of her, hence I switched to Karthus.
jakester112589 wrote:
@ Trojan I can push really well with her, it's just when I am confronted by another person I pretty much always die. This is extremely annoying.
What I meant is that Sivir can solo push well, and this ties really well into a split push team comp. However, this is a high elo tactic that you probably can't convince your solo Q team to pull off.
Sivir is best for pushing bottom lane quickly and efficiently while 4 of your teammates defend top from a coordinated 5 man push (for example, the specifics aren't necessary).
Also, runes and masteries help but do not have so drastic of an effect that you cannot play her well.
Remember, the people you are against don't have full runes or masteries either.
You need to aim your q well, know when to toggle your passive, and spell shield at the right time. She is also squishy, and you need good placement in teamfights. For lower leveled players, she is much more difficult to nail down that Karthus. If you play enough with her, though, you can nail her down pretty well -- it just takes practice.
Remember, the people you are against don't have full runes or masteries either.
You need to aim your q well, know when to toggle your passive, and spell shield at the right time. She is also squishy, and you need good placement in teamfights. For lower leveled players, she is much more difficult to nail down that Karthus. If you play enough with her, though, you can nail her down pretty well -- it just takes practice.
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
If you die when you're confronted with enemies it's probably because you're building her badly.
(Don't get starks!) Just rush a bloodthirster then grab zerks then Last whisper/banshee's veil etc.
(Don't get starks!) Just rush a bloodthirster then grab zerks then Last whisper/banshee's veil etc.
Hey, I think u need to play with me buddy, add me I will teach u a lot.
Also just farm as sivir til about 120 minion kills minimum.. If ur team wants u to do something, well u cant tell em no, but do it safe..
Also just farm as sivir til about 120 minion kills minimum.. If ur team wants u to do something, well u cant tell em no, but do it safe..
Maybe try the warmog's armor-atma's impaler build. It has a little less damage output but a lot more survivability.
It may not look like a lot of damage at first glance, but Sivir has the farming ability to build up a warmog's really fast, so you should have it completely stacked by the time you get the atma's.
It may not look like a lot of damage at first glance, but Sivir has the farming ability to build up a warmog's really fast, so you should have it completely stacked by the time you get the atma's.
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