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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Ghostwalkers

Total Price: 1000 | Recipe Price: 700 | Sell Price: 700

LoL Item: Ghostwalkers
  • 45 Movement Speed

UNIQUE Active: Become ghostly for 6 seconds, ignoring terrain collision. While inside terrain gain 250 bonus movement speed and become untargetable, invisible, and silenced (60 second cooldown). This ability is disabled if you have taken damage in the last 3 seconds.

Ghostwalkers are unaffected by the Predator rune.
Can only be purchased on melee champions.
  • 45 Movement Speed

UNIQUE Active: Become ghostly for 6 seconds, ignoring terrain collision. While inside terrain gain 250 bonus movement speed and become untargetable, invisible, and silenced (60 second cooldown). This ability is disabled if you have taken damage in the last 3 seconds.

Ghostwalkers are unaffected by the Predator rune.
Can only be purchased on melee champions.

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