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I will review you

Creator: Jimmydoggga 2.0 June 20, 2016 8:16pm
59 posts - page 4 of 6
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 8:02am | Report
On the other hand I made it in less games. :^)

back off, you won't win this ego war

But I was placed lower than you initially and I play support :^)

i dont think either of them have hit it this season yet so probably

Nope we haven't, I personally haven't been playing ranked actively this season.
mastrer1000's Forum Avatar
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Jan 3rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 8:15am | Report
Vynertje wrote:

But I was placed lower than you initially

so how are you not just supporting his point there?
Thanks to IPodPulse for this <3^
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 8:37am | Report
The real master is the winner of the showdown you two had!owaitthatneverhappened

edit: O WAIT vapora actually did win by default

Vynertje wrote:


Well, good assumptions! Only thing that's wrong is that I like cats, I'm 100% a dog person.
Vicious Skittle
Vicious Skittle's Forum Avatar
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Dec 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 8:41am | Report
I'll take a review too, all I do is lurk so this'll be interesting
Signatures made by: The_Nameless_Bard and Hopper
Feel the thunder.
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 8:55am | Report

If I'm not mistaken we couldn't agree on a champion, Vapora didn't dare to play Lulu vs Talon, I didn't want to play Lulu vs Graves and to 1v1 with my support champion pool would be terrible :/

Also, I took a break from League around that time to focus on my studies so I kinda gave up

Nevertheless, I'd be up for a showdown during my holidays if we could agree on a champion. Only problem is that I play Sona/Nami all the time now lmao.
Jimmydoggga 2.0
Jimmydoggga 2.0's Forum Avatar
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Sep 5th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 9:15am | Report
I'll take a review too, all I do is lurk so this'll be interesting

No ****, vicious.

Good thing I remember you have a guide because it's on the front of MOBAfire every day, I'll just read that and get an opinion.

Basically MOBAFire.
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 9:39am | Report
Vynertje wrote:

If I'm not mistaken we couldn't agree on a champion, Vapora didn't dare to play Lulu vs Talon, I didn't want to play Lulu vs Graves and to 1v1 with my support champion pool would be terrible :/

Also, I took a break from League around that time to focus on my studies so I kinda gave up

Nevertheless, I'd be up for a showdown during my holidays if we could agree on a champion. Only problem is that I play Sona/Nami all the time now lmao.

When are your holidays? I can do it any time from now until 20ish August since I'll be on vacation after that.

My champ pool rn is Tristana, Lucian, Ahri, LeBlanc, Orianna, Vayne, Corki, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Sivir, Swain, Talon, and Twitch, so we can probably find a matchup that works.
Vicious Skittle
Vicious Skittle's Forum Avatar
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Dec 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 10:18am | Report

Good thing I remember you have a guide because it's on the front of MOBAfire every day.

Signatures made by: The_Nameless_Bard and Hopper
Feel the thunder.
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 12:38pm | Report

When are your holidays? I can do it any time from now until 20ish August since I'll be on vacation after that.

My champ pool rn is Tristana, Lucian, Ahri, LeBlanc, Orianna, Vayne, Corki, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Sivir, Swain, Talon, and Twitch, so we can probably find a matchup that works.

Now until early/mid September, if you think any of these makes a nice skill matchup against sona/nami/lulu, sure.
utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 22, 2016 2:31pm | Report
Jimmy Doge 3.100 plis review me
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

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Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!

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