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The Legend of Korra: Series Finale

Creator: Electro522 December 18, 2014 10:31pm
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2015 5:32pm | Report
Well I started watching this like a week ago and I just finished season 3. So far I hate how over the top it all feels compared to The Last Airbender. And there's so many things that annoyed me with how unrealistic a lot of things were even in the world this is based in. Like in season 3, the 4 known Red Lotus members were masters of water, earth, fire... and nothing. But! This guy just happens to be one of the people who becomes an airbender overnight after the Harmonic Convergence. And he seemingly masters airbending literally immediately, and becomes just as strong a duelist with airbending as the other 3 are with their own bending which they've had their entire lives.

It annoyed me how Korra also seemingly mastered airbending in like a week after she managed to produce air for the first time. In The Last Airbender, mastering each element felt like it was a big deal, something challenging. It feels like in this series, it just completely undermines the standards The Last Airbender set. I mean, Korra learnt to waterbend presumably from her dad when she was a little girl, in the first episode. But somehow she'd also taught herself to firebend and earthbend? How come Aang needed to travel the world to find someone to teach him to do the **** a 5 year old figured out on her own, before she even knew she had the capablity of bending anything other than water? As no one knew she was the Avatar at the time.

The whole Amon storyline pissed me off. How does the ability to bend someone's blood like it's water give you the ability to remove their bending? The two are completely unconnected and I don't see how that made any sense. I also thought it was ridiculous how he could defeat any and every bender he came across without bending himself, even though a large part of his life was dedicated to mastering water and blood bending. Where did he find the time to become such a ridiculously strong melee fighter that he could beat experienced powerful benders so easily?

I just feel like the creators tried to capture the audience with making everything just extremely over the top. oh noooeez, this seemingly-undefeatable guy can take away people's bending!!! D: oh nooez, this guy might destroy the world!! D: oh noooeez, this group of some of the most ridiculously powerful benders the world has ever seen want to kill korra! D:

I don't know what season 4 is like, but no doubt it's once again going to try and resort to introducing some unrealistically powerful threat which is meant to blow my mind enough that I overlook the ****ty characters and plot.

Overall I do like the series, it's interesting to watch, but there's so many things about it that piss me off.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2015 5:35pm | Report
no doubt it's once again going to try and resort to introducing some unrealistically powerful threat which is meant to blow my mind so that I overlook the ****ty characters
What... no...
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2015 6:41pm | Report
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 1, 2015 6:53pm | Report
Lol vapora... I don't understand how people miss so many painfully obvious explanations and always ALWAYS complain about them

This is a major spoiler post so like read at your own risk

And he seemingly masters airbending literally immediately, and becomes just as strong a duelist with airbending as the other 3 are with their own bending which they've had their entire lives.

He was already obsessed with meditation and all that jazz and seemed pretty high in spirituality which are characteristics of airbenders. That leads me to think that he was a likely target to receive the bending even though it just could've been completely random which is sort of a longshot but hey, still justifiable.

More importantly, he was locked up and guarded by several guards without possessing bending... He was a major threat even without it, and a person with a resolve strong enough to be able to overcome benders without actually possessing any bending in the first place must be, if anything, a very adept and flexible learner. He was also quite into the whole airbender philosophy as I said before and he also knew the fighting styles of his allies (who were elemental masters) thoroughly which means he at least had a lot of knowledge to work with and develop a not so traditional yet powerful bending style as quickly as he did.

He wasn't as strong as his allies... not by a long shot. People just sucked at fighting airbenders, especially one who uses a very different method of airbending than tenzin or any of the airbenders alive at the time. Also, it's worth saying that he got his *** handed to him by tenzin quite easily.


It annoyed me how Korra also seemingly mastered airbending in like a week after she managed to produce air for the first time. In The Last Airbender, mastering each element felt like it was a big deal, something challenging. It feels like in this series, it just completely undermines the standards The Last Airbender set. I mean, Korra learnt to waterbend presumably from her dad when she was a little girl, in the first episode. But somehow she'd also taught herself to firebend and earthbend? How come Aang needed to travel the world to find someone to teach him to do the **** a 5 year old figured out on her own, before she even knew she had the capablity of bending anything other than water? As no one knew she was the Avatar at the time.

She was training in airbending for ages, she knew all the techniques and had mastered the movements. All she lacked was, well, the resolve to DO it. Worst came to worst, she started airbending and applied all her previous skills. How is this unexplained?

