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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Quill Coat

Quill Coat
Total Price: 700 | Recipe Price: 75 | Sell Price: 280

LoL Item: Quill Coat
  • 20 Armor

UNIQUE Passive: Sapping Barbs: Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum health over 3 seconds (up to 150). Wearer gains +40 health regeneration per 5 seconds and +30 mana regeneration per 5 seconds when in combat with monsters.

UNIQUE Active: Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
  • 20 Armor

UNIQUE Passive: Sapping Barbs: Attacking monsters lose 5% of their maximum health over 3 seconds (up to 150). Wearer gains +40 health regeneration per 5 seconds and +30 mana regeneration per 5 seconds when in combat with monsters.

UNIQUE Active: Hunter's Ward: Places a Stealth Ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)

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Janitsu (569) | July 3, 2014 11:16am
NicknameMy wrote:

For the reason that it is weaker than Spirit Stone?

Where have you been homie?
NicknameMy (155) | July 3, 2014 11:14am
For the reason that it is weaker than Spirit Stone?
Knightro (54) | July 2, 2014 5:39pm
$20 says this gets nerfed in the next patch.
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