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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Enchantment: Bloodrazor

Enchantment: Bloodrazor
Total Price: 1625 | Recipe Price: 625 | Sell Price: 0

LoL Item: Enchantment: Bloodrazor
  • 50% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 4% of the target's maximum Health as bonus physical damage (maximum 75 damage vs minions and monsters).
  • 50% Attack Speed

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks deal 4% of the target's maximum Health as bonus physical damage (maximum 75 damage vs minions and monsters).

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AsparWild | August 30, 2020 3:35am
Does Enchantment Bloodrazor get procced by Garen E or Yorick Ghouls?
Katasandra (102) | August 30, 2020 3:45am
Garen E and Yorick Ghouls do not apply on-hit effects, so no, Bloodrazor does not get procced by those abilities.
Vara Satoshi | December 12, 2017 6:05pm
Does this item count as an on-hit effect like Blade of the Ruined King? For example, with guinsoo's rage, it reads "every other attack applies on-hit effects twice," so would that mean I get every other attack to do 8% max health?
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