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Best LoL Gaming Mouse of 2016?

Creator: khi4l March 26, 2016 7:57pm

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 4:15pm | Report
it's also not fair to chastise those who buy them.

No such thing was done. Do you have reading comprehension problems?
I personally prefer the wight of the mice, as well as the placement of the buttons.

You mean you like heavy mice? I can think of several reasons why a heavy weight is a bad thing, but not a single reason why it would be good. Am I missing something? Why would anybody want a heavy mouse?
you can fit all the pings and emotes and then some on the mouse

This isn't a very good argument for more buttons. If you think I'm being too harsh on "MMO" mice then could you come up with a scenario where these extra buttons actually help? Where more buttons than can be comfortably pressed on the keyboard are needed. I can comfortably reach 13-14 keys with one hand, and we can assume that all mice have 2 thumb buttons(M4/M5), meaning 16 keys, excluding M1/M2. Can you come up with an instance where more than 16 keys is good to have?
I bound button combinations like ctrl+c to the buttons.

That's not a bad idea. Ctrl+C/V is something very commonly used. And I've had instances where my other hand is occupied where I'd like to make use of them.
I bound them to my DPI shift buttons. DPI shifting is pretty pointless anyways (sniper buttons included). Constantly switching DPI hurts you more than it helps since it ruins your muscle memory.
"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 5:06pm | Report
Searz wrote:


@weight of the mouse: I guess when you don't wanna move your mouse but still need to click for somo reason I guess more weight is better
@arguments for more buttons:
When playing league, my left hand is in qwer at all times, so doing stuff like ctrl+d or ctrl+l for emotes can be quite annoying, for pings it is pretty much the same thing to a lesser extend
@button combinations:
Tilting my mouse wheel is ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab and my thumb buttons are ctrl a, f5, ctrl+l, ctrl+t, win+d, ctrl c, ctrl v, enter and two buttons for the dpi. I could not really go back to a normal mouse for the reason you stated.
Roguish Bard
Roguish Bard's Forum Avatar
Feb 11th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 6:14pm | Report
Toshabi actually did insult people for purchasing such mouses, so no, I do not have any reading problems, but continue being an *** all you want.

Next; lighter mouses feel too sensitive to me, even if I turn that down. I feel like Im just throwing the mouse around. A heavy mouse is simply more comfortable to me. That's all there is to it. You could go on and on about how you feel what you think is correct is more efficient, but not everyone feels the same or has to agree.

And lastly, there is actually a point to having a load of buttons on the mouse for the games they are designed for; MMOs. You can't really tell me those games are easy to play and move about correctly while also using all of your abilities when using them from the keyboard. Ask any one who plays them regularly; it's far easier to have your main rotation (usually anywhere from 4-10 abilities) on your mouse.

Moving your hand off the movement keys to hit even close keys can make you move awkwardly and potentially screw up.
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 6:25pm | Report
Toshabi actually did insult people for purchasing such mouses, so no, I do not have any reading problems, but continue being an *** all you want.

Next; lighter mouses feel too sensitive to me, even if I turn that down. I feel like Im just throwing the mouse around. A heavy mouse is simply more comfortable to me. That's all there is to it. You could go on and on about how you feel what you think is correct is more efficient, but not everyone feels the same or has to agree.

And lastly, there is actually a point to having a load of buttons on the mouse for the games they are designed for; MMOs. You can't really tell me those games are easy to play and move about correctly while also using all of your abilities when using them from the keyboard. Ask any one who plays them regularly; it's far easier to have your main rotation (usually anywhere from 4-10 abilities) on your mouse.

