you arnt getting SV and warmogs on volibear even though those two items make your passive godly? and youre also giving up more regen masteries too
i get going more offensive but if youre going to get defensive items why not get the ones that work better for your kit
i get going more offensive but if youre going to get defensive items why not get the ones that work better for your kit
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
You get more damage out of 21/9/0, but you get more tankiness out of 9/21/0. I'm assuming you're playing Volibear as a tank (because why would you pick him otherwise), so 9/21/0 is generally better.
Also, you should never get Maw of Malmortius instead of Spirit Visage and Guardian Angel instead of Warmog's Armor. First of all, Spirit Visage is broken on Volibear, and Warmog's Armor is pretty nice as well. Second, you deal more damage with Spirit Visage than with Maw of Malmortius (well, you could compare numbers, but if you get 2 Frenzy s off it's still more damage). Third, Volibear is a tank, so building damage on him is unnecessary, and building HP as a tank makes him deal more damage anyways.
Basically, tankiness = more damage for Volibear. 21/9/0 is still more damage than 9/21/0, but you fulfill the role of tank better if you go 9/21/0.
Also, you should never get Maw of Malmortius instead of Spirit Visage and Guardian Angel instead of Warmog's Armor. First of all, Spirit Visage is broken on Volibear, and Warmog's Armor is pretty nice as well. Second, you deal more damage with Spirit Visage than with Maw of Malmortius (well, you could compare numbers, but if you get 2 Frenzy s off it's still more damage). Third, Volibear is a tank, so building damage on him is unnecessary, and building HP as a tank makes him deal more damage anyways.
Basically, tankiness = more damage for Volibear. 21/9/0 is still more damage than 9/21/0, but you fulfill the role of tank better if you go 9/21/0.
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I thought he meant runes. anyways no Second Wind is too good for voli to pass by
Basically how I play LoL
But Dill, you get damage outta Spirit Visage anyways! More health = more damage = more dead things = more gold = more health = etc.
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Ofc if your team is really squishy mb go full defense but the damage increase from offense really makes his Frenzy (W) so much better. its almost like Garen ulti Etc. I would not buy Spirit visage or Warmogs since i got offense, instead get GA or Hexdrinker.
And items should still be full tank, Randuims, aegis, Sunfire, depending on enemy, team and if you are top or jungle.