xIchi wrote:
Open your mouth and say:
Like this, and it's win.
Sooooooo not correct :P
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
I like Skarner as solo top.
He AD's minions quick enough to keep champs off your turret, you just can't engage champs much if you do an attack speed build, which I do. He is a farming god, which is another reason I like him there, and after lvl 6, you can impale any damn fools who DO get close to your tower and use fracture to slow and then wait for the turret to do the work. My fave after lvl 6 is to go shopping and tele back in while a champ is working on your tower and cast impale the second I transport, insta-solo-gank.
He AD's minions quick enough to keep champs off your turret, you just can't engage champs much if you do an attack speed build, which I do. He is a farming god, which is another reason I like him there, and after lvl 6, you can impale any damn fools who DO get close to your tower and use fracture to slow and then wait for the turret to do the work. My fave after lvl 6 is to go shopping and tele back in while a champ is working on your tower and cast impale the second I transport, insta-solo-gank.
Play Nasus solo top. Q farms, and say no more. Most of the time your laning partner won't want to give you all of the farms, so soloing is preferable. Coming from someone trying to become a Nasus expert, you will be able to destroy enemy melee champs. (Kiting is one weakness that you have to watch out for. Curses be on Teemo.)
EnterTheYeti wrote:
I like Skarner as solo top.
He AD's minions quick enough to keep champs off your turret, you just can't engage champs much if you do an attack speed build, which I do. He is a farming god, which is another reason I like him there, and after lvl 6, you can impale any damn fools who DO get close to your tower and use fracture to slow and then wait for the turret to do the work. My fave after lvl 6 is to go shopping and tele back in while a champ is working on your tower and cast impale the second I transport, insta-solo-gank.
The one thing he lacks is a source of hp while being harassed. If the enemy team expects a solo top, they will be sure to counter it. This is where a bit of lifesteal or a heal is handy. Skarner works well with a laning partner, with his ult, which is why he is an okay solo but a better laner with a buddy.
Hmmmm. You may be right. I'm lvl 23 right now and there are more experienced players lately that can push me back, my last solo top I ended up 1-1-5, but we won, in part i think because I didn't feed and kept 2 champs completly occupied. On the other hand, The two tops were good and I couldn't farm as well, I've been having to use fracture early to heal, instead of crystal slash and it works well enough. Unfortunately, I'm only good with Nunu/Skarner as I don't play enough to develop skills with others. I still say if you play conservatively, Skarn is a good top.
Hopefully you are playing in Draft mode, in which case having to go 1v2 is pretty rare. (and it's a better simulation of ranked play)
Solo tops are what I usually like to play-- Galio and Yorick are my two mains up there along with nid and a few others. It's similar to mid but always make sure that you are out csing your opponent. That makes it or breaks it in too.
Solo tops are what I usually like to play-- Galio and Yorick are my two mains up there along with nid and a few others. It's similar to mid but always make sure that you are out csing your opponent. That makes it or breaks it in too.
You guys are so full of wisdom :) From now noob to noob, low lvl solotop In blind pick, always go for someone that can tank and clear a creep wave if it's you're 1v2 and they push your tower hard. I did alot of 1v2 tops with Irelia and Volibear, Volibear because he can fling people pushing to hard into the tower and slow them and eat them, and Irelia for pretty nice and safe farming, and she's great for clearing waves. I guess singed would also be great 1v2. Just utilise your tower and comunicate with your jungler for ganks, don't get caught in any bait traps and you will win just because a team with a jungler gets more gold and xp.
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Improving your play is up to you. There's no words we can speak that will make you a godlike solo laner :P
Practice practice practice!
Here are the words to make you a godlike solo laner!!
Open your mouth and say:
Like this, and it's win.
Btw, my fav top by far is Nidalee.. my main. Bruiser/AD Nida just pwns everyone (well sometimes Nasus' ignores you and Yorick harras the **** out of you, and every other solo top owns u hard.. but np Nida OP!)