Considering her personality, she probably developed firebending and earthbending before waterbending... Just because one of her parents was a bender did not necessarily mean she could waterbend. Her parents probably weren't expecting anything nor forcing her to bend. Highest and most sensical chances are that she stumbled upon it herself. Her bending was extremely minimal too, Aang could basically do minimalistic things like that with no prior training either. She could also be, you know, more talented than Aang in combat? I mean, what could possibly lead you to think that a girl from the water tribe would naturally have more combat aptitude than a pacifist monk child?

The whole Amon storyline pissed me off. How does the ability to bend someone's blood like it's water give you the ability to remove their bending? The two are completely unconnected and I don't see how that made any sense. I also thought it was ridiculous how he could defeat any and every bender he came across without bending himself, even though a large part of his life was dedicated to mastering water and blood bending. Where did he find the time to become such a ridiculously strong melee fighter that he could beat experienced powerful benders so easily?

Chi blocking. An ability that translated over from the original series and was further expanded on. Instead of applying pressure to those sensitive spots, could you not just clot the blood or something, and instead of applying it through the outside and in multiple blows, you do it instantly in all areas so the illusion of "taking away one's bending" is quite realistic?

You never knew if he actually used bloodbending to enhance his movements or slow his opponents down, but considering how brutal his childhood was and the harsh conditions in which he was raised in I hardly doubt he would suck at fighting... Wasn't he about 30 or 40 years old? is that not enough time to master melee combat as well as blood bending?


I just feel like the creators tried to capture the audience with making everything just extremely over the top. oh noooeez, this seemingly-undefeatable guy can take away people's bending!!! D: oh nooez, this guy might destroy the world!! D: oh noooeez, this group of some of the most ridiculously powerful benders the world has ever seen want to kill korra! D:

Okay, I already explained Amon and won't go further into that.
UnaVaatu was a sloppy villian so I'll give you that one.

But the last one, did you pay attention? at all?

They WERE seen. They WERE responsible for THE ATTACK ON KORRA WHICH FORCED THE WHITE LOTUS INTO PUTTING HER IN A CONFINED AND HEAVILY GUARDED AREA SO SHE WOULD BE SAFE... They're literally the first villains the show deals with, even though it is off camera. They were always a threat, though in those extremely cruel prisons it was difficult to believe they could escape. Ofcourse, nobody counted on zaheer getting airbending at the time.

For the love of god, 95% of complaints I see on every show are things that have been answered within the show :X

Sorry for the rant Vapora, you just happened to be one of the many I could've replied to... nothing personal
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 2, 2015 12:27pm | Report
He was already obsessed with meditation and all that jazz and seemed pretty high in spirituality which are characteristics of airbenders. That leads me to think that he was a likely target to receive the bending even though it just could've been completely random which is sort of a longshot but hey, still justifiable.

No, it's a characteristic of air monks, not a characteristic of someone who can control air. You can airbend and have nothing to do with meditation and spirituality and ****. The two are unconnected.

More importantly, he was locked up and guarded by several guards without possessing bending... He was a major threat even without it, and a person with a resolve strong enough to be able to overcome benders without actually possessing any bending in the first place must be, if anything, a very adept and flexible learner.

It's impossible that he reached that point of physical prowess just by being "a very adept and flexible learner". It must have taken years and years and years of intense and thorough training to become so strong that he could defeat even the strongest of benders without bending himself, like it's insinuated he could. And I don't disagree that he could have been a quick learner, but that doesn't even begin to justify how quickly he picked up airbending.

He was also quite into the whole airbender philosophy as I said before and he also knew the fighting styles of his allies (who were elemental masters) thoroughly which means he at least had a lot of knowledge to work with and develop a not so traditional yet powerful bending style as quickly as he did.

Air monk philosophy. He had no use in learning airbending techniques from the monks he so much admired, so I don't see how he would have been familiar at all with airbending. He doesn't strike me as the type of guy to waste his time reading about something he'll never be able to do just for fun.

Um, one of his allies had water arms, the other bended earth and lava, the other created explosions with her mind and bended fire. What is there to "thoroughly know" about their bending styles? Do you think his allies ever talked him through what they were doing and thinking as they bended just in case he ever needed to know how to bend? As far as we can assume, he'd only ever seen masterful bending, not trained in it, or had an insight to how it was done. His allies of 13 years past being masterful benders shouldn't logically have had anything to do with his own ability to pick up airbending. You can watch professional surfers surf all your life, but you won't have any idea how to properly stand up and balance yourself on a board until you try to do it yourself.

