How great is this idea?
I guess we can take some pictures from the faces to names thread. We should make sure that the birthday calendar gets bumped a lot so that everyone is in there.
Other than that, a calendar shouldn't be too hard to create with photoshop or some other program.
Other than that, a calendar shouldn't be too hard to create with photoshop or some other program.

Yea, this ain't gonna happen. Why not """"hunks"""" of mobafire, anyway? Misogynistic pig.

Picture by: Hogopogo
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mastrer1000 wrote:
I guess we can take some pictures from the faces to names thread. We should make sure that the birthday calendar gets bumped a lot so that everyone is in there.
Other than that, a calendar shouldn't be too hard to create with photoshop or some other program.
Other than that, a calendar shouldn't be too hard to create with photoshop or some other program.
I think we would need some more high quality photos for that, I mean, after all we want it to look its best.

Yea, this ain't gonna happen. Why not """"hunks"""" of mobafire, anyway? Misogynistic pig.
Because no woman made a thread for that, if they do, then we can do both! Also we can sell all calenders to raise money to build a refuge for physically abused puppies!

So..if I understood're going to take semi-nude photos from MOBAfire female members and then create a calendar?
TROLLing1999 wrote:
So..if I understood're going to take semi-nude photos from MOBAfire female members and then creat a calendar?
No, I'm going to ambush them in the shower with an iPhone.

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Now if, during the time of you being a carefree child, your father happened to be a stereotypical mechanic-type character with a big moustache and all that, then you might have noticed his calender on the wall of his garage featuring scantily clad women. Now I was thinking, with all the talk about women lately and MOBAFire featuring its birthday calender, we should totally create our own Babes of MOBAFire Calender!!
Yes I know, it is brilliant. Leave your praise in the comments below and provide ideas on how to complete this masterpiece before the new year starts.