What Kind Of Birthday Do You Wish Nameless?
Meiyjhe wrote:
Still waiting for that duet
GrandmasterD wrote:
Anyway today you've reached the grand age of 22 which means, obviously, that it's time to start thinking about marriage, kids[...]
Anywho, enjoy your presents, booze, drugs, revelations, and evil dreams about pregnancy. Cheers!
Anywho, enjoy your presents, booze, drugs, revelations, and evil dreams about pregnancy. Cheers!
The moment a religious person unknowingly calls his own ways stupid: "And lol. I highly doubt you have magic powers. If you proved it I would believe you, but since you 'refuse to', I choose not to."
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Alright you've done it! You've managed to survive another year in that Godforsaken place, I mean holding out in the U S of A in this economy! That's worth a party. The kind of party that makes you wake up surrounded by bottles, in the bathroom of a gas station, chained to the sink, without pants, wearing a clown's mask. No I don't have any experience with that, why do you ask?
Anyway today you've reached the grand age of 22 which means, obviously, that it's time to start thinking about marriage, kids, and a bunch of other mundane and boring stuff. Nah just kidding, responsibility is so far away it's like streets ahead of you (anyone get that joke?).
Now I'm no birthday enthusiast, and I don't really see the point, other than to get drunk, stoned, and receive presents for absolutely no reason. Oh wait, the former two aren't for you, as you're supposed to clean up the mess. Ha! Ha!. And no that wasn't a sexist joke, just because the host of the party always cleans up you see? No really, why does everyone always assume that I'm being sexist?! Jeez.
Anywho, enjoy your presents, booze, drugs, revelations, and evil dreams about pregnancy. Cheers!