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Favorite video game top 10's

Creator: Ninja Trigger October 18, 2014 11:50pm
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Dec 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 3:20pm | Report
I suck at ordering so I won't. I'll also leave out a lot of great games I've played(LoL and osu! included) because I suck at making lists.
The Smash Bros games

The Ace Attorney games(especially the original Phoenix Wright series) because stepladders.

Zero Escape: 999 (haven't played the sequel yet). I dunno, somehow I really enjoyed it.

The good old Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games, and some other JRPGS like Suikoden Teierkreis. I just love the genre.

Pokémon, kinda part of the former but it deserves its own spot. I suppose the Mario Kart games could be on here too. I'm a Nintendo guy when it comes to consoles. Kirby games were fine too.

Skyrim. Sorry Searz. I never really got into the older TES games, though I try them sometimes.

The Wolf Among Us was nice.

Lots of (mostly older) LEGO games, like Lego Racers(both), Lego Island 2 and Star Wars and the like. I was a Lego fanatic, games included.

Team Fortress 2 is one of those games that changed my life. Some other Valve games like Portal were nice too.

Ehhh... Rome: Total War? Mirror's Edge is one of those unexpected gems too.

Like I said, I played a lot more nice games. If you would ask me this next week the list would probably be somewhat different. Before someone says they're all stupid, probably true. But some of these games can give me that weird feeling climbing down my back, and that bubbly feeling in my belly.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 3:32pm | Report
Implying there is a perfect game? Every game is flawed in some way or in someone's opinion.

Not at all, but there is such a thing as objective flaws.
Video games are like music, movies and pretty much everything else used for entertainment. Everyone has different tastes and sometimes flaws in a game make it more enjoyable to people. You shouldn't read too much further into it. It makes you seem judgmental.

That's a twisted view on flaws, and holds no weight in discussions like these.
I AM judgemental. And it has both positive and negative effects.

Just like any other piece of media games can be objectively evaluated to a certain extent. If something is flawed then it generally has a negative effect on the experience. The problem is that many people ignore flaws because they like other parts of said piece of media.
Nostalgia also plays a large role in many peoples' choices/opinions. Take for example your own mention of Mario Kart 64. Do you seriously think it has anything to put against newer racing titles? Many kinds of games don't age well mechanically, among those are racing games. And among those is Mario Kart 64.
For instance, everyone I talk to seems to think that the challenge of Dark Souls makes it so appealing, but I can't stand the trial and error until I have the game memorized style of play.

I'm actually not a fan of trial and error either. But while Dark Souls has quite a few of those elements it can still be overcome with skill. I beat the last boss on my first try, alone for instance (you can summon people to fight with you and make it significantly easier).
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 3:44pm | Report
Again, why the **** do you care what I like?

Why does anybody care what anybody else likes?
so what if I didn't like it, is that any of your business?
hey now, I can like whatever the **** I want.

So you want me to **** off? Noted, I will not bother you any more as long as you stay out of the conversation.
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 4:01pm | Report
Find it tough to really list a top 10 because I have the tendency to notice all the little flaws and get annoyed by them; especially story-wise, but I'll give it a go:
  1. Metroid Prime Trilogy - Not flawless but pretty amazing in my opinion. Every gameplay mechanic just works really well, the story ideas were pretty original at the time, and we have a female protagonist. Also, it grants us some pretty amazing music to listen to.
  2. DooM II - The father of the FPS, and that's pretty much all to it. In all seriousness, I adore this game; it's part nostalgia and part good game design. It's also just good on a level of Army of Darkness; doesn't take itself too seriously.
  3. KotoR (+ KotoR 2) - One of the best RPGs out there; if you are a fan of the genre, I'd encourage you to play it, and I'm not just saying that because I am a Star Wars fan. The story elements are great and it features a moral choice system that isn't entirely "I'mma eat your face" or "I'll start a puppy hospital", if you catch my drift.
  4. Company of Heroes - One of the better RTS games out there, or so I think. I do happen to be slightly biased because I find WWII so interesting, but I still think the game is really well done. The balancing can be a tad off at times, but it's not all that bothersome really. I really hate the sequel though.
  5. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - It's my favourite Zelda game. I am not too sure if I can rate it as the best, but I really like some of the elements included. I did like the slow start, I did like the wolf thing, and I loved Midna as a character. Also, the story was more compelling to me. The silent protagonist does ruin it slightly for me though.
  6. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - The RTS that got me into RTS in the first place. I think it's a true masterpiece for the genre. The game has flaws but is a good example of proper pacing, cool missions, and multiplayer being balanced with very different factions. Yuri kinda ruined that though, but oh well.
  7. Star Wars: Republic Commando - My second favourite Star Wars game. I think the squad-based combat was done right, and nothing really felt too overpowered. The game offered multiple ways of handling situations and on hard it could really be a serious challenge at times. Also, it really gave the clone stuff a lot more depth; stuff we didn't get in the movies, because honestly, they are ****ing garbage. The game's really short though.
  8. Portal 1 (+ 2) - Amazing game concept. Story time was nice and the puzzles were clever. Portal 2 wasn't necessarily better but had its own nice things.
  9. Advance Wars: Duel Strike - Best Turn-Based Strategy I've ever played really. It made clever use of the DS' two screens, packed a compelling and challenging campaign, and I just love the style. The best part is really its simplicity combined with the wide variety of maps, characters, and units.
  10. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time - I thought about it for a while, as in, what to put in the 10th slot, but I really wanted to put a game there that I want to remember; a game I want to be able to point out as a proper example. League of Legends, Skyrim, SSB Melee all failed that test really. Prince of Persia is really a classic, and Sands of Time was absolutely brilliant. There characters were good; the combat flowed nicely, the rewind mechanic was absolutely amazing because it really allowed the instant-death traps to exist; you know, the iconic part of the franchise. Also, the story telling was done alright.

