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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Avarice Blade

Avarice Blade
Total Price: 800 | Recipe Price: 400 | Sell Price: 320

LoL Item: Avarice Blade
  • 10% Critical Strike Chance

UNIQUE Passive: Avarice: Gain an additional 3 gold every 10 seconds.

Greed: Gain an additional 2 gold every kill.
  • 10% Critical Strike Chance

UNIQUE Passive: Avarice: Gain an additional 3 gold every 10 seconds.

Greed: Gain an additional 2 gold every kill.

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1jamie50 (7) | February 14, 2014 11:09am
UdieR wrote:

You haven't mentioned the gold per kill.

Adding the gold you get per kill will make it the most cost efficient gp item by a margin even with the poorest cs scores. Not to mention the items it builds into!

At the time of his post, that passive for Avarice Blade didn't exist.
UdieR | July 24, 2013 5:27pm
Xaverinho wrote:

So, let's geek this out:...

... 5 Gold / 10 seconds = .5 Gold per second, so it takes 300 seconds, or 5 minutes to pay itself off.

To sum it up: Gold Making parts in items:

Avarice Blade: 25 minutes to pay for itself (5 minutes for the Gold Making part).

You haven't mentioned the gold per kill.

Adding the gold you get per kill will make it the most cost efficient gp item by a margin even with the poorest cs scores. Not to mention the items it builds into!
LocCatPowersDog (1) | February 14, 2013 5:20pm
3 GP/S!!! A BUFF!!! This is a pirates best friend. That and a teammate TF.
ZaoZao (1) | January 21, 2013 11:45pm
I see some out of date comments on this item so i'll just add my two cents here:

This item is great on Gangplank.

Let me list out why:
  • He like more crit chance (His Q can crit, if you didn't know that)
  • It helps him get more money per minion kill (Even more if you have a TF on your team, but that is situational)
  • It can build into two really good late game situation items (Ghostblade, Executioners calling)

You could build it into executioners calling if have a mundo or someone with similar crazy health regen on the enemy team (AP Yi? Hit him once with this and laugh when he W's)
Hunter Drake (1) | November 9, 2012 1:10am
Good for some income. I see Heart or Philo's more often on top laners.
Xaverinho (13) | February 24, 2012 1:50am
So, let's geek this out:

The Brawler's Gloves required for this item give you 8% crit for 400 Gold, or 50 Gold per 1% crit.

Avarice Blade grants you another 4% crit, assuming this crit is as expensive as before, you pay 200 Gold for the Critical Strike chance on this recipe, which leaves 150 Gold for the Gold Making Part of this Item.

5 Gold / 10 seconds = .5 Gold per second, so it takes 300 seconds, or 5 minutes to pay itself off.

To sum it up: Gold Making parts in items:

Kage's Lucky Pick: 25 minutes, 30 seconds to pay for itself (7 minutes, 20 seconds for the Gold Making part).

Heart of Gold: 27 minutes, 30 seconds to pay for itself (5 minutes, 30 seconds for the Gold Making part).

Avarice Blade: 25 minutes to pay for itself (5 minutes for the Gold Making part).

Philosopher's Stone: 26 minutes, 40 seconds to pay for itself (less than nothing for the Gold Making part!!).
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