He wasn't as strong as his allies... not by a long shot. People just sucked at fighting airbenders, especially one who uses a very different method of airbending than tenzin or any of the airbenders alive at the time.

When was he ever portrayed as being weaker? We always see him being able to hold his own with airbending seemingly just as well as the others can. In fact, he's so confident in his own airbending abilities, he completely abandons whatever physical skills he used to defeat benders in the past and relies completely on his airbending.

I think it was Tenzin that said each of those criminals could take down the most powerful bender on their own, or something along those lines. Zaheer was one of those, and he had no bending to do it with, so he had to be extremely formidable in physical combat. For him to abandon physical combat in favour of his newfound airbending, he had to be stronger with airbending than with physical combat, of which was said could defeat even the strongest bender. The only conclusion we can gather from that was that Zaheer quickly became one of the strongest benders alive, even if you want to argue that he wasn't the strongest airbender alive. Speaking of which:

Also, it's worth saying that he got his *** handed to him by tenzin quite easily.

That's a pretty big exaggeration there, buddy. Most of their duel consisted of Zaheer leaving their initial battleground (where the other 4 were fighting) and finding somewhere else in the air temple to fight, while Tenzin chased and attacked him the entire way there. Of course Tenzin had the upper hand there. But Tenzin didn't even manage to do anything with all that time he had to be freely aggressive. When Zaheer finally stands his ground and the fight truly begins, we only see Tenzin land like 2 blows at most before Zaheer's allies join the fight. It was far from "getting his *** handed to him 'easily'". While you can argue that from what we saw, Tenzin would have probably won the fight had it continued to be 1 on 1, Zaheer at least looked to be holding his own against someone who had been studying airbending his entire life. He'd been airbending what, a week? 2 weeks?

She was training in airbending for ages, she knew all the techniques and had mastered the movements. All she lacked was, well, the resolve to DO it. Worst came to worst, she started airbending and applied all her previous skills. How is this unexplained?

Knew the techniques, mastered the movements? You think that after failing to bend air, she decided to skip that most essential part and learn everything else, instead of learning to actually bend air?

Considering her personality, she probably developed firebending and earthbending before waterbending... Just because one of her parents was a bender did not necessarily mean she could waterbend. Her parents probably weren't expecting anything nor forcing her to bend. Highest and most sensical chances are that she stumbled upon it herself. Her bending was extremely minimal too, Aang could basically do minimalistic things like that with no prior training either.

Yeaaaaaah, sorry for being hesitant to believe that she "developed" firebending, earthbending and waterbending on her own while Aang needed to travel the world to find people to teach him before he could do anything other than airbend. At something like double or more Korra's age.

She could also be, you know, more talented than Aang in combat? I mean, what could possibly lead you to think that a girl from the water tribe would naturally have more combat aptitude than a pacifist monk child?

Bending /=/ fighting

Chi blocking. An ability that translated over from the original series and was further expanded on. Instead of applying pressure to those sensitive spots, could you not just clot the blood or something, and instead of applying it through the outside and in multiple blows, you do it instantly in all areas so the illusion of "taking away one's bending" is quite realistic?

It wasn't some "realistic illusion" like you just made it out to be. Korra learnt a technique from Aang to restore the bending of every bender Amon had got to. Meaning they'd all lost their bending permanently, until they had it restored by Korra. Chi blocking is temporary, so no, he didn't develop some blood bending chi block.

You never knew if he actually used bloodbending to enhance his movements or slow his opponents down, but considering how brutal his childhood was and the harsh conditions in which he was raised in I hardly doubt he would suck at fighting... Wasn't he about 30 or 40 years old? is that not enough time to master melee combat as well as blood bending?

No one ever showed any sign of being blood bended at any point before he did it openly. No one said anything like "hey, why am I feeling so slow! :c", nor did they look as if their fighting ability was being impaired.

And how on earth would his blood bending enhance his movements? By grabbing his own blood and dragging himself all over the place? Somehow I don't see that being the case.

As for the melee combat thing, it's one thing to master melee combat, it's another to be so adept at it that you can overcome enemies who have 5x the advantage you do because of bending, and also happen to be quite formidable benders. It's unrealistically adept at melee combat, even when you ignore the fact that he had to find time to become so strong while leading a revolution and mastering blood bending.

