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Challenging the Meta

Creator: MrCuddowls September 30, 2012 1:21pm
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KoreanSP's Forum Avatar
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Jun 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 12:37am | Report
No idea if these have been stated, I'll list the viable and tested ones (although some of them were only viable in DotA and other MobAs, but I assume their viability still stays true)

Double ADC, 1 Mid, 1 Bot. AP Top, Bruiser Jungle.
Tri-Lane mid (Azingy-lane), take out tower fast
Korean Meta - ADC/Support bot and Top laner at bot - aim for towers fast.
Dual Jungle (much less viable in LoL than any other game to be honest), 1 focuses on counter jungling hard, the other on a semi-regular jungle trip.
Antimage-mid (Pantheon, Wukong, Talon, Jarvan, etc at mid to counter mid's AP).

The much less viable/only viable in other MobA games

AP carry/support bot, ADC mid.

Dual smite W/ No Jungler (Complex one, done a few times, I've seen a variant of it done twice in a high level DotA game), essentially duo bot and duo top, 1 person each either getting smite/heavy focus on jungle clear and clear their halves of the jungle every 2~ + waves. It creates an equilibrium of ~1.5X exp for both champs, more than jungle but less than the a single lane.

Duo Lanes/Smite Mid (Azingy Lane) I've seen Azingy go this route with his Karthus-smite at mid and other lanes push towers hard and deny farm/experience (ideally want pushers and lane winners). It was to counter their jungler (Twitch and Fiddle, both really squishy and do much less in a 2v2 situation, rather a 2v1 situation).

Duo Mid solo bot, solo top, jungle. Focus on tower, similar to Korean Meta, although much less done because any competent enemy will wreck bot lane.

ADC Top, Bruiser/support bot, AP mid, jungle. Essentially farm top and beat their bruiser (situation based) while bot is a kill lane/tower push.

There are more, but these are all that I can recall. A large portion of these aren't viable in LoL/once were. Some are just rarely used, others were popular in other games. I personally love anti-mage mid and the Korean Meta.

A lot of these also came from EU/Korean gamers, and I can vouch for the ones I picked in Viable's effectiveness to a large extent - when I play with my team, we try to go against the standard, dull current 'meta game'. In my opinion, the current meta isn't broken, but it can be countered based off situational champions and that is how it should be - more than one viable option for lane set ups.
#2 Comprehensive Solo Top Olaf Guide

#3 Alistar Guide Comprehensive Alistar Guide

Gladly will help out anyone as well. PM me to check out a guide, or anything! Plat player - Top Lane main.
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 2, 2012 5:44am | Report
Temzilla wrote:

I take flat armor seals mid as a mage, how mad are you?

You want a good lane set up?

AP carries beat AD carries, AD carries beat bruisers, and Bruisers beat AP carries.

Send a bruiser mid, send an AP bottom with support, and send a AD carry top.

^^^ GG new meta op ^^^

This actually works REALLY well against most setups. We tried it.

I went cassio bot with a soraka, their Bot lane had NO chance and i got double kills repeatedly since cassiopeia is just so strong from level 3 and on. LvL 6 you can completely zone their AD. My cs sucked though since i'm used to having AD-quints on the bot-lane. Our irelia mid simply stomped their galio sooooo hard. Our vayne top was ****ting on the enemy olaf top.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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