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The Legend of Korra: Series Finale

Creator: Electro522 December 18, 2014 10:31pm
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 20, 2014 9:58pm | Report

I can understand someone saying this for season 1 2 Korra, but I don't know how anyone can pretend Korra was underdeveloped in season 3 and 4. I especially hate this from people who idolize Lin Beifong and Tenzin (especially Lin). All three of them have gone through some pretty significant development, with Korra having had the most. She became more selfless, rational, and peace-seeking than pretty much every other character in the show. Seriously, people seem blind to how much she has matured. I get that some people just don't like her character - that's perfectly fine. But to say she's underdeveloped or that "it goes without saying Korra's character may be one of the biggest mcguffin's of all time" is, in my opinion, somewhat ignorant.

Anyhow, I really enjoyed the finale. It had plenty of funny moments, not too much relationship drama, and the new spirit portal opening was unexpected and very interesting. Imagine the potential for innovation now that one of the world's largest city's has immediate access to the spirit world. With Varrik working to harvest the vines for clean energy, they could quickly progress from 1940's-ish technology to well beyond the modern day.

I did say that the last season fared better in shaping her character, and I agree that season 3 helped shaped her character as well.

And I may be a little ignorant when it comes to Korra, but hey Korra has just never rubbed me the right way with her gun ho attitude, Which was AMAZING TO SEE CHANGE in the last season because of her interaction's with Toph and dealing with her past demons which all resulted from with her interactions with her past enemies. So I guess I will change my statement from her being a total Mcguffin to "If season 3 and 4 were not made she would have been the biggest Mcguffin of all time" :P

Is that somewhat less ignorant?

But I do own every season released up to date and I just ordered the art book for season 2, and it will always forever be my second favorite series ever made with Avatar The Last Air Bender being the first.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 7:35am | Report
This is a topic...rant related to something earlier in the thread that I somehow missed until now, sorry.
XeresAce wrote:
This season was beyond a masterpiece and in my opinion the last few episodes alone make it at least tie with TLA.
I really have to say that two good seasons do not make up for two poor ones. It's like saying "well, the Star Wars prequels were garbage, but the original movies are so good that they make up for them" (it doesn't work that way). The series was blatantly not done as well overall given that the very first season gave a very poor impression of the main character (which matters since the show is kind of about HER), there's nothing more to it. The fact that she isn't really all that likable is a problem with the core idea of her and how she was originally presented. She was, in the beginning, the shallow, one note, "strong female character who fights for what she wants no matter what" that's showing up a lot these days. She had very little else to her in the first couple seasons besides being extremely emotionally immature and dense. That's a serious flaw in the series that two better seasons can't erase. I kinda got the impression Korra was supposed to be the antithesis of Aang, which isn't a bad concept, but they did a terrible job of presenting that character as someone who felt like a real person. Though, if they wanted her to be the antithesis of Aang, perhaps they should have gone farther in the future and made her an earthbender. As is, she acts like one of the firebenders from the original show.

AtlA had its flaws, but they weren't: "Aang is the main character, but he's innately dislikable due to him being an overused stereotype that was presented badly in the first place". And, while some of the characters sometimes felt stereotyped as themselves ("Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy"), they also definitely weren't always.
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 10:06am | Report
I have to be the only person on earth who actually disliked Aang but liked Korra...

IMO, the main character SHOULD be one of the worst characters, or at-least start out that way... We already saw a perfect example of an Avatar, why can't we see an avatar that's dense, generally dumb and reckless? What's wrong with that? People like that DO exist. And guess what, people CHANGE. Korra changed, and her whole process of changing truly shows what being the avatar means... She started off like a typical power crazy highschool girl, ended up as a very rational and stable young adult ready to shoulder the burden of the world... Just because she wasn't a monkchild with some ridiculous ideals carved in to her skull before the show started, doesn't mean she sucked as a character.

Meh. I always hated how Aang, and the age of 12, was so unhumanly rational and only showed a few sings of weakness through the entire series.

Take what you will from it, but my opinion still holds.
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 10:45am | Report
XeresAce wrote:
I have to be the only person on earth who actually disliked Aang but liked Korra...

IMO, the main character SHOULD be one of the worst characters, or at-least start out that way... We already saw a perfect example of an Avatar, why can't we see an avatar that's dense, generally dumb and reckless? What's wrong with that? People like that DO exist. And guess what, people CHANGE. Korra changed, and her whole process of changing truly shows what being the avatar means... She started off like a typical power crazy highschool girl, ended up as a very rational and stable young adult ready to shoulder the burden of the world... Just because she wasn't a monkchild with some ridiculous ideals carved in to her skull before the show started, doesn't mean she sucked as a character.

Meh. I always hated how Aang, and the age of 12, was so unhumanly rational and only showed a few sings of weakness through the entire series.

Take what you will from it, but my opinion still holds.
There's a big difference between a character starting out with flaws that made them less than likable and slowly fixing those/growing out of them and them being easy to dislike because their behavior was predictable and stereotyped. She sucked as a character in the first seasons, at least, because she was such a stereotype that it felt unrealistic, not because people who act in some of the ways she did don't exist. Even dense, dumb, overly reckless people have more to them than that. Originally she had nothing outside of that besides more emotional immaturity, which made her hard to relate to and feel very unrealistic. There was nothing truly positive about her as a character besides her being a "strong female lead" and that's a common issue these days. They may have made her more mature later, but that doesn't change the fact that everything about her character in the beginning was one giant stereotype.

It was always clear that while Aang was usually rational, he was also ignorant about many things and was forced to sacrifice his childhood to be that rational, calm person. He also shows weakness in entirely different ways than Korra does. Overall, Aang being who he was was actually pretty well explained. Korra just felt like she was not, not, NOT *stomps her feet like a petulant two year old* going to be like Aang.
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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 4:20pm | Report
I thought the ending was pretty gay. I could write a series way better than the idiots that write this garbage.
Ninja Trigger
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Jul 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2014 6:42pm | Report
Toshabi wrote:
I thought the ending was pretty Gay. I could write a series way better than the idiots that write this garbage.

I see what you did there

but yeah the Ending was Gay

but you really should write a better Avatar Spin off I would totally KickStart it.
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 12:04pm | Report
i'm just really really glad a mainstream piece of media that's really popular went with canon lesbians

i may just watch it anyways even though i couldn't finish the 1st season because much like nameless i really hate the stupid drama

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Apr 26th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 1:14pm | Report
While I enjoy the lesbian ending and that short story about Wan, Raava and Vaatu, The Legend Of Korra was pretty difficult to watch. Except for Korra, Asami and maybe Lin, the character development is poor, there are many holes in the script and the "funny" characters are just boring.
I don't think it's bad, but ATLA is so much better.

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Jan 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 4:13pm | Report
The ending was done to add some form of value to a pretty terrible series.

They should've ended it with Avatar, because Korra was pretty lame.


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