OTGBionicArm wrote:
I'm all for paying for really great mods, but I think the system was poorly implemented
Yup, I strongly support paid mods as long as it means great mod creators get to work on their content full-time, but only getting 25% of that money sucks. It's also made worse because they didn't set any criteria for mods to be paid. Something they could've done is that the author must have at least one mod with a x amount of downloads and x score before they can set any mods to be paid.
So I was randomly scanning the kitchen thread when I suddenly read
and I remembered this thread.
Is anyone up for some Nuzlocke-like thingy on Skyrim? No mods, permadeath (also for followers), only autosave or save in safe buildings / towns and no reloading save files (to try a fight that started badly again), on some difficulty. We could set a quick-to-achieve goal like "Join the Legion". Sounds interesting?
EDIT: And summarize your adventures every time you manually save the game in this thread.
TheSilverDust wrote:
Is anyone up for some Nuzlocke-like thingy on Skyrim? No mods, permadeath (also for followers), only autosave or save in safe buildings / towns and no reloading save files (to try a fight that started badly again), on some difficulty. We could set a quick-to-achieve goal like "Join the Legion". Sounds interesting?
EDIT: And summarize your adventures every time you manually save the game in this thread.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
I'm in if this is happening. I only need to get my skyrim going again(redownload and some essential mods).
We should discuss what mods to take though.
-should we require the use of SkyRe or some other overhaul?
-Mods that add weapons and/or magic(might be imbalanced)
-follower mods(op and/or multiple followers)
-minor stuff like increased duration of khajit/vampire nightvision
also what is our stance on fasttravel/carriages?
We should discuss what mods to take though.
-should we require the use of SkyRe or some other overhaul?
-Mods that add weapons and/or magic(might be imbalanced)
-follower mods(op and/or multiple followers)
-minor stuff like increased duration of khajit/vampire nightvision
also what is our stance on fasttravel/carriages?

I'd say no game-changing mods since it's most easy to set up. Something like realistic middle finger nail polish remover brush hairs shouldn't be a problem though. I think we should also play without DLCs since crossbows are #op and it wouldn't be fair if only a few of us would get their *** kicked by random vampires or cultists. (not everyone has all DLCs)
Unless you have a list of easy to get mods you can't do without, I never played with game-changing mods or full overhauls so I have no idea.
I don't mind carriages (I like playing without fast travel but with extra carriages) but I wouldn't mind playing without. Could make for some funny horse stealing stories. Inb4 people get killed by the cutthroat on the road to Winterhold.
So, yeah, post your ideas, I guess. The only rules I would very much like to keep are the rules about where to save, no reattempts (unless the game starts flipping tables) and permadeath.
I'm going to be so bad at this xD
Unless you have a list of easy to get mods you can't do without, I never played with game-changing mods or full overhauls so I have no idea.
I don't mind carriages (I like playing without fast travel but with extra carriages) but I wouldn't mind playing without. Could make for some funny horse stealing stories. Inb4 people get killed by the cutthroat on the road to Winterhold.
So, yeah, post your ideas, I guess. The only rules I would very much like to keep are the rules about where to save, no reattempts (unless the game starts flipping tables) and permadeath.
I'm going to be so bad at this xD
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
no dlc?
but muh vampire overlordfor of ultimate destruction :( (seriously though, no random encounter from the dlcs is impossible to beat, so dlcs should be up to everyone IMO.
I think the most game-changing mods I want are predator vision and better fast travel. I would count both mods as QOL stuff, but I am not sure about the predator vision part of the first mod. What do you guys think?
also master or legendary difficulty? expert is too easy IMO. if we are doing adept my character will be naked besides gloves and weaponless.
edit: what about autoswaves when waiting?
but muh vampire overlordfor of ultimate destruction :( (seriously though, no random encounter from the dlcs is impossible to beat, so dlcs should be up to everyone IMO.
I think the most game-changing mods I want are predator vision and better fast travel. I would count both mods as QOL stuff, but I am not sure about the predator vision part of the first mod. What do you guys think?
also master or legendary difficulty? expert is too easy IMO. if we are doing adept my character will be naked besides gloves and weaponless.
edit: what about autoswaves when waiting?

Yeah I'd opt for legendary difficulty too. I love better fast travel, if we do that I would forbid fast travel using the map though.
I don't think it's fair if some of us can use vampire overlord and some of us can't, but then again it depends on how tryhard this is going to be.
Even at legendary difficulty? I went to riverwood, stole some basic armor and a mace, killed a wolf and got rekt completely by the first imperial guard I "met". I suppose it depends on how you play though.
I don't think it's fair if some of us can use vampire overlord and some of us can't, but then again it depends on how tryhard this is going to be.
Janitsu wrote:
If you aren't going to take in a combat rehaul mod, it will be very, VERY easy.
********'s a pretty good fertilizer
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my view on paid mods is that some modders deserve money for their work(I'd pay 10€ or something like that for falskaar for example), but it has to be voluntarily. I really like the way the nexus has done it.