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Hurt and Heal

Creator: Jebus McAzn June 15, 2011 8:11pm
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Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 8:11pm | Report

A user is no longer allowed to heal the same champion more than once per page.

okay, you can heal the same champion more than once per page. that rule was stupid now that we've only got these few champions.

The -1 health a day rule is hereby repealed.

A forum game taken from the LoL forums to pass time while servers are down, you're queuing for ranked games, or are just bored.

The rules are simple. You start off with a full list of champions and gradually "hurt and heal" each one until there's only a single survivor.

    Each 'heal' counts as +1 and each 'hurt' counts for -1.
    Each post you can hurt up to two champions, or hurt the same one twice, and heal one champion
    No double posts.
    A champion is eliminated upon reaching 0.
    If you don't say x2 or twice or whatever and just say "hurt ___" it will be -1.
    Posts that can't follow rules will be ignored
    Posts that hurt or heal dead champions will have that part ignored

    And adding on my own custom rules:
Every day, I will subtract one point from every champion. (NOT ANYMORE)
New champions enter the fray with 10 health (subject to change)

27 Kills - Lugignaf
10 Kills - Bloofyre
8 Kills - NicknameMy
5 Kills - Canoas
4 Kills - Trojan995, Nighthawk
3 Kills - Rudmed
2 Kills - Jebus McAzn, Change of Day, mobrebel, DER DEUTSCHE
1 Kill - Ya1232, Temzilla, sellsocer, Scrax, Xaiowiriamu, Nyxus, kass

Last Updated: July 24 21:27 MOBAFire Time


Your top 5 favorite champions:


Eliminated (The following is in MOBAFire time):
Vladimir (Nighthawk, June 17 16:31) (FIRST BLOOD)

Vayne (Ya1232, June 18 11:32)

Evelynn (Lugignaf, June 21 18:54)

Rumble (Change of Day June 22-23)

Teemo (Temzilla, June 24, 20:30)

Tryndamere (Rudmed, June 25 15:58)

Yorick (Rudmed, June 25 21:00)
Karthus (sellsocer, June 26 8:23)
Mordekaiser (Lugignaf, June 26 10:25)

Warwick (Canoas, June 27 10:15)
Brand (Nighthawk, June 27 12:24)
Katarina (Lugignaf, June 27 15:51)
Malzahar (Canoas, June 27 16:05)
Gangplank (Canoas, June 27 16:28)
Jax (Canoas, June 27 16:39) (Triple kill!)
Caitlyn (NicknameMy, June 27 16:55)
Udyr (Scrax, June 27 19:02)

Nocturne (Lugignaf, June 29 7:46)
Xin Zhao (Canoas, June 29 9:42)
Karma (Lugignaf, June 29 18:13)
Twisted Fate (Rudmed, June 29 19:02)
Ashe (Nighthawk, June 29 20:51)

Janna (Xiaowiriamu, June 30 17:27)

Lux (Jebus McAzn, July 1 21:08)

Urgot (Lugignaf, July 3 23:02)

Cassiopeia (NicknameMy, July 5 11:57)

Annie (Trojan995, July 6 16:20)

Garen (Lugignaf, July 7 17:21)
Twitch (Lugignaf, July 7 17:21)
Nunu & Willump (Nyxus, July 7 23:41)
Olaf (Lugignaf, July 7 23:46)

Alistar (Lugignaf, July 8 00:36)
Fiddlesticks (Lugignaf, July 8 17:44)
Nidalee (Lugignaf, July 8 17:58)
Maokai (Lugignaf, July 8 19:05) (PENTA kill!)
Kassadin (Jebus McAzn, July 8 22:26)
Miss Fortune (Bloofyre, July 8 22:04)
Renekton (Change of Day, July 8-9)

Ryze (NicknameMy, July 9 6:28)
Sivir (Lugignaf, July 9 10:41)
Akali (Bloofyre, July 9 16:57)
Pantheon (Bloofyre, July 9 18:06)
Shaco (Bloofyre, July 9 23:26)

Master Yi (Bloofyre, July 10 4:05)
Jarvan IV (Lugignaf, July 10 9:59)
Dr. Mundo (Lugignaf, July 10 10:10)
Soraka (Lugignaf, July 10 10:29)
Amumu (NicknameMy, July 10 10:30)
Ezreal (Lugignaf, July 10 10:31)
Lee Sin (Lugignaf, July 10 12:57)
Shen (Trojan995, July 10 14:32)
Kennen (Bloofyre, July 10 21:44)

Kayle (Bloofyre, July 11 2:37)
Taric (Lugignaf, July 11 10:25)
Kog'Maw (Lugignaf, July 11 21:53)
Heimerdinger (Bloofyre, July 11 22:27)
Veigar (Lugignaf, July 11 22:29)
Galio (Bloofyre, July 11 22:31)

Blitzcrank (mobrebel, July 12 15:01)
LeBlanc (Trojan995, July 12 18:38)

Corki (Lugignaf, July 13 00:01)
Orianna (Lugignaf, July 13 8:22)
Gragas (Lugignaf, July 13 14:54)
Morgana (Trojan995, July 13 16:53)
Malphite (Lugignaf, July 13 17:01)

Sion (NicknameMy, July 15 13:04)
Sona (DER DEUTSCHE, July 15 15:46)

Trundle (Bloofyre, July 16 00:56)

Swain (Lugignaf, July 17 13:12)
Zilean (Nighthawk, July 17 13:13)
Poppy (kaas, July 17 15:08)

Rammus (mobrebel, July 18 13:47)

Nasus (NicknameMy, July 20 15:02)

Irelia (Nighthawk, July 21 12:05)

Cho'Gath (NicknameMy, July 22 12:16)
Anivia (DER DEUTSCHE, July 22 15:05)

Tristana (NicknameMy, July 23 20:19)
Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 8:13pm | Report
I'll start.

Hurt Karthus twice, because he's a ****.
Heal Amumu.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 8:17pm | Report
You now have to ignore your own post. From what I read, you're only allowed to heal one champ. :P
Hurt Vlad twice. He'll be back to full soon anyway...
Heal Amumu.

Off topic: How do new champs get "introduced"? Are you just going to add them?
Sig courtesy of GrandmasterD. Go get your own sig from them. :D
Jebus McAzn
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 8:18pm | Report
@Lugignaf: Whoops, I didn't read the rules carefully enough, lol. Good catch.

When a new champion comes out, I'll just add him/her/it to the roster of existing champions.

Besides, with the rule of -1ing each champion every day, this game can only last so long.
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 8:20pm | Report
So I'm guessing this game will pop back up every 3 weeks when a new champion comes out due to server outages, huh?

Thank you to jhoijhoi for the sig, and all the dividers in the guide.

Jebus McAzn
<Retired Moderator>
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 8:21pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

So I'm guessing this game will pop back up every 3 weeks when a new champion comes out due to server outages, huh?

CosmoVibe's Forum Avatar
May 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 8:29pm | Report
Heal Heimerdinger, hurt Tryndamere and Vladimir.
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 9:20pm | Report
hurt teemo
hurt vladimir
heal taric
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
Lugignaf's Forum Avatar
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 9:33pm | Report
I don't think the rules are being clear enough.
Your choices are: Hurt 2 different champs or, Hurt 1 twice and heal another.
True love is found only in yourself.
caucheka's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2011 10:13pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

I don't think the rules are being clear enough.
Your choices are: Hurt 2 different champs or, Hurt 1 twice and heal another.

Each post you can hurt up to two champions, or hurt the same one twice, and heal one champion
I like things that make me feel stupid. - Ken Levine
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