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TFT Set 6.5 Overview!

Creator: Hades4u February 16, 2022 2:19am
<Lead Community Manager>
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Apr 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 16, 2022 2:19am | Report

Teamfight Tactics Gizmos and Gadgets: Neon Nights is finally here, featuring new and exciting origins, classes, champions, items and augments! 🎉

Our TFT resources are currently being updated for the Neon Nights patch, make sure to follow these pages to find out what's best in the new patch:
Let's look over all the champions and their abilities. The values next to each champion's name is the cost.

Debonair ~ Arcanist

Sear - Brand launches a fireball at the nearest enemy, lighting them ablaze for 4 seconds and dealing magic damage. If the enemy is already on fire, they take bonus magic damage which stuns them. VIP Bonus: Fires a 2nd fireball at a different nearby target (prioritizes ablaze enemies) dealing 25% reduced damage.

Damage: 100/150/200
Bonus Damage: 150/225/300
Stun: 1/1.5/2
Enforcer ~ Sniper

Ace in the Hole - Caitlyn takes aim at the farthest enemy, firing a deadly bullet towards them that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits.

Damage: 800/1200/2000

Clockwork ~ Challenger

Defensive Sweep - Camille gains a shield blocking damage over 4 seconds, then sweeps her leg, dealing magic damage to enemies in a cone. While this shield holds, Camille's attacks restore 30 Health.

Shield: 300/400/600
Damage: 150/200/300

Syndicate ~ Bodyguard

Decimate - Darius swings his axe in a circle, dealing magic damage, then heals himself for each enemy hit.

Damage: 100/150/200
Heal: 50/75/100

Scrap ~ Innovator

Mystic Shot - Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing magic damage. If the missile hits, he grants himself 30% bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to 150% at 5 stacks.

Damage: 125/200/350

Mercenary ~ Bruiser

Harsh Lesson - Illaoi slams her target, linking her soul to it for 5 seconds and dealing magic damage. While linked, Illaoi is healed for a percentage of the damage taken by her target.

Damage: 175/300/500
Heal: 30/35/40%

Hextech ~ Striker

Ageless Standard - Jarvan calls down his standard to a nearby location, granting all nearby allies bonus Attack Speed for 5 seconds.

Attack Speed: 40/50/70%

Mutant ~ Scholar

Null Sphere - Kassadin fires an orb of void energy at his target, dealing magic damage, applying Mana Reave, and granting Kassadin a shield that reduces incoming damage by 30% for 4 seconds.

Damage: 200/275/340
Mana Reave: 35/50/65%
Hextech ~ Assassin

Unspeakable Horror - Nocturne terrifies his target, stunning them with fear and dealing magic damage over the duration.

Stun: 2/2.5/3.5
Damage: 200/300/400

Yordle ~ Bodyguard

Buckler Toss - Poppy throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing a percent of her Armor as magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting Poppy a shield that blocks damage.

Damage: 200/250/300%
Shield: 250/375/525
Chemtech ~ Innovator

Fling - Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take magic damage and are briefly stunned.

Stun: 1.5/2/2.5
Damage: 125/175/250
Chemtech ~ Assassin

Piercing Bolt - Twitch fires a powerful bolt towards his target that pierces through enemies hit, dealing a percent of his Attack Damage as physical damage and applying 50% Grievous Wounds for 5 seconds.

Percent of Attack Damage: 175%/185%/200%

Scrap ~ Yordle ~ Arcanist

Mini Inferno Bomb - Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.

Damage: 250/350/475

Syndicate ~ Sniper

Volley - Ashe fires a volley of arrows centered on her target, dealing 100% of her Attack Damage as physical damage per arrow and slowing their Attack Speed by 15% for 3 seconds.

Arrows: 6/7/8

Scrap ~ Bodyguard

Rocket Grab - Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second. Allies within range prefer attacking Blitzcrank's target.

Damage: 150/300/900

Yordle ~ Twinshot

Bombardment - Corki fires a missile at his target that explodes on impact, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

Damage: 200/260/333

Yordle ~ Enchanter

Wild Growth - Lulu embiggens low Health allies, granting them bonus Health and knocking up enemies near them. If the ally is already embiggened, they are healed instead.

Allies: 1/2/3
Health: 300/350/400

Mercenary ~ Challenger

Disarming Assault - Quinn sends Valor out at her target, dealing magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. The main target is disarmed for 3 seconds and all nearby enemies have their Attack Damage reduced by for 4 seconds.