But the last one, did you pay attention? at all?

They WERE seen. They WERE responsible for THE ATTACK ON KORRA WHICH FORCED THE WHITE LOTUS INTO PUTTING HER IN A CONFINED AND HEAVILY GUARDED AREA SO SHE WOULD BE SAFE... They're literally the first villains the show deals with, even though it is off camera. They were always a threat, though in those extremely cruel prisons it was difficult to believe they could escape. Ofcourse, nobody counted on zaheer getting airbending at the time.

I have no idea what you're talking about here. Did you misread my post or something? It seems completely irrelevant to what you were quoting... I knew all that already, and I didn't say anything to deny it.

Well I finished season 4 today, and what a surprise. A gigantic, seemingly undefeatable robot with an incredibly powerful laser. Victory seems impossible. Wait, why does that sound familiar...

I hate how unrealistic and stupid Kuvira's fighting style was. Those metal things she carried around on her armor to bend onto other people's bodies when she fought them? Did she not realize other metal benders could 10x more easily bend them against her in a fight than she could against them? But apparently no one even thought of doing that lol????? I mean come the **** on, that was such a huge oversight. Her armor was covered with metal, yet none of the metal benders who fought her thought to use it against her? Even while she used it against them????

That lesbian ending was basically completely random too. They'd barely had any development as friends, let alone as lovers. And neither of them showed any signs of being anything other than heterosexual. I knew the episode was going to end with lesbians, and while watching the episode I had no idea who the lesbians were actually going to turn out to be. Presumably Korra, and someone else, but she wasn't all that close to any girl, so it didn't seem possible that she'd become lovers with any girl. And then it gets to that scene where Asami is like "oh I don't know what I would have done without you Korra", and I'm like ***** YOU BARELY TALK TO HER LOL, WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

Feels like making them lovers was a last-minute thing rather than something they planned. The only other sign that they loved each other was when Asami said she missed Korra... Yeah no ****, so did Bolin, so did Tenzin, so did everyone. Aside from that they've had absolutely no development other than chit-chatting and spending a little time together in season 1. It was just soooo incredibly random. Like they wanted to add lesbians to make an overall poor show interesting to watch in other ways. Just like how they tried to make it interesting with all the "unstoppable insanely powerful enemy with incredibly evil intentions!!! D:" they've had.

Varrik made it all worth it for me though.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2015 7:53am | Report
Ya know, I thought that whole Asami x Korra thing was just something fans made up cuz omg girl + girl omg!!! so I looked it up on the wiki and it does say that they're in a relationship...............

That lesbian ending was basically completely random too. They'd barely had any development as friends, let alone as lovers. And neither of them showed any signs of being anything other than heterosexual. I knew the episode was going to end with lesbians, and while watching the episode I had no idea who the lesbians were actually going to turn out to be. Presumably Korra, and someone else, but she wasn't all that close to any girl, so it didn't seem possible that she'd become lovers with any girl. And then it gets to that scene where Asami is like "oh I don't know what I would have done without you Korra", and I'm like ***** YOU BARELY TALK TO HER LOL, WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.

Feels like making them lovers was a last-minute thing rather than something they planned. The only other sign that they loved each other was when Asami said she missed Korra... Yeah no ****, so did Bolin, so did Tenzin, so did everyone. Aside from that they've had absolutely no development other than chit-chatting and spending a little time together in season 1. It was just soooo incredibly random.
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2015 8:53am | Report
I won't quote anything cause im lazy, nor will I answer in proper order because ef that

Blood Bending could enhance his movements if you think about it. If he's such a master, wouldn't actually bending his blood provide quicker and slicker movements, than you know, actually moving? It's one of the theories that was going around quite a while ago, at the end of season 3. People assumed Korra would start walking again via bloodbending, and then linked it to Amon and considered all the possibilities it would provide had it not been a forbidden art.

As for the taking away people's bending, using blood bending as a chi blocking technique that lasts for an extended period of time could give off the illusion of a permanent removal. The timespan of the Amon arc wasn't long, and it's believable that the blockage could last for at least a month or two.
I can't find a proper, reasonable relation between energy and blood bending yet, mostly because energy bending has no explanation nor do we know the way it works. For all we know, energy bending could be a spiritual form of blood bending... but I can't say for sure.

I think it was painfully obvious in the show that Korra was 10x more talented in combat than Aang. Also, Aang was the only real avatar we knew from a young age. Maybe he just wasn't as talented as some of the others? Maybe a lot of avatars before him developed bending? It's a theory that's hard to dismiss.

