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Helena - Master of the Arena

Creator: Arenor June 27, 2013 6:31am
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Apr 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 25, 2013 1:56pm | Report
I am really doubtful about the balancing on her Q. I would like to compare it with Nunu & Willumps Absolute Zero, as the range is quite similar (the range of your Q is actually 25 bigger in radius).
Now, Nunus ultimate slows by 50% for 3 seconds, channels (can be interrupted), and does a chunk of damage. In exchange, it has a really long cooldown.
Your Q has longer range (600!), a slow reduced by 20% but a buff for allies of 30% (comparable to Command: Dissonance, which has a range of just 250). It is instant (cannot be interrupted) and lasts a whopping 5 seconds on max level (2 seconds longer). ON TOP OF THAT, it cripples enemy ADCs harder than Frozen Heart does, while buffing the own ADC to insanity. This all for a cooldown of mere 11 seconds.
Now, I am asking you - is the 90 seconds higher cooldown on Nunu & Willumps ultimate justified just by high damage that can easily be dodged or CC-interrupted, while lacking ADC crippling and ally-buff power (Not to mention that you still have a gamechanging ultimate ready besides this skill)?

Well, I guess the question is not whether the Q is OP, but which part of it should be nerfed to make it viable.
As for me, I would suggest nerfing the range to 450 (slightly more than Sky Splitter). Besides this, I would set the duration to 3 seconds and nerf the autoattack crippling/buff to a maximum of 20%. This way, you maintain a slow slightly less effective than Sky Splitter, and offer high utility bonuses (30% movespeed is as if everyone in your team had a little Ghost) for your team instead of the damage.

To make up for this lack of range she seems to be suffering from, I would buff the range on her E to 500, which is still lower than autoattack range for short-ranged ADCs like Vayne with 550 for example.
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