Damage: 150/250/350
Attack Damage Reduction: 40/40/80%

Imperial ~ Arcanist

Furious Bite - Rek’Sai bites her target, dealing 125% of her Attack Damage and bonus damage, stealing her target's Armor and Magic Resist, and healing herself.

Armor / MR: 30/40/60%
Bonus Damage: 100/150/200
Heal: 100/200/500
Hextech ~ Bruiser ~ Enforcer

Arctic Assault - Sejuani signals Bristle to charge, dealing magic damage and stunning her target. She then gains Frost Armor, granting her Armor and Magic Resist for 4 seconds.

Damage: 275/400/650
Stun: 1.5/2/3
Armor / MR: 80/120/200
Hextech ~ Arcanist

Death's Hand - Swain unleashes piercing bolts of eldritch power in a cone towards his target, dealing magic damage to enemies within and healing Swain for each enemy hit.

Damage: 225/300/450
Heal: 200/275/350

Debonair ~ Scholar

Force of Will - Syndra flings the nearest enemy towards the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies upon impact, and stunning the thrown target. VIP bonus: Force of Will's impact area is larger and knocks up affected enemies for 1.5 seconds.

Damage: 225/325/500
Stun: 2/2.5/3
Debonair ~ Assassin

Blade's End - Passive: Talon's 1st attack on an enemy causes them to bleed for magic damage over 7 seconds. Every 3rd attack on a target applies an additional bleed. VIP Bonus: Bleed deals true damage and lasts 100% longer.

Damage: 450/650/950

Chemtech ~ Challenger

Eternal Hunger - Passive: Warwick's Attacks deal an additional percent of his target's current Health as bonus magic damage, and heal him for the damage dealt.

Damage: 6/9/12%

Clockwork ~ Innovator

Time Bomb - Zilean places a bomb on the closest enemy, stunning them.When the stun ends, or the target dies, the bomb explodes dealing magic damage to adjacent enemies and applying Attack Speed Slow for 3 seconds.

Damage: 200/300/450
Stun Duration: 1.5/2/2.5
Attack Speed Reduction: 20/35/50%
Syndicate ~ Scholar

Grasping Spines - Zyra summons vines in the row with the most enemies, dealing magic damage and stunning them.

Damage: 200/300/500
Stun: 1.5/2/2.5

Mutant ~ Colossus ~ Bruiser

Feast - Cho’Gath devours the lowest Health enemy within range, dealing magic damage. If this kills the target, Cho’Gath gains a stack of Feast, up to. Each stack of Feast grants 2% bonus Health and size permanently.

Damage: 500/750/1500
Max Stacks: 6/12/999

Scrap ~ Assassin ~ Innovator

Parallel Convergence - Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals magic damage to enemies within and applies reduced movement speed for 4 seconds. Allies inside gain bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds.

Damage: 200/325/450
Slow Amount: 35/35/50%
Attack Speed Bonus: 30/50/70%

Mercenary ~ Twinshot

Parrrley - Gangplank shoots his target, dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage and bonus damage. If this kills a champion, Gangplank plunders 1 gold.

Percent of Attack Damage: 225% / 250% / 300%
Bonus Damage: 120/160/225

Yordle ~ Socialite ~ Striker

Rocket Swarm - Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar for the rest of combat. Mega Gnar throws a boulder at the farthest enemy within boulder range, dealing a percentage of his Attack Damage plus bonus damage as physical damage to all enemies it passes through.While in Mega Gnar form, Gnar is melee, gains Health, and his mana costs are reduced by 20.

Base Damage: 175%
Bonus Damage: 150/200/300
Health: 500/750/1200

Debonair ~ Bodyguard

Solar Eclipse - Leona calls down a beacon of light, granting herself shield for 4 seconds. Leona and allies within 2 hexes gain Armor and Magic Resistance for the same duration. VIP Bonus: Heals for 0.8% of max HP for each enemy targeting her.

Shield: 500/800/1300
Armor and Magic Resistance: 30/50/80

Hextech ~ Twinshot

Relentless Pursuit - Lucian dashes away from his current target and fires shots at nearby enemies that deal magic damage.