Moving your hand off the movement keys to hit even close keys can make you move awkwardly and potentially screw up.
don't ever take toshabi seriously
Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 7:09pm | Report
When playing league, my left hand is in qwer at all times, so doing stuff like ctrl+d or ctrl+l for emotes can be quite annoying, for pings it is pretty much the same thing to a lesser extend
Not a good argument. Emotes have no effect on gameplay and pings are easily covered by the 2-3 tumb buttons that most mice have.
Toshabi actually did insult people for purchasing such mouses, so no, I do not have any reading problems
Well, apparently you do have reading comprehension problems. Go read his comment again. No mention of MMO mice.
lighter mouses feel too sensitive to me, even if I turn that down. I feel like Im just throwing the mouse around. A heavy mouse is simply more comfortable to me.
So you have precision problems when moving your hand without a mouse? Because that's like a mouse with 0 weight.
Yeah, no. That's not a valid argument.
There are things that come down to preference (most notably the shape), but weight is not one of them.
The likely reason why you prefer heavier mice is that you're used to them. And we all know how negative humans tend to be toward change.
Have you perhaps considered the possibility that your sensitivity or your surface (mousepad) are why you have a problem?
I recently reduced my sensitivity significantly because I was using really high sensitivity for an FPS player. I halved my DPI to 800 and also decreased ingame sensitivity for an end result of roughly a third of the original. Now I have roughly 30cm/360° (full turn) and my accuracy really has improved. Mice also generally perform better (higher accuracy, lower ripple/jitter) at low DPIs. The optimal number depends on the mouse as they can have differing native DPIs, but 800 is a very common native DPI that gives extremely high accuracy without requiring a huge mousepad. Many pro players use 400DPI, but they also use huge mousepads at over 40cm.
And lastly, there is actually a point to having a load of buttons on the mouse for the games they are designed for; MMOs. Moving your hand off the movement keys to hit even close keys can make you move awkwardly and potentially screw up.
You might be right there. I haven't played a lot of MMO games since they tend to bore me out of my mind. But even in that genre there are plenty of games that don't require you to use loads of skills simultaneously. TERA for example, which has an awesome combo system, allowing you to set up skills that chain into other skills, to the point where you could even play the game on a controller (the combat is like a brawler).
"Well, basically you should treat me like a prostitute." - TotalBiscuit
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 7:19pm | Report
Searz wrote:
Not a good argument. Emotes have no effect on gameplay and pings are easily covered by the 2-3 tumb buttons that most mice have.

pretty much everyone uses emotes though. Anyway, 4 pings(6 with the non-smart ones) and attack move click already makes 5(7) buttons you prohably want to have on your mouse
Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 7:44pm | Report
Yeah, but you're ignoring the fact that each of your fingers can comfortably reach one button in each direction on the keyboard, allowing for plenty of buttons to map those actions to.
"Gold can't buy you rape." - Mr Sark
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 8:00pm | Report
I bind emotes to keys like T and M, I don't use mouse buttons at all in league or FPS games. Don't really play MMOs anymore, so can't comment on that.

As for weight, just adjust your sensitivity honestly... most mouses have DPI buttons that you can utilize. If that doesn't work, change your windows/ingame sens. I'm sure you'd be able to find one that fits you. As for actual DPI though, I can't use anything above 400 for FPS games, but I can't use anything lower than 800 for league. Most of it is just preference though.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 1, 2016 8:25pm | Report
I use the Naga mainly for Path of Exile. League emotes is about all I use it for as well.

And honestly I just didn't want to buy one online and wait for it to be shipped to me or any complications that could arrive because of that and the Naga was one of the better options that was available that was aesthetically pleasing to me.

Hasn't been that bad.

Roguish Bard
Roguish Bard's Forum Avatar
Feb 11th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2016 3:19am | Report
I assumed the comment toshabi listed implied MMO mice when he said "any mouse over 15$". Forgive my confusion.

As for the surface tension thing, I've tried multiple mice on different surfaces, and lighter mice always feel off to me. Not sure why. I just kind of over extend my hand movements when the mouse has no weight.
For reference I currently use a pretty cheap 5$ kind of mouse pad and it hasnt let me down with the mice I normally use.

And yeah, played Tera and similar games like Skyforge, those games usually make the keys to execute combos pretty easy to reach though like the EQ keys or Space. MMOS like WoW (most are, control wise) do not have this luxury in quick response combos as much.

...Actually I think they added that to WoW, but I cant be sure since I havent played since Wrath.

I may have jumped the gun with my initial post. It just seems like you're being dismissive and insulting towards people's preferences.

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