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Jungle Mordekiser?

Creator: Love 5hack May 4, 2016 9:45am
Love 5hack
Love 5hack's Forum Avatar
Apr 10th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 4, 2016 9:45am | Report
Could running Mord at jg be worth doing for the next patch? I figure not but with the new dragons coming you gotta think it's not bad. What do you think about this?
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 4, 2016 11:01am | Report
Certainly not. At least if you intend to play seriously, there are a lot of other junglers who do the job a lot better than him. He is, however, a lot of fun to play in the jungle. Only problem is, he heavily relies on a laner to CC your targets during a gank. His dragons are awesome for sieges, but you need to have great timing, or else you're just wasting the passive.

He can also be easily invaded early on, since he uses HP to cast his skills and has literally 0 escapes, aside from Flash. Again, it is fun to play him in the jungle, but certainly not the OPTIMAL pick for such role.

EDIT: BTW, Mordekaiser does not get different dragons, which seems kinda bland of Riot, considering his unique kit in regards to ghosts. Maybe they'll patch it up.
DBlakes30's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 13, 2016 11:26pm | Report
Last time I played the PBE each dragon had a different ghost for morde, but its been a few weeks since I've had time to play League. If the dragon thing is still on PBE, the air dragon can take towers soooo fast. But Re4XN is correct, Morde doesn't fit well in the jungle. He can be fun, but there are just too many weaknesses. I'm not quite sure where he would be good at in this meta. Hopefully he'll find a place again soon.
Main Jungle
Silver III
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2016 11:33am | Report
DBlakes30 wrote:
Last time I played the PBE each dragon had a different ghost for morde, but its been a few weeks since I've had time to play League. If the dragon thing is still on PBE, the air dragon can take towers soooo fast. But Re4XN is correct, Morde doesn't fit well in the jungle. He can be fun, but there are just too many weaknesses. I'm not quite sure where he would be good at in this meta. Hopefully he'll find a place again soon.

Haven't really noticed any major differences between the drakes' ghosts, the only one is the difference in health among them, most noticeably with the Elder Dragon which has roughly 12k-20k health the first time you kill him.

Aside from that, I think that he has been nerfed to the ground. I mean, his W's passive is pretty useless right now and playing him bot lane right now is suicide, he has zero mobility and absolutely no way to get out of a fight he is committed to. I mean, he can still work and you might pull it off (there's a guy who wrecks *** by only playing Yorick, another one who only plays Urgot), but in terms of meta, I don't think he has a place in the game, unfortunately. He used to be one of my favourite champions, both Mid and Top.
letswinelo's Forum Avatar
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May 18th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2016 4:07pm | Report
I am a master tier jungler and just tried out mord jungle a fair bunch of times. You do have a fairly good clear after the first 2 levels( so at level 3) as you have plenty of aoe to clear the camps. The dragons are also awesome to have however there are some problems with it.

First of all your ganks are very weak due to lack of gap close and cc
Second of all using dragons means you have to walk into a lane and take experience from your lanes while shoving the tower. This can be abused as you do not get an option to farm the jungle or counter gank at that time. Unfortunately these reasons make mord jungle fairly easy to outjungle.

Pm me if you have any further questions I will be happy to assist!

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