Shots: 2/2/3
Damage: 175/275/300

Mutant ~ Arcanist

Malefic Visions - Malzahar infects the mind of the closest unafflicted target, dealing magic damage over 8 seconds and applying 40% Magic Resistance shred for the duration. If an afflicted target dies, Malefic Visions spreads to the nearest unafflicted targets with the remaining duration.

Damage: 625/875/1050
Spread: 1/1/2

Mercenary ~ Sniper

Make It Rain - Miss Fortune rains 4 waves of bullets down around a random enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area and reducing their incoming healing by 50% for 6 seconds.

Damage: 200/300/450

Syndicate ~ Enchanter

Soul Shackles - Morgana grants herself a shield for 3 seconds and shackles herself to all enemies in a 2 hex radius. She then deals magic damage per second to them, as long as the shield holds.If the shield expires without being broken, all targets are stunned. If the shield is broken, Morgana instead refunds herself 30 mana.

Shield: 400/550/750
Damage: 150/225/325
Stun: 1.5/2/2.5
Socialite ~ Enchanter

Piercing Darkness - Senna fires a beam in the direction of her target, dealing 160% of her Attack Damage as physical damage to all enemies hit. For each enemy hit, she heals the lowest health ally for 50% of the damage dealt.

Base Damage: 80/125/200

Chemtech ~ Challenger

Spinning Slash - Tryndamere spins in a line towards the most enemies, dealing 150% of his Attack Damage plus bonus damage to enemies in his path and empowering his next 3 attacks to deal 25% more damage.

Bonus Damage: 80/120/240

Chemtech ~ Bruiser

Yoink! - Zac stretches his arms up to three hexes to pull the two most distant enemies towards him, dealing magic damage. Zac takes less damage while using this ability.

Damage: 300/400/600
Damage Reduction: 75%

Yordle ~ Arcanist

Personal Space - Vex shields herself against damage over 4 seconds. When the shield expires, it deals magic damage to all enemies within 2 hexes, and additional damage if it wasn't destroyed. If it was destroyed, Personal Space becomes 25% stronger this combat. This effect can stack.

Damage: 150/250/350
Shield: 550/700/900
Bonus Damage: 150/250/350

Syndicate ~ Arcanist

Orbs of Deception - Ahri fires an orb in a line, dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through on the way out and the way back. Ahri fires additional orb(s) for each time she has cast this combat. Enemies already hit by an orb now take 80% damage for each subsequent orb.

Damage: 120/180/450
Additional Orbs: 1/1/2
Hextech ~ Colossus

Pulverize - Alistar charges through the enemy team, dealing magic damage, knocking them back, and stunning them. He then taunts nearby enemies.

Damage: 200/350/1200
Stun: 2/2.5/8

Syndicate ~ Bodyguard

Vault Breaker - Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned and take magic damage.

Stun: 1.75/2.25/8
Damage: 100/125/1000

Debonair ~ Challenger

Spinning Axes - Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal a percentage of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage. The axe will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time. Passive: Draven ignores 50% of his target's Armor. VIP Bonus: Draven gains infinite attack range and ignores 50% of his target's Armor.

Base Damage: 150/160/400%
Bonus Damage: 150/200/500
Scrap ~ Striker

Bladesurge - Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for 180% of her Attack Damage plus bonus damage as physical damage. If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.

Bonus Damage: 100/150/500

Clockwork ~ Sniper

Curtain Call - Jhin transforms his weapon into a powerful sniper rifle for his next 4 shots. Each shot deals a percentage of his Attack Damage as physical damage, reduced by 33% for each target it pierces through. The 4th shot is guaranteed to critically strike, and deals 44% more damage based on his target's missing Health. Passive: Jhin always attacks .9/.9/1.4 times per second. He converts each 1% of bonus Attack Speed into .8 Attack Damage.

Base Damage: 175/250/444%

Mutant ~ Assassin

Arid Assault - Kha'Zix leaps towards the lowest Health enemy, striking them for a percentage of his Attack Damage plus Bonus Damage and increasing their maximum Mana by 50% until they cast.

Base Damage: 180/185/200%
Bonus Damage: 175/225/500

Clockwork ~ Enchanter

Command: Shockwave - Orianna sends out her ball towards the largest group of champions, then commands it to release a shockwave. Allies within two hexes gain a shield for 4 seconds, while enemies within the area are briefly knocked up and dealt magic damage. Enemies adjacent to the ball are drawn in, stunning them.

