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☛ Choose your path (forum game) ☚

Creator: emoriam April 17, 2015 10:42am
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2015 10:42am | Report
To play, first choose one of the answer given by the last post, then you try to think of what can happen next according to our story and finally you give a new set of answers. I will go first by providing a simple introduction. Let's see if this game works out and we can tell a cohesive story!

You're at home and sitting on the couch. The rest of your family is already sleeping and you suddenly hear someone screaming nearby your house.

1. You ignore the noise and continue watching television
2. You go upstairs and look for your other family members
3. You decide to go outside and figure out what's going on

If you don't like the idea of telling a story we could exlude this part from the game and focus on choosing answers independent from any story
Thanks to Emikadon for this sig!
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2015 10:54am | Report
I decided to go outside and figure out what is going on.

You walked outside and found nothing. However, after an instant you notice there is a horrible stench coming from the neighbours backyard. You decide to

1. Go back inside, this is none of your business
2. Knock on the neighbours door eventhough it is late and ask whats up
3. Try to look whats there by climbing a tree
4. Enter the neighbours backyard without permission
Change is gooooood
Picture by: MrMad2000

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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2015 12:36pm | Report
I decided to go back inside as it is none of my business since the stench isn't noticeable when you're inside.

You go back inside. You notice an old bracelet with a lotus flower charm attached to it. It's been sitting on the top of your shelf for a while now. You decide to put it on. Memories from your past come surging through (you don't remember per se, they come rushing).

1. You decide to take it off and throw it away
2. You're curious and keep it on, exploring through the memories
3. You keep it on but just mentally block out whatever it throws at you
4. You figure out you've been up for too long and decide to go to bed
TROLLing1999's Forum Avatar
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Apr 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2015 12:52pm | Report
I decided to throw it away.

You turn the TV on. You search through the channels and realise that there are just a few things to watch.

1. A football game.
2. A documentary about animals.
3. Some reality show.
4. A crime TV series/crime movie.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2015 1:32pm | Report
I decided to watch some reality show.

Seemingly Mary just left Roberto who impregnated Wilma. Mary is now married to a mexican guy called Jesus who is secretly an assassin during nights. Then Jesus killed Robertos father and Roberto is fighting Jesus with a screwdriver on top of the mount Everest to determine who is the worthiest men of all! And then the fight started and... the TV broke down. What do you do?

1. Do something else
2. Try to fix the TV quickly before the fight is over!
3. Cry, because you will never find out the plot!
Change is gooooood
Picture by: Hogopogo

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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 18, 2015 12:35am | Report
I cry, because I will never find out the plot.

Suddenly a garish light appears upstairs which is way too bright to be produced by the lamps. Your parents and your sister are still upstairs apparently sleeping but you expect them to wake up due to the light.

1. You're sick of this **** and try to sleep on the couch
2. You go upstairs and try to fix the light
3. You go outside because the noise and action outside is gone and you actually want to go out with the dog
Thanks to Ubnoxius for this sig!
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2015 8:04am | Report
You go upstairs and try to fix the light

You go up the stairs only to realise that you aren't German-efficient enough to fix it so you decide to fall and then you roll down the stairs and lose consciousness.

1. When you wake up you decide to take a nap and see naughty dreams
2. When you dream you see dreams about Pegasus named Mickey Mouse
3. You get conscious and eat a doughnut
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2015 8:24am | Report
I got conscious and ate a doughnut.

You find the doughnut delicious, but there is something off. You look around and find out that the lights upstairs are off. You walk upstairs and wonder who turned off the lights. It certainly wasn't you because you aren't German-efficient! You decide to

1. Investigate who did it
2. Turn the lights on
3. Turn yourself on
4. Eat another doughnut
Change is gooooood

Je suis le bee
~ Meiyjhe ~
Want to advertise your guide, but don't know where? Click here for an opportunity of a lifetime!
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2015 8:29am | Report
Eat another doughnut

You slowly but surely start to get sick due to the amount of doughnuts you've already eaten. You're about to puke. You're feeling it inside.

1. You puke in the kitchen sink even though the tap currently doesn't work
2. Yo run upstairs as you want to puke in you bathroom's sink
3. You open the door and puke in the front garden
4. You puke on the floor, directly in front of the TV
Thanks to Natuhlee for this sig!
Emi's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2015 9:30am | Report
You puke on the floor, directly in front of the TV.

You sigh as you stare at the mess you made on the tiles in front of the TV. You decide to go get a mop to clean it up, but you remember it's upstairs, where the lights had turned off without explanation.

1. You decide to go upstairs anyway because you figured you had forgotten you turned them off.
2. You grab paper towels from your kitchen instead.
3. You continue to watch TV and eat another doughnut.
Made this sig myself :)
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