Hit, near enough. No Dr Who on, no Doc Martin. I only put on the TV when I'm ironing. Ironing is scheduled for Friends, Charmed and Scrubs.
Next person loves Buffy the Vampire Slayer
[quote=Kinen]Hit, near enough. No Dr Who on, no Doc Martin. I only put on the TV when I'm ironing. Ironing is scheduled for Friends, Charmed and Scrubs.
Next person loves Buffy the Vampire Slayer[/quote]
miss, is it worth watching?
next person has played the new need for speed most wanted
edit: i am referring to darker than black :) relationship is also miss
[quote=mastrer1000]miss, is it worth watching?
next person has played the new need for speed most wanted
edit: i am referring to darker than black :) relationship is also miss[/quote]
Next person has played Torchlight / 2