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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Immortal Shieldbow (Masterwork)

Immortal Shieldbow (Masterwork)
Total Price: 3000 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 2100

LoL Item: Immortal Shieldbow (Masterwork)
  • 83.57 Attack Damage
  • 25% Critical Strike Chance

UNIQUE Passive: Upon taking damage that would reduce you below 30% health, gain a 400-700 health shield for 3 seconds.

Can only be forged by Ornn.
  • 83.57 Attack Damage
  • 25% Critical Strike Chance

UNIQUE Passive: Upon taking damage that would reduce you below 30% health, gain a 400-700 health shield for 3 seconds.

Can only be forged by Ornn.

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