Shield: 175/375/750
Damage: 325/500/1200
Stun: 1.5/1.5/5
Chemtech ~ Scholar

Toxic Wave - Renata unleashes a toxic wave towards the largest group of nearby enemies, poisoning all enemies in its path for 15 seconds. Poisoned enemies suffer 15% reduced Attack Speed and take magic damage per second. Damage dealt by the poison can stack.

Damage: 40/70/150

Socialite ~ Innovator

Encore - Seraphine projects her song towards the largest group of enemy units, dealing magic damage to enemies. Allies it passes through are healed and gain bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds.

Damage: 200/300/1000
Heal: 200/300/1000
Attack Speed: 30/50/100%

Hextech ~ Striker

On the Hunt - For the next 5 seconds, Sivir grants herself bonus Attack Speed and her attacks bounce, dealing 33% of her Attack Damage to enemies hit.

Attack Speed: 50/75/200%
Bounces: 4/5/9

VI ⁴
Enforcer ~ Rivals ~ Bruiser

Piltover Pulverizer - Vi shields herself and deals magic damage to her target and enemies behind it. On her 2nd cast, she also dashes through her target. On her 3rd cast, she instead throws her target into the air and slams them back to the ground, dealing damage in a circle around her target.

Shield: 225/325/750
Damage: 150/225/450
3rd Cast Damage: 300/450/900

Socialite ~ Colossus ~ Bodyguard

Colossal Entrance - Galio becomes invulnerable and leaps into the sky before crashing down on the largest group of enemies. Enemies within a large radius take magic damage and are knocked into the sky. The lower the enemy’s maximum Health is compared to Galio’s, the further they are knocked up. Passive: Galio’s critical strikes slam the ground, dealing bonus magic damage to enemies around his target.

Damage: 150/225/9001
Passive Damage: 100/150/500
Stun: 1/1.5/10

Enforcer ~ Transformer ~ Innovator

Mercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer - Melee form: Jayce slams his hammer down onto nearby enemies, dealing damage and reducing their Armor and Magic Resist. Ranged form: Jayce deploys an acceleration gate, granting bonus Attack Speed to allies in the same row, then fires an orb of electricity at the largest enemy group.

Ranged AD Bonus: 45/70/1000
Ranged Spell AD: 170/180/500%
Melee Spell AD: 170/180/1000%
Melee Bonus Armor / MR: 40
Melee Shield: 375/550/3000

Rival ~ Scrap ~ Twinshot

Super Mega Death Rocket - Jinx rides her rocket high into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and 50% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for 5 seconds, dealing a percent of the target's maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing for the duration. She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode, dealing a percent of her Attack Damage in a small area around her target.

Magic Damage: 400/600/3000
Burn: 2/2.5/3%
Rocket Launcher AD: 220/230/888%

Mutant ~ Challenger

Icathian Monsoon - Kai’sa dashes to the hex furthest from all enemies. She then fires a volley of missiles spread evenly among all enemies that deal magic damage. Kai'Sa fires a bonus missile for each time she has attacked this combat.

Missiles: 14/18/40
Damage: 50/75/150

Mastermind ~ Scholar

Unstable Concoction - Silco injects an unstable concoction into his lowest Health allies, granting them 100% maximum Health, bonus Attack Speed, and immunity to crowd control for 8 seconds. When the concoction wears off, unstable units die, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.

Allies: 1/1/10
Attack Speed: 80/175/666%
Damage: 250/500/5000

Mercenary ~ Glutton ~ Bruiser

Devour - Tahm Kench devours his target, storing them in his belly for 3 seconds and dealing magic damage damage over the duration. During this time, they are invulnerable to other sources of damage and Tahm Kench takes 40% reduced damage. If they die while inside, Tahm Kench spits out a random item component they were holding, or the cost of the unit in gold. Otherwise, he spits them towards the farthest enemy, briefly stunning targets they impact.

Damage: 1000/1500/30000


Furyhorn Storm - Veigar calls down Furyhorns over a few seconds near random enemies, each dealing magic damage.

Damage: 250/300/777
Furyhorn: 20/30/99/size]

Chemtech - Arcanist

Death Ray - Viktor summons multiple singularities to fire death rays that cut across the battlefield in a line, melting through enemies' defenses. Enemies caught in their path take magic damage, have a percent of any remaining shields destroyed, and suffer Armor Shred.

