Moones wrote:
i am ad a like it more but late game i fell useless. help???
I can't help you if you feel useless with AD Sion late game lol.
GA -> Trinity Force -> Atma's Impaler -> Infinity Edge.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Improving your play is up to you. There's no words we can speak that will make you a godlike solo laner :P
Practice practice practice!
Practice practice practice!
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Feel free to PM me for specific advice.
Come hang out when I'm streaming!
Akali is a great solo top.
The best heroes for solo top are the heroes that have healing skills.
And that actually makes even Soraka a good solo top, and yes, I've seen it before.
Nasus, because of the passive lifesteal. In addition to other skills.
Gankplank because of his healing skill.
Tryndamere because of his healing Q skill.
And many others!
The best heroes for solo top are the heroes that have healing skills.
And that actually makes even Soraka a good solo top, and yes, I've seen it before.
Nasus, because of the passive lifesteal. In addition to other skills.
Gankplank because of his healing skill.
Tryndamere because of his healing Q skill.
And many others!
Just because I'm new in Mobafire. Does NOT mean I'm new in League Of Legends.
Akali is good, but GP is too much of a counter for her. She loses to GP soooo hard.
The language of friendship is not words, but meanings.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
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