Sorry, I meant zaheer wasn't as good at bending as his allies.

He studied the way his allies fight. No questions asked. Would you risk your life fighting alongside someone without at least knowing their capabilities and weaknesses? Not to mention, would you attempt melee combat vs someone with clearly advantageous skills (bending) without studying their weakness? He wasn't good at physical combat in the sense that he rofl 360 puncherinoe'd people to death, he was a ruthless tactician with peace in body and mind. My guess would be that he mastered melee combat cause it was more or less his only option to achieve what he wanted, i.e out of necessity. When he didn't have to use it he just resorted to using airbending which both fit his philosophy and was much more convenient.

Airbending philosophy = Air monk philosophy = (more or less) air nomad philosophy. Did you watch the original show? The reason why each member of the Air nomads could bend was because of their way of living and high level of spirituality. I hope I needn't remind you of the whole "Let go your earthly tethers and become void" philosophy that made the airbending pinnacle skill possible...

Airbending is basically 40% meditation, 30% philosophical thinking and 30% combat training...

(all of which are conditions that Zaheer had fulfilled )

Which brings be back to bending development, most of the new airbenders had no idea they could bend nor did they ever hope to bend and yet they developed their bending with no prior training or anything, probably either randomly (like Korra and most of the new airbenders) or out of necessity (Hello Zaheer! Also, kai probably developed it while running away from the people chasing him down).

Oh oh one more thing, there was a reason that there were only a few formidable airbenders in the series, basically: Tenzin, Zaheer and to some extent Jinora. What do they have in common again?

Also, didn't you notice that Aang kinda had to master the physical movements of earthbending before actually doing the nitty gritty, again, out of necessity? It's more or less the same story with korra. Except airbending actually takes a lot more to learn (meditation mostly, but also the unique and evasive style of airbending which korra sucked at cause she liked getting into the action)

As for the last part, I misread it as the "strongest benders the world has never seen" Sorry, my bad :X

EDIT: I kind of forgot to address the Tenzin vs Zaheer fight.

To me, it looked like Zaheer was at a massive disadvantage the entire fight. He held his own, but only barely. He couldn't dodge all of Tenzin's strikes, he couldn't hit tenzin a single time and heck he even had trouble keeping up with tenzin. You could clearly hear his breathing in his attempts to lead Tenzin away from the heat of the battle and he had to jump from building to building while tenzin followed him relentlessly in one leap after another.

He was obviously lacking experience and actual combat proficiency but excelling in the other areas required for air bending, though by far not to the level of an airbending master, or any bending master for that matter.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 3, 2015 10:26am | Report
Ya know, I thought that whole Asami x Korra thing was just something fans made up cuz omg girl + girl omg!!! so I looked it up on the wiki and it does say that they're in a relationship...............
I also thought that the gayness of that scene was unintended O.o

I guess it could make sense if we knew what kind of letters Asami and Korra were exchanging when Korra was away. What naughty secrets may lie within those letters? >.> <.<
Change is gooooood
Picture by: MrMad2000

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Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2015 7:12am | Report
Ya know, I thought that whole Asami x Korra thing was just something fans made up cuz omg girl + girl omg!!! so I looked it up on the wiki and it does say that they're in a relationship...............

Yeah I doubt I would have realized it was meant to be romantic unless I'd heard about the lesbian thing beforehand. Like Meiyjhe I probably would have just seen that last scene where they're holding hands and thought "lol they look like lesbians when they hold hands like that". I feel like the Korra + Mako thing was left kinda unresolved too. I was under the impression that they still loved each other throughout season 4 but didn't want to have a relationship when they should be prioritizing their duties. I expected them in the finale to either get back together or decide it was best to remain friends still. But nope, Korra's like "imma be a lesbian now. whos mako, never heard of dat guy lolz". I mean I know lots of people hated all that relationship drama throughout the series, but that doesn't mean you pretend it never happened and replace it with lesbians. :l

Also, Meiyjhe, I think she only sent one letter to Asami, and it was read aloud for us as she wrote it, unless I'm mistaken.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2015 7:18am | Report
Yeah I thought that was stupid too, they belong together... ;-; I kinda got my hopes up when I saw a thumbnail of some episode in season 4 when I still just at season 2 at the episode where they'd just broken up. It was just a flashback or something.

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