Armor Shred: 40/50/70%
Shield: 25/33/100%
Damage: 300/400/1500

Zeri ⁵
Debonair ~ Sniper

Devour - Zeri charges herself up with electricity for 6 seconds. While electrified, she aims at the farthest enemy, her attacks pierce, and she dashes after every shot. Passive: Zeri's attacks fire bullets, each dealing 16% of her Attack Damage as physical damage plus bonus magic damage to the first unit hit. VIP Bonus: Zeri's Lightning Nova's radius is doubled.

Bullets: 5/5/30
Damage: 11/22/55

That's all for the champions. Now let's see the new augments!

New Tier 1 Augments:
  • Arcane Nullifier I - Your units’ Abilities ignore 20% of the target’s Magic Resist and reduce healing received by 50% for 8 seconds.
  • Backfoot I - Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 20% Attack Speed.
  • Battlemage I - Your units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 30 Ability Power.
  • Blue Battery I - After casting their Ability, your units restore 10 Mana.
  • Concussive Blows - Striker’s critical strikes stun their target for 1.5 seconds. Each target can only be stunned once every 5 seconds. Gain a Rek’sai.
  • Cybernetic Shell I - Your champions holding an item gain 150 Health and 30 Armor.
  • Cybernetic Uplink I - Your champions holding an item gain 150 Health and restore 2 Mana per second.
  • Debonair Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Debonair. Gain a Talon.
  • Disintegrator I - Your units’ attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 2% of the target’s maximum Health.
  • Double Trouble I - If you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain 30 Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you upgrade to 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
  • Electrocharge I - When your units receive a critical strike, they deal 100 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Free…Healthcare? - All units benefit from the Chemtech trait as though they were Chemtech units. This does not affect the number of Chemtech units. Gain a Warwick
  • Hexnova - The first time a Hextech champion drops below 60% Health, they increase nearby enemies’ maximum Mana by 50% until they cast. Gain a Nocturne.
  • Hextech Armory - All units benefit from the Hextech trait as though they were Hextech units. This does not affect the number of Hextech units. Gain a Sejuani.
  • Hextech Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Hextech. Gain a Sejuani.
  • Irresistible Charm - Debonair champions take 25% less damage. Gain a Leona.
  • Keepers I - At the start of combat, your units grant adjacent allies a 125 health shield for 8 seconds.
  • Luden’s Echo I - When your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 150 bonus magic damage.
  • Meditation I - Your units without items equipped restore 3 Mana per second.
  • Overpower - After every 2 attacks, Strikers gain 75% Critical Strike Chance on their next attack. Gain a Rek’Sai.
  • Phalanx I - Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 25 Armor and Magic Resist.
  • Recombobulator - Champions on your board permanently transform into random champions that cost 1 more. Gain 3 Magnetic Removers.
  • Second Wind I - After 10 seconds of combat, your units heal 50% of their missing Health.
  • Stored Power - Your Hextech champions permanently gain 1 Ability Power each time they are hit by your Hexcore’s pulses. Gain a Swain.
  • Striker Heart - Your team counts as having 1 additional Striker. Gain a Rek’Sai.
  • Study the Blade - All units benefit from the Challenger trait as though they were Challengers. This does not affect the number of Challengers. Gain a Quinn.
  • True Justice - Your Enforcers deal true damage to enemies below 50% Health. Gain a Sejuani.
  • Treasure Trove I - Gain 1 blue and 1 gray loot orb.
  • Tri Force I - Your 3-cost champions gain 233 Health, 13 starting Mana, and 23% Attack Speed.

