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Creator: jhoijhoi September 25, 2011 3:16am
567 posts - page 23 of 57
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2011 2:09pm | Report
He gazed over at actions of the others, sitting off by himself for the moment. He thought over the recent ongoings, remembering each action made by each person, and each step taken. He could recall the direction of the gun, and remembered staring straight down the barrel.

'Damn...' he thought to himself. 'The girl saved my life. Whether she knows it or not...' He shook his head again, rubbing his face in a bewildered manner. He wouldn't be thinking about what had almost happened at all if it hadn't been for her.

He began to wonder if the reason he'd come to this place was worth the trouble after all. His eyes unfocused as he contemplated things. Thoughts passed through his mind with no words attached to them. His animal instincts had been activated with the sound of a bang, and he wasn't entirely back to his normal "Societal" self yet.

One thought finally passed through his mind with clear words attached to it, a thought that stood out clearly. 'Is finding Talon really worth losing my life over?' he wiped his hands together finally, taking a deep breath. His surroundings suddenly snapped back into focus and his mind felt clear again.

"Yes." He spoke aloud with assurance in his words, making his way back to the table to sit with Jeffy and Amanda.

"Sorry about that, I needed a moment to collect my thoughts." He offered a concerned smile to the two. "How is the lady? Is she alright?" He asked Jeffy, looking to her and repeating the question to her. "Are you alright, madam?" He inquired, with a sincere look. He owed this young woman his life, and while he wasn't going to tell her that any time soon, the truth remained in his head.
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2011 7:09pm | Report
Amanda's hand flinched as Jeff's lips touched it, but she didn't pull it away. Instead she blushed, unused to such attention. "I'm alright," she reassured Duff "Just feeling a bit chilled is all..." she looked thoughtful for a minute and then waved a barmaid over "Can I get some hot water and a mug to make some tea?" After the maid left she dug in her purse and pulled out a couple of tea bags.
RanDoMEz's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 3:03am | Report
RanDoMEz entered the Tavern, smelt the air, and wondered o himself
"why did I do to deserve this?
Stranded in a tavern on a dark stormy night. Just my luck, eh? "
Scanning the place for an empty table, he finds none, and thinks to his disgruntled self,
"Just my luck, RanDoM day, RanDoM place, RanDoM time. Real-EZ to find a place to sit"
I play on the SEA servers, Platinum as of 1st Jan 2013. I play Jungle/Support with the occasional AD(Ezreal), AP(Twisted Fate), Top(Kha Zix)

I am the translator of the Misaya Twisted Fate Guides
I am a volunteer @ Leaguepedia (translating stuff into Chinese)
I am the caster of the IEM SEA qualifier finals.
DArk trolls
DArk trolls's Forum Avatar
Sep 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 3:29am | Report
Dark troll reenters the Tavern ,
asks the bartender whos the BOSS around here...
the bartender points to a strange man sitting in the corner... Dark trolls walks towards the strange man with cautious ...
Click REP if i helped you in any way :) thx
omagma's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 4:10am | Report
Martin see the Dark Troll moving towards him.


Martin slowly rises from his seat and draws one of his Flint-lock pistols and points it at the troll.

"The last time a troll moved my way, it ate my arm" Martin says out loud.

"So i will hate to have to go trough a regenerating process again... its quite painful. so you better turn around mister.. or you got something to say"

He stares the Troll directly in its eyes.

The tension rises.

Martins blood start bumping in hope that the troll might attack him... troll teeth make for nice bullets.
Thanks to me and Elleeeeeka (love that name) for my sigs.
If i made a helpful comment on your guide/build, then hit that +rep button. or don't, its not like i care.
RanDoMEz's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 8:00am | Report
RanDoMEz sees a fight about to erupt, thinks to himself"this could be fun!"
and jumps between baws and Troll.
He shouts as he draws his sword and lunges for troll.
I play on the SEA servers, Platinum as of 1st Jan 2013. I play Jungle/Support with the occasional AD(Ezreal), AP(Twisted Fate), Top(Kha Zix)

I am the translator of the Misaya Twisted Fate Guides
I am a volunteer @ Leaguepedia (translating stuff into Chinese)
I am the caster of the IEM SEA qualifier finals.
omagma's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 8:26am | Report
Martin shoot RanDoMEz in the back head.

He falls to the ground.

"Great, now i have to reload this later."

Martin then draws his other gun and point it at the Troll
Thanks to me and Elleeeeeka (love that name) for my sigs.
If i made a helpful comment on your guide/build, then hit that +rep button. or don't, its not like i care.
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 9:01am | Report
Amanda ignored the tussle for the time being, it seemed Martin would start fights no matter what. When the barmaid came back with the hot water she poured a glass and put a tea bag in it to brew. A soothing mixture of scents, mint, roses, and raspberries, filled the vicinity. Amanda, looking slightly embarrassed, dug out more tea bags from her purse and said "OOh, I didn't even think to ask....would any of you like some tea?" She whispered a word and looked shocked that 4 bright blue mugs appeared on the table.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 9:10am | Report
He pursed his lips in thought before nodding in approval. "Tea would be quite nice, much obliged." He returned.

He appeared still deep in thought, before looking to the center of the table. He decided he may as well tell the young woman what she had accomplished with he spell shield.

"Madam, I must say. I'm rather impressed by your abilities. When I found myself staring down the barrel of a gun, I thought I was surely a dead man... It would seem you had other plans though." He murmured quietly, accepting the tea whenever it was offered. "And now you've poured me tea." He smirked and shook his head.

"All these things done for me. Now, is there anything that I can do for you?" He inquired, lofting a brow. "I'm not sure what I can offer you, but I feel there is a debt to be repaid somehow..."
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2011 9:22am | Report
"You don't have to repay me for anything." she said, blushing "I would have tried to prevent his bullets from hurting anyone regardless." She handed him one of the bright blue mugs, now full of steaming tea. She concentrated for a second and the mug turned orange. "'s like I haven't used my magic in days..."

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