P.S. I don't necessarily consider these the best games, but they're mostly the games I enjoyed the most and those which, I think, are real examples of properly done games.
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 4:06pm | Report

Mirror's Edge is one of those unexpected gems too.[/indent]

Not really. Mirror's Edge was a failed gimmick.
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 4:09pm | Report
Searz, this is about favoritism. It doesn't matter if any game listed here is good or bad, people are just listing their favorites.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 4:16pm | Report
Skyrim. Sorry Searz. I never really got into the older TES games, though I try them sometimes.

Well, all of them have awful combat and progression systems. It's just that the earlier games have better world-building and story.
Not really. Mirror's Edge was a failed gimmick.

I disagree. It wasn't entirely failed. But I can't say that I think it's a great game. It was an interesting idea with decent execution.
Searz, this is about favoritism. It doesn't matter if any game listed here is good or bad, people are just listing their favorites.
And a ton of these games have flaws, so I wouldn't put them on a top 10 list for best games of all time.

but as far as games that I like to play this is my all time favorite list :)

... maybe it's me that is being silly here. While I do genuinely believe that lots of people have terrible taste in games and other forms of media I also realize that I'm a person that values selectivity and objectivity more than the majority.
Maybe it's just me wanting this thread to be more objective than it in reality is..

I'm sorry, this thread is clearly not what I hoped for, so I'll stop bothering people here.
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Sep 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 4:17pm | Report
  1. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - It's my favourite Zelda game. I am not too sure if I can rate it as the best, but I really like some of the elements included. I did like the slow start, I did like the wolf thing, and I loved Midna as a character. Also, the story was more compelling to me. The silent protagonist does ruin it slightly for me though.

I enjoyed twilight princess and I agree with you on favourite Zelda game
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 4:24pm | Report
All of my list is Megaman. Megaman classic, Megaman Battle Network. All of it, perfection.

Oh and Dark Souls 2. Damned if I can't beat it yet, but it's great.
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 19, 2014 4:28pm | Report
1. Super Smash Bros. Series (by the way if anyone has the 3DS version and wants to play give me your code)

2. Donkey Kong Country Series (this is my childhood, and also includes returns and tropical freeze)

3. Metroid (ive only really finished the first one sadly but i like to speed run it whenever i have a day im not doing anything)

4. Metro 2033/Last Light (im really into these types of games that are about the world ending and this being a survival-ish game makes it feel more "world is over" than other games like fallout where you have everything you ever want all the time)

5. The Last of Us (gameplay was eh but i loved the story)

6. Dishonored (stealth games are some of my favorite types of games, and when playing RPGs i always go for the stealthy assassin characters)

7. Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past (i love this game and its sequel A Link Between Worlds, sadly i dont have a copy of it anymore and im too lazy to emulate it)

8. Dual Hearts (super old PS2 game that i enjoyed even though its terrible now)

9. Arc The Lad 2 (old PS2 RPG, same as 8)

10. MegaMan Battle Network Series (i actually liked these even though i could never beat them fully)
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