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is DFG a good item?

Creator: Trojan995 April 21, 2011 9:32am
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Trojan995's Forum Avatar
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Oct 4th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 9:32am | Report
I hardly see anyone using it, but it builds from a gold stacking item and it gives you another heavy AP nuke.

So, why is it uncommon/bad? Or why isn't it?
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 11:58am | Report
Cause it's an active item and most people don't know how to use that. Numbers? That's so far! I mean like it's literally ~2-3 cm from Q, can't press 1!!

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Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 12:03pm | Report
I put all my actives (including pots) on 3 and 4, except for Wriggles, that goes on 1.

Most people forget to hit their actives and just don't purchase the item because they feel its a waste if they don't use it.
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AnIh's Forum Avatar
Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 12:05pm | Report
it got very low range so its not that good for champion like say lux , better for melee ap champs .
B-Wong's Forum Avatar
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Jun 14th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 12:09pm | Report
AnIh wrote:

it got very low range so its not that good for champion like say lux , better for melee ap champs .

Or AP champs with CC.
(Veigar, Annie, etc.)
BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE HAVING TROUBLE NUKING, REALLY. It's an extra damage boost but you really shouldn't need that extra damage to finish off someone after you've nuked them (considering you're generally going to be well farmed, etc.). It's also a sort of "last resort" when tanks are ripping your team apart because it does %HP damage, if I'm not mistaken. Too bad it still does magic damage so if they've been stacking resistances against you well you're still going to be doing piss all damage.

Bernarnar's Forum Avatar
Mar 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 12:29pm | Report
I adore Deathfire Grasp. Its pretty good CDR and burst active make it awesome.
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Atarios's Forum Avatar
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Sep 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 5:35pm | Report
I love deathfire grasp, i've made it go 100 and killed someone 8)

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EvilDice's Forum Avatar
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Dec 20th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 21, 2011 6:29pm | Report
On Veigar and Sion I use DFG.. Most champions I wouldn't consider it on though. I like it on these guys because its burst synergizes with their skill set very well. Lategame on Veigar my DFG is occasionally hitting as hard as my ult, and since the mechanic is the same as Q and R it isn't really hard to "fit it in" to his combo.

I think it's really if the champion's skillset allows it because if it does, DFG is a great item and its burst potential is vastly under rated.

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DEWO's Forum Avatar
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 1:33am | Report
It is a great item for nukers like Veigar.

Combo champs like Veigar/LeBlanc/Brandt/Annie/(so so) Sion are great for using DFG. You might add Swain there tool.

Any champion that goes for heavy AP and depends on full combos to deal significant damage than moves away for some time is a good DFG carrier.
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Hamduden's Forum Avatar
Aug 9th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 22, 2011 10:24am | Report
DEWO wrote:

It is a great item for nukers like Veigar.

Combo champs like Veigar/LeBlanc/Brandt/Annie/(so so) Sion are great for using DFG. You might add Swain there tool.

Any champion that goes for heavy AP and depends on full combos to deal significant damage than moves away for some time is a good DFG carrier.

I agree with this comment (also prett much everything about B-Wong's and EvilDice's). DEWO's comment pretty much sums up an answer for the topic.

Hamduden // Ezaculatte (EUW)
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