New Tier 2 Augments:
  • Arcane Nullifier II - Your units’ Abilities ignore 40% of the target’s Magic Resist and reduce healing received by 50% for 8 seconds.
  • Archangel’s Embrace - Upon casting their Ability, your units gain Ability Power equal to 30% of their maximum Mana.
  • Backfoot II - Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 30% Attack Speed.
  • Battlemage II - Your units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 45 Ability Power.
  • Component Grab Bag - Gain 3 random item components.
  • Cybernetic Shell II - Your champions holding an item gain 250 Health and 45 Armor.
  • Cybernetic Uplink II - Your champions holding an item gain 250 Health and restore 3 Mana per second.
  • Debonair Crest - Gain a Debonair Emblem and a Syndra.
  • Disintegrator II - Your units’ attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 3% of the target’s maximum Health.
  • Double Trouble II - If you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain 45 Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you upgrade to 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
  • Electrocharge II - When your units receive a critical strike, they deal 150 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Four Score - Gain 3 random 4-cost champions.
  • Future Sight I - Know who you will fight next. Gain a Zephyr.
  • Golden Gifts I - Gain 1 golden loot orb.
  • Hextech Crest - Gain a Hextech Emblem and a Nocturne.
  • Jeweled Lotus - Magic and true damage from your units’ Abilities can critically strike.
  • Keepers II - At the start of combat, your units grant adjacent allies a 175 Health shield for 8 seconds.
  • Luden’s Echo II - When your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 225 bonus magic damage.
  • Meditation II - Your units without items equipped restore 5 Mana per second.
  • Phalanx II - Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 35 Armor and Magic Resist.
  • Second Wind II - After 10 seconds of combat, your units heal 75% of their missing Health.
  • Striker Crest - Gain a Striker Emblem and a Rek’sai.
  • Tiny Titans - Your Tactician heals 35 Health, grows larger, and has 135 maximum Health.
  • Thieving Rascals - Free Yordles from the portal have 35% chance to arrive holding an item component. Gain a Lulu.
  • Three’s Company - Gain 4 random 3-cost champions.
  • Treasure Trove II - Gain 2 blue and 1 gray loot orbs.
  • Tri Force II - Your 3-cost champions gain 333 Health, 23 Mana, and 33% Attack Speed.
  • True Twos - Gain 2 random 2-star 2-cost champions.
  • Very VIP - When an ally dies, they grant the Debonair VIP 40% of their maximum Health for the rest of combat. Gain a Syndra.
  • Weakspot II - Your units’ attacks ignore 40% of the target’s Armor and reduce healing received by 50% for 5 seconds.
  • Woodland Trinket - At the start of combat, your highest Attack Speed champion creates two 400 Health copies of themself (excluding items).

New Tier 3 Augments:
  • Arcane Nullifier III - Your units’ Abilities ignore 60% of the target’s Magic Resist and reduce healing received by 50% for 8 seconds.
  • Backfoot III - Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 40% Attack Speed.
  • Battlemage III - Your units that start combat in the front 2 rows gain 60 Ability Power.
  • Blue Battery II - After casting their Ability, your units restore 20 Mana.
  • Cybernetic Shell III - Your units holding an item gain 350 Health and 60 Armor.
  • Cybernetic Uplink III - Your units holding an item gain 350 Health and restore 4 Mana per second.
  • Debonair Crown - Gain 2 Debonair Emblems.
  • Disintegrator III - Your units’ attacks deal bonus magic damage equal to 4% of the target’s maximum Health.
  • Double Trouble III - If you have exactly 2 copies of a champion on your board, they both gain 60 Attack Damage, Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you upgrade to 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
  • Electrocharge III - Whenever your units receive a critical strike, they deal 200 magic damage to nearby enemies.
  • Future Sight II - Know who you fight next. Gain a Radiant Zephyr.
  • Golden Gifts II - Gain 2 golden loot orbs.
  • Hextech Crown - Gain 2 Hextech Emblems.
  • High Five - Gain 3 random 5-cost champions.
  • Luden’s Echo III - When your units cast and deal Ability damage, the first target hit and a nearby enemy take 300 bonus magic damage.
  • Meditation III - Your units without items equipped restore 7 Mana per second.
  • Phalanx III - Your units that start combat in the back 2 rows gain 50 Armor and Magic Resist.
  • Radiant Relics - Open an Armory and choose 1 of 4 unique Radiant items.
  • Second Wind III - After 10 seconds of combat, your units heal 100% of their missing Health.
  • Striker Crown - Gain 2 Striker Emblems.
  • The Golden Egg - Gain a massive golden egg that hatches in 5 turns.
  • Treasure Trove III - Gain 3 blue loot and 2 gray loot orbs.
  • Tri Force III - Your 3-cost champions gain 433 Health, 33 Mana, and 43% Attack Speed.
  • Verdant Veil - Your units are immune to crowd control effects for the first 12 seconds of combat.
  • Weakspot III - Your units’ attacks ignore 60% of the target’s Armor and reduce healing received by 50% for 5 seconds.

Let us know which are your favourite changes and what you're looking up to the most in the new Teamfight Tactics Gizmos and Gadgets: Neon Nights update! 🔥

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