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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Goredrinker

Total Price: 3200 | Recipe Price: 200 | Sell Price: 2249

LoL Item: Goredrinker
  • 20 Ability Haste
  • 55 Attack Damage
  • 400 Health
  • 8% Omni Vamp

UNIQUE Active: Deal 175% base AD physical damage to enemies in a 450 radius centered around you. Heal for 20% AD (+8% of your missing health) for each enemy champion hit (15 second cooldown; reduced by ability haste).

Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 75 bonus health and 3 ability haste.
  • 20 Ability Haste
  • 55 Attack Damage
  • 400 Health
  • 8% Omni Vamp

UNIQUE Active: Deal 175% base AD physical damage to enemies in a 450 radius centered around you. Heal for 20% AD (+8% of your missing health) for each enemy champion hit (15 second cooldown; reduced by ability haste).

Mythic Passive: Empowers each of your other Legendary items with 75 bonus health and 3 ability haste.

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Radicity | November 11, 2020 7:42pm
What's ability haste?
Unit 322 | November 12, 2020 9:58am
Ability Haste (AH) reduces the cooldown of champ's abilities but with the formula:
(ABC="Ability's Base Cooldown" xD)
or if you wanna know the percentage of reduction
It is the same formula as armor and magic resist.
t.f. | March 15, 2021 7:27am
or (100*AH)/(AH+100)
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